wake up bro, you aint smart
you’re more like a clown instead
you should stop condescending people
wake up bro, you aint smart
you’re more like a clown instead
you should stop condescending people
This thread is the ultimate proof of the IQ diversity on these forums. We have clowns pouring in by the dozen, classifying a proxy rax build as “macro” and classifying a 3 hatch build as “cheese”.
I have SAT test scores telling me I am a genius, but why do I need that to prove I am smart when I already contrast against the dozens of clowns misclassifying basic SC2 builds? IQ is measured relative to your peers and relative to the dunces in this thread I am a genius of such magnitude the world has never before seen.
This clown couldn’t beat me with a proxy rax when I went four hatch. Any terran worth his salt can kill a 2 hatch build with a proxy rax build that goes unscouted. But alas the people in this thread lack any game knowledge and/or critical thinking skills to make such judgements.
What real life accomplishments do you have that specifically show you’re a genuis, that don’t involve a high school test you take at 17 years old and means virtually nothing?
A better question: what real life accomplishments DON’T I have.
Virtually all of them.
All evidence to the contrary.
It makes life a lot easier if you have reasons to be called a genius, but infinitely harder if you don’t.
Anyone here could be a genius, but really the evidence is what seals the deal.
If I quit my career today and became a janitor, would my intelligence change? Of course not.
However, it’s very convenient for me to prove my intelligence by having invented a chemistry reaction in chemistry graduate school. My work is easy.
Your work on the other hand, is much more challenging. So without any accomplishments that take intelligence, it’s infinitely harder to say you are half as smart as you claim.
Kid you can’t even get top 1% in a video game. How do you think it will be in a real competitive skill market with millions of dollars on the line? Full time forum spammers of battle.net out here giving the world a tour of the mind of a dunce.
People like Serral are big fish in a small pond. $100k tournaments are small prizes for the truly intelligent people in society. Congrats. You won at a video game that basically anyone with 3 IQ could win at if they spent as much time as you did. In fact most intelligent people would figure out an easy game like this in a heartbeat, become bored, and move on. So the fact that SC2 players spam games like their life depends on it is an indication of low IQ.
You can really see it in this thread. Players are calling a 3 hatch build “cheese” and a proxy rax allin as “macro”. How is it even possible to have such a poor understanding of a game that has been out for 11 years and which each and every one of them has played at least 10k games of?
It doesn’t matter because skills you learn in video games won’t help you in “real life” business.My neighbour made hundreds of millions of $$$$ because he surrounded himself with the right people and they tought him how to exploit government programs and what not and he has been doing that for more than 50 years.That,combined with his incredible business sense made him so powerful and rich.In his early years,the Mafia tried to take him out multiple times and they failed.If you said that bs about video games to his face he would be laughing at you.You are clueless,CLUELESS.
Get out of SC2 and these forums.You are far too much invested in trolling and disconnected from reality.
Completely false. SC2 is analogous to real life in hundreds of ways. Please see my disertation here for a few extremely obvious examples:
This sounds like something read out of a tabloid magazine - “Learn the secret ways of millionaires on page 37!”. Stop reading tabloid gossip kid. If you are smart, you can smell the money on another person from a mile away from the way he talks and that alone is enough to know.
Yeah a lot of boomers are extremely low IQ and can’t understand anything technology related at all. AKA they are still mentally living during an age when cars didn’t have A/C and you’d get your shampoo in a glass bottle. Yet soon we will be colonizing Mars. Every person I’ve ever met from that time period was a complete clown on all subjects except maybe civics. Even the greatest mathematical and scientific titans of those days are total clowns compared to ordinary, run of the mill mathematicians/scientists these days. The average IQ is always ever increasing, with each generation leaving the previous one behind in the dust. It’s not the ordinary people increasing the average, it’s the intellectual titans at the tails single-handedly dragging the distribution to the right.
Some people will never accept this, and the boomer generation is filled with exactly those sorts of mentalities. My father used to rail on me all the time about sitting at the computer all day. He didn’t think it was a “real” job. Now I am a multimillionare chugging along. In my lifetime I will hit over a hundred million if I just kick back and rest my feet the rest of my days. But that’s not how I operate. Gotta stack the W’s as high as they can go. Gotta crush the opposition and then move on to take out the bigger fish. Life’s just too boring without warfare and the only kind you get to do nowadays is the economic kind. So if you want to become a GOD, you have to get those dollar bills rolling in nonstop but always ever accelerating. It’s a zero sum game and like pokemon said I gotta catch them all. I gotta get so fat I can’t sit up. I got M’s on my mind:
Here is a simple question for you boss. Do you believe as the Deepmind team believes, that a super AI, which human intelligence could never rival, is going to take over the world? Their AI demolished SC2 and moved on to body-bag protein folding. So are humans going to be able to compete against AI’s in the intellectual sphere?
This thread is basically what happens when the dimwits in high school gang up on that one kid with glasses after he humiliated them one by one in a class debate, so now they make sure to furiously upvote each other to make it seem as if they’re winning the current argument.
Fooling nobody, sadly. Batz is still leagues above the pack of you - both subjectively and literally, as he’s also higher ranked than you despite trying less, as demonstrated by his use of extremely inefficient meme builds.
Flattered that someone put that one together. Thing is that these streamer types only post games where they or their buddies win. If you saw all 5 games I played in that like week or so against Livibee, it would give you a very different impression. That saga was like 2 years ago, when I was just getting back into SC2 properly, nowadays Livibee seethes when she plays me, calling me a maphacker or stream cheater, while I burn so much money and APM into scouting. I even get accused of sniping every game, which I’ll admit I do sometimes, but it’s not an always thing. Neuro is another thing, I think I’m like 2-1 against him as well so him sh1t talking me is pretty funny and I can’t play TvZ for the life of me either.
Yeah, I checked the match history, it was against a brainlet toss player called Maximum, the owner of LTK, and you called it right with the cannon rush.
I’m not proud, this is the first time I’m aware I’ve played against you, because you have a barcode, no?
Dude, when we were talking after the game I even clarified it was 2 rax not 3, this is unironically macro lmfao. For someone boasting about IQ, you really need to learn to count.
anyone that is even remotely intelligent would understand that rap music is for the dim witted and would not subject himself to such heresy. But i dont expect you to understand that. I have a sport car and a lot of money. I’m filthy rich so im very smart. I have a hot girl friend and a lot of knowledge. Here in my garage just bought this new Lamborghini here. Nice to drive in hollywood hills. But you know what’s more valuable than materialistic things? Knowledge.
Even on your worst day at least you can say you’re not as dumb as Lil Dicky:
Rofl. Left wing conspiracy nuts think an actor is somehow smart enough to understand the climate. News flash: even with millions of dollars, thousands of IQ points, super computers, and decades of research their models still can’t predict the weather 2 months in advance. Welcome to the new left wing religion, were celebrities are seers who can peer through space time to see the future which conveniently means you need to donate loads of money to them or you are an evil person who hates the animals and literally wants the Earth to catch fire. Also don’t mind them as they fly around on their private jets to their private islands where they board their private yachts. By the way, capitalism is bad!
Even if Global warming was as bad as portrayed by the media, it begs the question why won’t the " leftist elites" do their part and actually stop abusing the resources? It’s bizarre when Al Gore tells low income Americans to take a bus and not use a car to get to work, while continuing to ride private jets to get a haircut appointment.
I personally don’t think current data is self evident of any conclusions regarding climate change, but I don’t think any leftist elites are going to ever stop abusing resources, so it almost doesn’t matter.
Well you do need boats to import half of Africa in Europe, and that’s way more important than saving the environment. No contradiction on the left’s part here.
I had a couple of uncles,they were rich, if you heard and saw them you would think one would be an average farm laborer and other a shepherd (That one was really loaded,would tell the local bank that he o ly could go to the bank after he took care of his herd and the guys at bank would wait till the night because he was the richest man around that area).I also have other uncles that are not rich but they have plenty of money and all of they are the same,humble people who do not care about money,do not use fancy words, and do not try to sound cool or rich, one of them bought expensive vintage furniture at an antiquary around 200 years old or more and the guy used them casually,he came from work and seated with his dusty clothes on them, he did not care about money at all and would never brag about it.
You might want to visit a psychiatrist.Honestly,i don’t care about reading your mental farts.So excuse me while i pass on your “disertation”
I don’t read tabloid magazines,sorry.This is just a peek into post-communism reality around here.
About your daddy issues,and hatred towards “boomers” …i couldn’t care less.
We all are very envious. Some day I wish I could play at his level.