Hi Leviathan. I just passed the M3 mmr threshold yesterday but did not get promoted. I see a lot of other D1 players experiencing the same issue. Can players who have rightfully earned a spot in M3 over the last week or so expect to see those promotions when the issue is resolved?
So far I haven’t heard anything about this recent issue with the rankings. If I do, I’ll link them here.
Thank you, Leviathan!
Thanks Leviathan, appreciate it!
Well, contrary from all the above i did not get up in the ladder but jumped down from diamond 3 to… Bronze 3 but i still get to play against diamond so it’s quite alright but hurts me to see that bronze thingy on my portrait and not seeing my ranks moving even after winning 5 games in a row is quite awfull too
this still is a bug. I hope Leviathan is still reading this and communicates with the dev team.
I’m hoping for a fix on 1st April 2021.
Well, I have the same problem. At the beginning of the season, I played one qualifying match and was determined to the Gold-3 league. The I was inactive for a long time. But I’ve just played 2 games (I’ve won 2 times) and have got the Diamond-3 league. WITH 2658 MMR. Blizzard, please, can you fix it?
Please Leviathan, we need you once again!
Same problem, came back to the game after years and got placed in Masters on 2 different accounts, I was Plat back then…
Good thing at least is that I get actually matched with people of similar MMR. Shows a notification of a possible demotion coming.
Hey Guy’s,
Same problem tonight while I was playing unranked section. Wrong placements leagues and my teams members is like in lala land don’t do anything. I’ll see what’s the new season is good or bad again. But Blizzard must fix this problem.
Walter Chow
This is still happening, I am just trying to get back into the game. Was BRONZE 3 at the last season. Just played my ranking match and was placed in Masters 3. I get there might be demotions eventually and what not, but do I want to get my teeth kicked in for a couple weeks just to get the right league? How hard is it to code ‘If placement match = win, then last season league +1, else Last season league -1, min Bronze 3’ in what ever code language they are using?
This is the kind of ‘bug’ that drives players away, where did the Blizzard of old go? I miss them so much.
Hello, I am having the same problem. I was ranked silver in 2v2 with a friend last season and we find ourselves master 3 without having the level. When will this bug be fixed?
We tested with another account by abandoning the 5 ranking matches and we also find ourselves Master 3
Merci par avance @Leviathan
Bonjour, j’ai le même problème. J’ai été classé argent en 2v2 avec un ami la saison dernière et on se retrouve maître 3 sans avoir le niveau. Quand ce bug sera-t-il corrigé ?
Nous avons testé avec un autre compte en abandonnant les
5 matchs de classement et nous nous retrouvons également Master 3 Merci par avance @Leviathan
It’s happening again on this season. Will this ever ever be fixed?
Hey Guy’s,
I thought I was crazy huh. Nope probably not. I heard they are walking out on Wednesday for a strike in California at there headquarters. We should support them.
Walter Chow.
Seriously? This is crazy.
Hi there.
I have casually been hovering around low diamond (~3.4k MMR) for years. I played my 5 placements the other day and got placed Master 3. I thought it was because I beat a few diamond level players in my placement matches, but then my little brother, who has 2.3k MMR played his placement matches and also got Master 3… Looks like this bug has not been fixed yet.
Hi, I am playing on EU servers and sitting at 2.99k mmr right now. At first I got placed in Bronze 1 with 2.6k mmr now I got promoted to Silver 1. From what I know 3k mmr is around Plat 2. Would appreciate if this got fixed, thx!
Hello, on Eu serwer i got 2359 mmr on zerg and got placed in masters 3. And I,m playing protoss as main race.
Yes, the same thing happened to me, After a moderalely successful season in Silver, I got booted to Master, despite still basically being a noob. I even tried to repeadetly leave the league and concede the match. So now I will propably end up in Bronze when it gets fixed
GM advised me to put it on forums, but I see that many people have this problem.