Reality check: Premier tournament win-rates edition

Please actually read before you dig yourself any deeper into this pit. I left the qualifiers in because I knew it would be a tripping point for trolls like you. Surprise! I was right!

Terran vs Terran: 0.494624 (837)

Terran so IMBA that he actually has the advantage against HIMSELF.


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Ah yes, the 0.005 rounding error.

It was funny, you should keep it.

It is possible to have a non 50/50 winrate in TvT in the Korean/Foreigner tabs.

That makes perfect sense, especially the difference of the skillgap anyway.

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Uhhh what? So you intentiionally left the qualifiers in just to allow me to point out that your data is full of games that arent actually premier tournament games but many games involving lower tier players? Great job? I dont get your goal other than trying to mislead people.

So, in reality, you put in the qualifier data to troll me and the rest of the forum. It worked so… congratulations?

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Leave it to toss players to want to dismiss qualifier. well it shows that they win there so why not. And of course they want to, you know. leave out all rounds outside of quarter/semi finals, you know, becuase they win there too.

Thy just want to include the championship games because. they just cant get the job done. despite the signficant help they received and they do what ever they can to discredit it.

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It is impossible for the inclusion of qualifiers to “mislead” people when the result is the same with and without the qualifiers. You are a Grade-F troll.

I double checked the data. Found out you filled it full of games with players that I dont even recognize. Listened to an outlandish claim that “it is the same without the qualifiers” which, in addition to making no sense whatsoever, has not been proven by you whatsoever. You can believe whatever the **** you want but none of the people who actually know what they are talking about on this forum would agree with the following statements:

  1. Players who nobody recognizes who couldnt even make it past the qualifiers represent the highest level of SC2 players competing in Premier SC2 tournaments.

  2. Baseless assertions with no proof that the data from the qualifiers will have zero effect on the final win percentages.

Love the ad hominem attacks though. Especially when ironically combined with calling me a troll. Classy.

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Which isn’t a valid reason for excluding them.

Will read your posts without shaking their heads.


I provided you with a list of every game played in every premier event in a nice spreadsheet. I included the qualifiers in case you wanted them. If you didn’t want them, it’s easy enough to shift-click remove them from the spreadsheet. But now you are saying things like “baseless assertion” and “no proof” which are literally the polar opposite of reality. The way you are acting is extremely childish. How old are you? 10, max? You must be at least 18 years old if you want to be in my threads, kiddo. If you don’t know how to work basic spreadsheet software, this thread IS NOT for you!

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Yeah… “easy enough” when there are literally 4326 rows of data which is not organized in any fashion. Nor does it have formulas to aggregate data and calculate win rates. I would have to generate that all from scratch. If I was better at visual basic and cared enough, I would write a macro and clean up your spreadsheet for you but frankly it isn’t worth my time and I already showed the data for premier tournament results in my previous topic.

And ultimately, it wont change your mind. You are convinced Protoss is over powered. No amount of data or logic is going to convince you otherwise.

Lying isn’t an argument, kiddo. This is literally the most comprehensive, organized compilation of premier games ever compiled by a very large margin.


Will count the number of Zerg victories.


Will count the number of ZvT victories.

Etc, etc.

You are right, because I haven’t made an error here. The win-rates are correct. The only thing you’d be doing is proving yourself wrong, and I do suspect that you would find that to be a waste of time - you aren’t interested in the truth, you are interested in pushing your agenda which the facts simply don’t support.

If it’s so easy why don’t you remove the qualifier data, add the formulas, and repost? —>

That’s how easy it is.

Okay great. Can you repost your spreadsheet with qualifiers removed

And Batz, as biased as I think you are, I will admit you are intelligent. I haven’t programmed since college. I am sure you can program circles around me in VB. What would take you 5 minutes would probably take me hours.

Okay it took me a minute because I couldnt do it with a single formula. What I did was make logic statements in two colums. Either P1 is Z AND P2 is P OR P2 is P and P1 is Z. Then sorted by True in each column to count Zerg and Protoss wins in ZvP or PvZ.

Final tallies are 626 Zerg wins to 540 Toss wins. Total is 53.69% win rate ZvP.

Less than I found of ~55% when I did it about a month earlier but still slightly Z favored.

h ttp://

0.536878 * 100 = 53.6878

But within Blizzard’s tolerance for “balanced”. The analysis you did was as good as it could be, given that it used Liquipedia which is not the most reliable source for statistics, and given it was done by hand. Computer scripts are much better at managing large amounts of data like this. They are faster and less error prone.

Oh ok… sorry I didnt realize you had already crunched the data without qualifiers.

So what do you think about the PvT stat then? Almost 50/50

Even when you look at the Korean vs Korean numbers 51.3% is much better than the ~58% without qualifiers.

I think the numbers show the game is pretty damn balanced at the highest level. Slightly Toss favored PvT and slightly Zerg favored ZvP.

Sorry for misunderstand your earlier post. I thought you were just reposting your original numbers.