Listed below are the win-rates from every game played in every premier event in 2020. For transparency, I have also provided a complete list of every event from which this data has been extracted, and can also provide a list of every game played. If I have missed an event, please kindly point it out and I will add it.
Tournament list:
1. Most premier events are absolutely not representative of the highest skill level. In the Korean vs Foreigner tab below, Koreans have 60-70% win-rates. Any tournament without Koreans cannot be considered to be the highest skill level. This obliterates claims that premier tournaments are the golden standard of balance because many of them are region-locked and thus Koreans can’t participate and are thus not representative of the highest skill level.
2. Every matchup is balanced except for TvP, which corroborates the findings from this thread.
3. The highest skill matches (aka Korean vs Korean) show a 58% win-rate in PvT. If you assume that skill representation is equal amongst the win-rate, and assume that every skill bracket has equal representation in number of games played, this win-rate would suggest that Protoss is overpowered against Terran.
All vs All:
Terran vs Terran: 0.500000 (1402)
Terran vs Protoss: 0.445863 (1958)
Terran vs Zerg: 0.490471 (1784)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.559638 (1987)
Protoss vs Protoss: 0.500000 (2376)
Protoss vs Zerg: 0.472342 (2079)
Zerg vs Terran: 0.518883 (1827)
Zerg vs Protoss: 0.527658 (2079)
Zerg vs Zerg: 0.500000 (1920)
Foreigner vs Foreigner
Terran vs Terran: 0.494624 (837)
Terran vs Protoss: 0.454243 (1202)
Terran vs Zerg: 0.473328 (1181)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.550082 (1218)
Protoss vs Protoss: 0.500000 (1602)
Protoss vs Zerg: 0.483193 (1428)
Zerg vs Terran: 0.532110 (1199)
Zerg vs Protoss: 0.516807 (1428)
Zerg vs Zerg: 0.500000 (1502)
Foreigner vs Korean
Terran vs Terran: 0.443609 (133)
Terran vs Protoss: 0.278912 (147)
Terran vs Zerg: 0.234694 (98)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.357143 (84)
Protoss vs Protoss: 0.336634 (101)
Protoss vs Zerg: 0.298701 (77)
Zerg vs Terran: 0.369048 (168)
Zerg vs Protoss: 0.507463 (134)
Zerg vs Zerg: 0.379310 (87)
Korean vs Foreigner
Terran vs Terran: 0.619565 (92)
Terran vs Protoss: 0.632911 (79)
Terran vs Zerg: 0.638554 (166)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.690476 (126)
Protoss vs Protoss: 0.663366 (101)
Protoss vs Zerg: 0.492537 (134)
Zerg vs Terran: 0.690141 (71)
Zerg vs Protoss: 0.701299 (77)
Zerg vs Zerg: 0.620690 (87)
Korean vs Korean
Terran vs Terran: 0.501247 (401)
Terran vs Protoss: 0.425760 (559)
Terran vs Zerg: 0.506667 (375)
Protoss vs Terran: 0.578761 (565)
Protoss vs Protoss: 0.500000 (572)
Protoss vs Zerg: 0.461364 (440)
Zerg vs Terran: 0.511568 (389)
Zerg vs Protoss: 0.538636 (440)
Zerg vs Zerg: 0.500000 (244)