Question for poortosses

The “top” GM players also lists “Spirit” as rank #1 worldwide. Cherry picking isn’t a valid argument.

Kelthar is the person behind Sentry/NaughtyElf etc. I can smell the canuck on his posts from a thousand miles away. If you listen to enough Canadian pod-casters you will notice the speech patterns that are common from Canadians and it becomes blatantly obvious when one is posting online. The particular guy you are talking to is nuts. My advice is to simply block him. It’s literally impossible to have any reasonable conversation with that guy.

Here’s a good example of Canadian speech patterns:

Also, don’t trust any of the figures this guy lists in his video as he seems to be confused on the difference between stiffness and tensile strength.

Someone doesn’t watch GSL lol. Protoss is UP, been this way for a long time

A Protoss won the last GSL by massing gateway units and F2+aclicking.

No. A protoss won a GSL 8 months ago, the first in 5 years. Quite evidently a statistical anomaly. In addition, Hero reinvented the PvZ matchup to get there, which is not “mass gateway units and A-Move.” But the problem is Terran, as Maru won the last GSL, his 5th. Actually, there is more Terran winners of the GSL than of the other 2 races combined.

The sample size is way too low to establish that it’s a statistical anomaly. You are boiling your entire analysis of balance down to a mere 7 game series between 2 players. The variance of a single match outcome absolutely does not support your assertion that it’s a statistical anomaly. If you performed that experiment a hundred times with a variety of players, you might have a point. But, 7 games? That’s the definition of statistical irrelevance.

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Are you ignoring that i meant that the only win in 5 whole years is likely a anomaly ? You think i meant the match between them ? Wow. No, i meant protoss won a single GSL for 5 years. The explanation is not “protoss players just suck”. If protoss are OP, how are they not the perennial champions of the best league in the world ?

Nope, my entire post was, from top to bottom, to hard-counter that exact claim. Your claim is simply wrong. The finals of a single tournament has zero statistical validity. If you had 100 of them, and you analyzed more than just the finals, then that might reach statistical significance. The data you are citing does not come even remotely close to that threshold.

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Its a fallacy. I said new or inexperienced. Doesnt Matter how much you Play Something since its much more important that you get a gain Out of It. And its Not Like the small differences outweigh the huge differences in Race selection. No one Cares about 1% difference. The difference in Race selection is 10% for terran compared to zerg.

How can you Not See that more people will Pick terran when they are new or inexperienced? Do you honestly think people will Pick Up every Race equally Often but then switch to terran because its so cool ? Because that terran is the Most popular Race is a fact btw. Im glad you cant refute that. The Idea that silver League terrans have anything to do with Balance or how hard the Race is is Just so stupid. My god. Why are some terrans so pathetic ?

They may have, 12 years ago. They now played longer and are more experienced.

Right. And Terran players just magically gain less from it, because you said so.

Yeah, whiners like that idiot Showtime and Crank, etc.

I’m pathetic while you cast dispersions hiding behind your little screen (we both are, but we also both know I’d say the exact same things to your weak little face).

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I dont think you will answer since you dodged every time but : why is that there is only one protoss to win GSl in 15 seasons ?

You know what they call bronze and silver league players? Casuals. Because thats what they are. No one cares that there are more terran casuals.

You know what a casual player does? They play more games than “dedicated players.” Because that makes sense.

Your cognitive dissonance regarding the facts don’t change the facts.

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Dedicated players arent silver. Doesnt really matter how much games you play if you dont know what you are doing its pretty meaningless. Same with apm btw.

And the you start with the strawman arguments. I never said Terran Silver players would be boosted to Masters, or even Platinum. A Silver 1 Player might make Gold 3, etc. But you cling to the clusters, but statistics always contain clusters. Always. What matters is averages.

No metric will mean anything to you, so long as it hints that Terran is more difficult.

Again, you claimed TVZ was Zerg favored. Please list some proof for that claim? Why are you so weak that you can’t even admit that you had zero basis for said claim?

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Because there is nothing that actually hints that way.

i havent said that either. im just stating that terran players league every league. they have so many top pros and doing fine in literally every league. using the average mmr for terran is such a dumb thing to do because its meaningless because race selection is not random. the average mmr of terran gets dragged down because they freaking make up near 50% in low leagues. like anyone would care like anyone would actually think that has anything to do with balance.

But that’s the clear implication.

Using anything is then meaningless. Zerg could win 100% of Premiers and you could use the same tired defense.

Right, because a player base playing more and playing for longer, consistently, for 12 years, and despite said activity earns remarkably less across multiple years hints at “nothing.”

Wow you’ll really do anything to dodge this question, won’t you?

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Thats Not an indication. Im Not saying terran must be overpowered or anything Like that. If you are saying terran Player has by far the lowest mmr it Sounds Like you are trying to say that they struggle to advance. But thats Not the Case. They basically lead every League and have a fair representation at pro Level. The only Thing that is funny looking and therefore down the average mmr is that terran floods lower Leagues. Which is basically meaningless. Again: No one thinks that near 50 percent in silver or gold means anything. The way those Guys Play doesnt even remotely resemble Something that can be called StarCraft. Lifting those noobs Up would Shift everything Else too. Buff the marine a Bit and See how the pro Level Changes :smiley:

Those are 2 different Statements No? I mean its Not my fault that it doesnt Matter what the average Shows If the selection is No way Equal. There are good reasons why people Pick terran rather than zerg. You are the only Guy i know that insists that the Race selection is random and protoss or zerg Players simply get better Results because the Race is easier.

And again; im Not saying everything is meaningless but Putting all eggs in one basket is a pretty dumb Thing to do If the foundation is this wobbly.

Using silver League Players to determine Balance is Just Not the correct Thing to do

The implication was that Silver players should be ignored entirely. That’s what you do, you conveniently ignore data points that don’t support your initial conclusion.

Truth is, you don’t ignore just Silver (it’s the largest data point, but you have to simply ignore everything below Platinum)

Honestly? What’s more likely? That every single race which plays differently is the exact same difficulty? Or that maybe, just maybe, 36% of the population isn’t less skilled just because some random idiot on the forums says they are.

Keep in mind, I’m not actually arguing with you, you mind has been made up.

“If you can dodge a question, you can dodge a ball.”
-Patches O’Hoolihan


The whole Problem is that you actually dont understand anything at all. I never Said ALL terrans are less skilled. Not one of my Statements is saying Something about ALL terrans. Its Always a Relation. Meaning how Likely is it that 3% of terrans are more Casual than the average. And its a pretty logical Statement because of the mere exposure effect. Terran is Most popular for a reason and despite Them “struggeling” they dont Switch the race as often. Because you know what ? Why should a silver League Player Switch to for example zerg, a Race Which is very unfamiliar and plays completly different. If you struggle with the straight Forward Attitude of Terran you will struggle with zerg even more :smiley: thats pretty obvious

Im Not ignoring them. Im giving you the obvious reasons why everyone thinks they flood silver. And its nothing wrong with it.

Same for you i guess. Except No one actually agrees with you because your Point is completly useless. Basing Balance complains on silver League Distribution… smh. The thing is im actually Open minded and Interested in discussions but you simply arent. But who Cares. You are on your Last Straw. If you Need the Help of silver League terrans for your complaint then it actually doesnt Matter at all and you are already defeated.