Smurfs: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - Q&A

We are much better at being able to tell when someone is in the appropriate league than you are. Marginal increases in things like micro are much more noticeable to us, and we can tell directly after the game whether someone was in the appropriate league or not.

No, this would be the probability of any randomly chosen game being between two smurfs.

You don’t even understand the difference and it would take me way too long to explain the simple basics to you.

** I am not telling you that you are wrong because I have some sort of agenda, I am telling you that you have a very biased and inaccurate estimate of the proportion of smurfs because its true**

Its not by definition a random sample means that any member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen. There are many many populations that you are not going to touch (for example the people in different leagues, players who play at different timezones)

There is no good way to estimate afaik, the only thing i might be able to think of would be to grab the entire ladder statistics if blizzard has that data publicly available.

** This does not mean that we can just use biased methods and just go on pretending that they are good **

You are entitled to your own opinion, but as someone who has coached hundreds of people I highly highly disagree, lower leagued players are ** very ** bad at trying to analyse their own games, so they cannot identify these “small” differences in skill at all.

You are completely in denial here, if you don’t believe me then ask people who have not played in several seasons.

Mate, you literally tried to explain to me how probability works and you were completely wrong in your implementation of it. Do you understand how biased and out of touch that was? Consider, just for a second, that you could actually just be wrong and smurfing isn’t that big of a problem.

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