Real replays from tehbatz

I thought Rogue copied you, but he clearly doesn’t agree with you here. :frowning:

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He is but he doesn’t know something…

Do you recognize this profile :slight_smile: ? It has some very nice replays. Maybe you feel familiar with them.


I just beat an APEtoss by pulling all my drones at the start and attacking across the map. Is that replay listed there?

All of us know how sc2replaystats work, little troll. GG no re for you :stuck_out_tongue: .

Rofl. Trolls got the accounts mixed up. Lower IQ every day.

I have you added on SC2, remember? I double checked your match history.

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Check my match history. Is there a 5 hatch before pool build as the last game? No? OK then.

Yes, that spawning pool is at my natural. Clowns out here thinking they played me, thinking I played seriously. Rofl. The IQ on these forums is too darn low.

Yeah, and you lost the game after 25 minutes against a 4878 MMR player.

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I have no clue what you are talking about. By the way, my last opponent said “I love your style” and the one before that said “keep up the good wor kid.”

Those were the reactions to the drone rush and the 5 hatch before pool build. :salt:

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You’ve gotta get back on ladder or you’ll be kicked out of GM. :frowning:

Again, what are you talking about? I am sitting at 5200 mmr.

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20 charssssssss

4929, ranked 183, last online 45 min ago :stuck_out_tongue: . Better get 83 MMR quickly again or it’s byebye GM for a while.

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Listen kid you can’t see me behind every flippin barcode you run across. I actually play on named accounts for the most part.

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It just blows my mind how screwed a terran can be yet can still be in the game. He lost at the 7 minute mark. He’s 5300 but you know that’s 100% carried by balance. No way he’d be this high if terran didn’t gift it to him. He was lower apm and had worse spending too (by a huge margin). Usually zergs float more because they have bigger eco’s and need to bank for tech switches. This guy was floating 900 minerals as an AVERAGE unspent resources. I was at 500. How do people like this even get into GM? Oh wait it’s because you get +300 mmr automatically by picking terran and by picking zerg you automatically get -300 for a net total difference of 600 mmr. Thanks, balance team.

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I love how the trolls went silent the moment I posted a screenshot with a blue portrait border. Rofl. The gears are turning.

ruh roh
whats the matter scoob
portrait have blue border
you’re right scoob it can’t be him

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I have 18 accounts LMAO, what does that prove. You already admitted the person on my friends list is you, and when I added you it even said “tehbatz.” You’re on a lot of copium right now.

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What is there to cope about? I am up here smashing gm’s with troll builds while at a massive balance disadvantage. You’re spamming vanilla terran on repeat like a robot for the past decade. That indicates a severe learning disorder.

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I’m just happy tehbatz found a friend. :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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That even when you didn’t “troll” you were completely blasted by my very smart and hot 4500 friend.

Actually, when LotV came out I stopped enjoying playing the game competitively until 2019, where I just smurfed drunk in low masters and just played teams with some friends. I also try my best to innovate builds and styles, I occasionally pull a Playa where I come up with openings that pros end up using a year or so later.

Apparently we’re not even friends on SC2. :frowning: Maybe one day he’ll get one.