Redesigning each race

IRL, perhaps. However, for gameplay purposes, it’s not like they die after one headshot. They have 4x the combined shield + hp, while their blades do many times more damage vs. their competition along the same tiers. If nothing else, I’m sure Blizzard just wanted their own “badass melee units”. Bonus that they’re sort of like jedi knights.

Also consider that Terrans were using Firebats for crying out loud!

And the Jedi should use guns more too.

Show me a gun cooler than the freaking lightsaber, then we talk.

The only cool thing about using a lightsaber is your slowly cooling corpse after someone puts a hole in you from across the battlefield.

It deflects stuff. Try deflecting lightsaber with a gunshot.

The lightsaber deflects blasters because they’re both magnetically contained plasma, and the blaster bolt moves slow as hell.

It can’t do squat against kinetic rounds, and it’ll punch right through them before they can even think to block.

Well kinetic rounds aren’t PG-13 so good luck seeing them in Disney movie.

Range is largely negated in a video game when a zealot can kill a marine many times over.

On a related note, give marines shields! They seem to have the technology at this point as well!

They kinda already have them?

Specifically, energy shielding.

So make more Spear of Aduns. :joy:

I would make the terran units better with range/damage and health regen, as if they had a nanogen coating and a built in AI system which makes them better with range/damage. With the nukes, I’d add the options to add certain types of nukes with different costs which does different stuff, or an EMP which when launched explodes at the atmosphere and temporarily disables shields and shield regen and robotic/mechanical units work worse. Additionally, I think there should be more robots and more experimental technology on the battlefield.

For zerg, I’d add the ability for zerg to infest structures, but the infested units which spawn are expensive in minerals and gas, but instead of taking up your supply, it would take up the enemy terrans supply. Also, a way of producing feederlings so you could get free infested units. Also, another faction who are basically many Abathurs, except that they use technology like the Protoss/Terran, so they could use the technology to improve the zerg down to the atomic level like Narud did with Stukov, they’d have their own ways of reproducing, they could control some zerg and would look so scary that feral zerg won’t be hostile to them and terrans/protoss would be reluctant to kill them.


The first come to mind is the Ravager. I dont know but the unit design felt rushed and not much depth was put forth design-wise. I know its supposed to be an evolution of the Roach but there something missing aesthetically.


Void Rays doesnt get me aesthetically. Maybe I am more inclined and got used to the yellow and blue hue of the Protoss. I also have seen the developmental process of the unit with its yellow blue hue but still I doesnt get me. I am thinking its because of the claw in front of the unit.


Not my main race whatsoever but I love the Terran design.