Rewards After Mastery Level 90

That’s a fun idea, but that might actually be the thing that causes people to go out of their way to grind, since they’d feel like they aren’t “complete” until they get those 10 masteries.

Maybe some kind of global masteries that don’t directly impact your commander, like you and your ally getting an extra 1% (or whatever math would round it up to the nearest 1 mineral/gas) of your resource gathering for every point or something. Kind of an actual co-op mastery. Not hugely impactful, but nice to have, and a way to give back to other players once you level up.

In each tier I meant.

Right, but the difference between making masteries a reward and something you can buy like commanders, skins, or whatever else is in the shop is that those aren’t things you can just purchase for cheap if you aren’t a hardcore grinder. More masteries only being attainable through further ascension levels means it’s almost mandatory to grind to reach full potential for effectiveness. Not sure how that would fly.

I don’t know how widely played Sc2 Coop is, but sounds about right. I met a Reddit user who claimed he’s a child from some 3rd world country. He mostly plays free-to-play games on a cell phone that he managed to get, somehow. I had no problems (in principle nor financial side) spending $75 on a f2p game over the course of 5 years (until I quit it in disgust), but I can see his situation. Hell, I played video games growing up, but I wasn’t able to get THAT many games since my parents would only give me so much money.

Right, but now put that into perspective when the guy bringing that up is vehemently against allowing more avenues for people struggling financially to enjoy more game content for free by earning it through playing, while not bring counter proposals to the table.

Meanwhile, using it as ammunition to attack the person who is in favor of it. It’s a nonsensical red herring. You’d think someone that personally interested in that aspect would be constructively thinking of ways to contribute to the conversation instead of being a naysayer and accusing the other person of lacking empathy. :thinking:

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I just noticed.
Not all commander icons exist.
I found Alarak (Cute), Stukov, Fenix, Dehaka and Tychus.
Can we have other icons be made and have them unlocked throughout 100~1000 Level up?

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Some of the commanders need reworks to be interesting at all. They need to add more bonuses into the maps. They could also beef up each commander by adding another prestige and maybe another power set. There are just so many fun things that could be possible with the commanders and the upgrades but it seems most of the upgrades are on the safe side and wind up being kinda boring.
The three I have put time into are Aba, Fenix and, Hon/Horner. The death effects almost always wind up killing you at the worst time and have terrible payout for every commander it seems. Aba’s last prestige to have no limit on your evolution units is so prohibitive that even the busiest map can barely produce enough biomass to get anything interesting. Fenix normal is better than two of his prestiges. Hon and Horner a little more fun to play but very weak. Especially under certain mutators.
I would definitely like to see maybe some more interesting reworks of the commanders in general like possibly adding a unit or two per commander/better mastery upgrades and definitely some more interesting prestiges or just turn up the values of the ones already there. Sometimes I can barely even tell I’m using a different prestige because they either play so similarly or the bonus is barely worth using it so it feels like I’m just playing on normal mode.

I pretty much came up with the commander prestige idea a year before it came out, but my version was a bit different. My idea towards unlocking prestige was to have Ascension levels also work as in game currency. So basically every time you level up your Ascension 25 times you also get 25 coins basically and you could use them to buy a commander prestige and by the time you get to lvl 500 you would have had gotten enough coins to had unlocked everything. I still think my idea would have been a 10x better than what they actually did which was make you lvl commanders to 15 over and over and over again which of course also halts your ascension grinding, my idea was better.

I thought ActiVision is making quite a bit mainly due to Blizzard?

It takes 30% of the time to go through 54 Prestiges, vs. to go from lv90 to lv1,000. Even if the levels are shared, what we have is still quicker.

when I said 25 I was just spiting out a random number, also in my original post I thought each prestige should had been a way more drastic change with new talents, abilities, and heroes, but with only one or two per commander; quality over quantity type idea, with more added later overtime.

Not because of Blizzard. Activision’s big money maker is Call of Duty. Blizzard has been struggling and has suffered a large number of layoffs. Activision has mostly killed the old Blizzard off.

Shadowlands apparently sold decently, but from what I have read it is losing players because they do not update it regularly. I think all of us who play Starcraft 2 know that pain.