Raynor, Kerrigan & Artanis became lvl 5

Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis, are all lvl 5 once again for me as well. It looks like they still have the prestige categories I already unlocked. They were level 15 at least on February 7th, the latest co-op replay i have available. I am unsure when this data flip-flopped. I noticed that when I first load the game there is unusual lag connecting to the BNet servers, and then the “connecting to Blizzard Services” dialog box shows up telling me the game is awaing a response from the Blizzard Services - and that the service may be temporarily unavailable or my internet connection may be down - which I checked, I am online! This disappears within 3 seconds and i am connected, it shows all my achievements and progress for the campaigns. Swann, Vorazun, Karax, and Stukov are all still level 15 and the other free to play are all capped at 5 as i expect them to be. Kagara is unaffected but i never got her past level 5. Level 83 Co-Op :slight_smile: - I tried the “Scan and Repair” option from the BNet desktop app but it tells me everything is fine.

Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis, are all lvl 5 once again for me as well. It looks like they still have the prestige categories I already unlocked. They were level 15 at least on February 7th, the latest co-op replay i have available. I am unsure when this data flip-flopped. I noticed that when I first load the game there is unusual lag connecting to the BNet servers, and then the “connecting to Blizzard Services” dialog box shows up telling me the game is awaing a response from the Blizzard Services - and that the service may be temporarily unavailable or my internet connection may be down - which I checked, I am online! This disappears within 3 seconds and i am connected, it shows all my achievements and progress for the campaigns. I tried the “Scan and Repair” option from the BNet desktop app but it tells me everything is fine. Swann, Vorazun, Karax, and Stukov are all still level 15. the other free to play but must pay are all capped at 5 as i expect them to be. Kagara is unaffected but i never got her past level 5. Level 83 Co-Op.

Buenos dias, hace unos dias tuve el problema que los personajes cooperativos estan todos LvL 5, y no pueden subir aun cuando ya los tengo con prestigio 89, el prestigio todavia se puede visualizar pero no sirve de nada por que estoy nivel 5 con todos mis personajes que hasta hace poco eran 15, quisiera saber si hay solución para este problema por parte de la compañia, por que ya probe de todo por mi parte, como borrar el cache y desinstalar e instalar el juego, pero nada funciono. T_T

Having the same issue.

Just as a reminder:

I had my Artanis at about level 7 from the last time I had played, and ss of recently he was locked at level 5, and even after playing a mission it said he was xp capped. I own all of the campaign dlc as well, and checked yesterday at about 7pm and my level was still locked at 5.

I have the same problem.

Same problem here… when is it going to get fixed?

Same happened to me. Raynor and Artanis went to level 5. I played with one of them to see if lvls up and after the game I had the message CAPPED (above the circle with lvl number). I changed to another commander and when I returned to Artanis, CAPPED msg had disappeared.

I am having the same problem.
I had Raynor, Kerrigan & Artanis passed level 15 and they went back to level 5 with capped experience.
Please let us know of any progress.

Я не понимаю, что случилось… В ночь с 23.03.2022 на 24.03.2022 - все начальные командиры были сброшены до 5 левла и ограничены на нем же. Даже кнопки “приобрести” - нет. Беда-бедой… Надеюсь, это решится

This happened to me, too. The state: All commanders lvled up to 15, all P2 unlocked.
I actevated P3 on Raynor (demoting him to lvl1). Lvled him to lvl 2, disconnected. The next day I connected and Kerrigan and Raynor was suddenly lvl 5 (before 15).

I had the same problem with artanis. Yesterday lv 15, today lv 5 blocked, and it asked me to buy. please help

Та-же проблема 3 основных героя сбросили уровень до 5-го

ja bei mir sind auch alle 3 auf lvl 5 mit max erfahrung bitte schnell wieder auf den unrsprung zurücksetzen

I know this is a bit of an old feed with it being 2024 now but this same thing just happened to me. My Raynor and Artanis are now back down to level 5 each out of nowhere. As I googled it, it seems to have happened quite a few times over the years. Anyone else having this problem?

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me too, im in asia but im playing in the america server. i have all campaigns plus nova. raynor, kerrigan and artanis are capped at 5 but my other commanders are untouched. restarting the game did not work.

I just got the same issue today. That’s sad.
I’m not sure how to contact support team

Hey all,

This is a bug on Bliz’s side that occasionally pops up that Bliz needs to fix on their end. For this current occurrence, Bliz is aware and is looking into it. You can follow this thread if any updates are made.

Note: Bliz is aware that the fix attempt mentioned earlier in the linked thread below didn’t work.

Same sh8 happened to me…Devs please fix this bug. My max level Raynor, Kerrigan and Artanis became level 5. and its been a week.