Regions not showing up for SC2, cannot login

As the title says, please see the image in the first twitter correspondence.
An orange message saying “En error has occurred” pops up and then I cannot select region even though one is selected in the program. All region options are blank.

Restarting, repairing and manually selecting the region have not solved the problem.

Twitter correspondence:

Regions not showing up for SC2, can’t login.
[Screenshot redacted because the Imgur link can’t be included on this forum]
(i.imgur 4NRGww0.png)
EDIT: I have no idea why the following section become very large on the page, it was pasted as plain text.

Any suggestions? I patched just BEFORE this happened.

BlizzardCS: This clear up? Have you tried restarting? ^PJ

Me: Just checked again now and it’s still as it was. :S

Start by repairing your SC2 game client using the Blizzard launcher. You can also select your game region from the Blizzard launcher directly. ^KAL

I just tried a repair and it claimed there were no problems. :S
Manually choosing a server doesn’t seem to do anything. Americas was previously selected and I just swapped it to Asia and had the same problem.

Ok, then please visit the technical support forums for some further assistance with this ^KAL
SC2 Forums

Hi there Foxpocalypse,

The intended functionality is that Starcraft 2 should auto-log you in when you hit Play from the Blizzard app, so if everything is working correctly you should not see that in-game login screen at all. The “error has occurred” pop up sounds like it may be connection related, or there’s an issue with the regions file. Try this:

  1. In the app, select the StarCraft II page
  2. Click the Options drop-down
  3. Select “Show in Folder”
  4. Enter the StarCraft II folder
  5. If you see a “regions” or “regions.xml” file, delete it
  6. Restart StarCraft II
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Thank you, that seems to have fixed it. The file was last modified in 2013, so I guess it only suddenly became a problem in the new patch? I haven’t been playing SC2 for a long time although I occasionally log in to check new features, so I can’t think how it could be from anything I’ve done.

I still notice the screen with an Authentication message. It’s possible this is visible because I am from the SEA region and have two “Characters”, one originally from the SEA server, and I never click “Don’t show this message again” because I always want to be able to select either.
{The merger of the SEA server into the Americas server did not combine achievements, so I wouldn’t want to lose the separate achievements (campaign completion) from that account.}

what’s the fix for starcraft remastered? i’m getting the same issue now all of a sudden but without an error message. I just stopped at the batttle net login screen once I’m in the app. No regions to select eg USEAST, USWEST, etc

Edited by Blizzard - this topic is being locked as this is an old post which was bumped. Please create your own thread or contact support. Please also keep in mind that these are the Starcraft II forums. You will get better help at the Starcraft: Remastered forums.