Remove unranked

unranked is so stupid, here is a comprehensive list of everything unranked is good for.
1: saving egos
2: smurfing

and the second one is a far more common reason, literally all unranked is is a separate ranked that doesn’t give you a league or anything. and in my opinion it isn’t worth to let people play in unranked so that they don’t feel stressed out, because it allows all sorts of horrible misuse.

Here’s the only counter argument im thinking of:
this argument is stupid, because they aren’t willing to test it out in their own rank because they dont want to ruin their mmr, but they are perfectly willing to ruin someone else’s mmr.

also for the record unranks are mixed in with ranks so if someone hasn’t dont unranked in years and are in masters they can go unranked and play against gold league’s.

and to make matters worse, you loose mmr as if they were someone at your level, so generally from 5-20 mmr.


Or you could just not play unranked. Why is it that if you dont like something it should be removed?


Is there anything you won’t whine about?


your right sorry i forgot to mention that for people who dont know, unranked and ranked play in the same games, meaning i can play against a gm on his unranked mmr.

Yea just remove it and archon mode. It’s just another game-mode that n00bs use.

Well thats not the problem, the problem isnt that noobs use it the problem is that it causes me to play against people 400 mmr above me.

That’s not because of unranked, it is because less than 10 k people play this game. All the casual noobs left years ago, only the skilled players are left. You’re gonna run into a lot of people with mmr 300-400 higher than you no matter what you do.

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since there’s f2p unranked is unneeded u can get accounts. Playing on the lower unranked mmr thsn oned ranked is still smurfing

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no dude im 4.4k and i never get matched against someone over 200 mmr above me(and 200 is really pushing it) unless they are in unranked

you can check if they are in unranked by looking at their match history

if it says they gained mmr for a victory that means its a ranked match.

for some reason sometimes it hides ranked defeat mmr losses.

You know, sometimes people want to play starcraft and play relaxed and not putting in effort and not get their MMR penalized for it.
But oh well, with how much you whine about everything I doubt you understand that concept.


Actually, unranked is a feature that wasn’t present in the original game, and that I believe the players requested. There are some people who, understandably, can get a bit salty in my community. One of them mentioned that it was a good thing unranked didn’t hurt his points/MMR when he faced opponents he thought were using imba strategies, otherwise he would’ve raged.

I recall one of the reasons the devs stated for this mode was to reduce ladder anxiety, to play with less stakes and less pressure.

Having ranked players get/lose points from the same matchmaking than unranked ones however is somewhat more questionable. But that’s that, or longer waiting times. And if you do play in M1-GM, those waiting times can already get quite long. :slight_smile:

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Smurfcraft by definition is quite toxic.
I dislike smurfs. I see many, too many of them, in gold 1v1.

Not only are these diamondeers (or higher) rekting lower league players, but they often have inappropriate names and they say very inappropriate things ingame. They lose nothing by being reported.

You mean just quit the match?

Ranked and unranked players often get matched together. Blizz doesn’t provide separate ladder events for these.

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But, if it is removed, how will I wreck Grandmasters with my bronze league border?

I think that post would be more in its place in the appropriate thread. :wink:

dude are you kidding me?

i already said this in the thread, so your not willing to have your own mmr decrease, but perfectly willing to let someone elses decrease.

yeah because he was talking about alt accounts probably, but people do smurf using unranked.

That’s quite possible that’s he was alluding to, indeed. :thinking:

Yet people do commonly smurf using both ranked and unranked. As long as you freelose, the result is the same.

When somebody plays relaxed, its THEIR MMR that they are risking. Smurfing is another ting altogether, that can be done with or without ranked.

Anyways, just because you don’t approve it doesn’t mean the rest of the world can’t enjoy it…


you are really lucky. the worst I had was ~900 dif and that im ranked. lost 0 and he got +1-3. btw the game showed me how strong terran is. and that as a zerg in ecco and tec you have no chance if you make a mistake. and terran can finish the game relatively early.