Ranked wrong? new player

my friend is brand new on starcraft 2, he played 5 placements games, 1 win 4 lose, and got ranked Master? with 1800 mmr… can you fix that and put him bronze, thats what hes asking me on discord.



I have the same problem, the following issues:

  • Protoss was Silver 1 and now I am Platinum 3 with 2403 MMR (I’ve won my 1st game)
  • Terran: I am Master 3 with 2021 MMR (I’ve won my 1st game)
  • Zerg: I am Master 3 with 1777 MMR (I’ve lost my 1st game!)
  • Random: I am Master 3 with 2116 MMR (I’ve won my 1st game)
  • 2v2 was Gold 3 and now we are Bronze 2 with 2625 MMR (We’ve won in our 1st game)

Of course I have the warning sign of demotion with all of my races/game types.

I need help also… I hope that this issue will be solved soon.

Hey folks,

There is indeed an issue with the MMR boundaries that should be getting fixed up in the next week or so.

I was master 3 and then it put me into dia 1 wtf?
yes I am demoted but I was master 3

In fact, it was too easy to be master the two previous seasons :slight_smile:
At my best, i was at 5k MMR like in 2017, and i was a middle Master 2. Last Season, 4k9 was enought to be Master 1.

Whereever blizzard decide to cutoff the leagues, i wish this cutoff stay very stable season after season.


Thanks for responding to this and fixing this, it’s appreciated.
Do you have any information on the new master mmr? it seems they went up like 150-200 mmr, which, to be honest is fine, though i’ll lose my m2 :smiley:

I don’t, sorry! What I linked up above was just a Bliz post from the General Discussion forum that I figured would be helpful here.

im fine in dia 1 but this is bs you cant put some one at dia 1 when they are in master 3 league

Exept GM and M1, i think everyone should be demote and play another placement match. :slight_smile:

Here in 2021, same thing is still happening. I just jumped from Silver 2 to Gold 3 on protoss with only 2k mmr



I have the same problem as Vystyk, but instead of Silver 2 to Gold 3, but one key difference. I’M A TERRIBLE PROTOSS PLAYER IN MASTER 3!!! BLIZZARD! REALLY!?? This needs to get fixed now. For real. Now. It feels dishonest, having that stunning frame without actually the correct skill. If there’s a way to upvote this, do it or be a cheese-only player (they are retarded!)


Hey Gang,

It’s been going on for 2 years for me with my Accountant for Blizzard. The AI always mismatched me with other players anyway when playing.

Walter Chow

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Same thing happened to me - placed in Master 3 Protoss when I probably should be in Platinum! Ooph. Please help!


Same issue. Am probably Bronze/Silver and was very quickly ranked up to Masters. Don’t care for this and is making me not want to continue playing.

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Hey Guy’s,

Yea I was playing teams again and still having big issues. I lost 3 rounds and 1 wins. The other times and I’ve lost 7 times and 5 wins. Fix,Fix,Fix.

Walter Chow

This is almost certainly not related. Your MMR is correct, and AFAIK that’s what the matchmaking system uses to attempt to make evenly matched games. This thread is talking about a bug where players with MMR that is far too low for masters 3 are being placed in masters 3.

Losing three games and winning one is totally normal, and complaining about losing seven and winning five is pretty :rofl:.

Matchmaking doesn’t care what arbitrary league you are currently placed in, only about player’s MMR.

Hey Gang,

I think of retiring of the end of the season cause my team members doesn’t do anything in team ups today. Too much matchmaking wrong way. I’m playing unranked.

Walter Chow

I am also having this issue.
Seeing Master 3, when my MMR is roughly Silver 2.

If matchmaking matches based on MMR, then I’m thankful that portion works.
However it does feel odd to me that, what seems to be a fairly simple UI bug, has continued to be a problem for nearly a year. Providing the user with correct UI data and visuals is a pretty low bar to meet.

There is a component in the profile view that does actually show my appropriate Silver 2 placement. So it would seem this “Master League | Tier #” might not actually be for my league placement. I’m not quite sure what to make of it.

I’m also only getting like +2 MMR per win because of the Master tier 3 rank bug…

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I do understand that, it just feels like cheating to have that GLORIOUS frame for my icon. I’m no master (at anything rly) and just want Blizz to remove the frame. I guess I was just overreacting lol.