Master 1 EU losing protoss 800 mmr under me, such a balanced, fun and well designed matchup.
I just loss a game cause my opponent came and warped 10 zealot into my main.
That is a problem with the WP design, not all of Protoss.
Also please share some replays.
Won’t share any replay its useless, the Protoss troll patrol is saying the matchup is ok anyway.
It would be cool if high level Protoss players would just talk to Blizz saying Protoss is still bullsh*t since LOTV came out. But most of them just like the garbage design which allow them to collect freewins since they are lacking skill and would drop 500 mmr or more playing zerg or terran.
A guy is 6.2k on EU doing only photon rush, another one is around 6k with 90 apm playing macro games.
At the highest level of play the game is balanced when Protoss doesn’t win anything.
The race has the lowest skillcap in the game and is very badly designed.
Master EU leaves the Main unprotected… I am a Silver 4 Protosss and when played a Bronze 5 Terran and tried to send the WP in his main, he had a Viking patrolling and a WM in random location inside his Main…I lost the Prism and two Motherships and the Mothership-Core.
I lost to this Bronze 5 Terran that had 1200 less MMR than me.
His nickname is Genius.
And he can win with 60 apm against EU Grandmaster Terran.
I’ve lost against his build so many times that I just stopped playing the game at all. Too frustrating.
What he does is go gate-Nexus - and then boosts zealot and then boosts Stalker. Zealot goes to your natural and don’t let you build a CC at low ground by attacking the SCV that is building it, and ignoring the Reaper when there are an SCV near the CC. In fact it takes so long to kill this zealot with Reaper that your CC will be super delayed AND you will have no scouting information that you were supposed to get with Reaper.
AND on top of that by the time you finally kill Zealot his second Stalker will be at your natural and will deny you building a Bunker, the Stalker that you can’t kill with your 4 marines and 1 reaper that you’ll have at this point of the game.
By that point of the game you can leave because Protoss already have stupid economical advantage over you that you will never be able to close. He is on 2 bases and taking the third and you are on one, your natural canceled and you have no army. Genius indeed.
If you ignore the Zealot and just go to Protoss base with your Reaper you won’t achieve anything either since Stalker is boosted it will be made by about the time your Reaper starts harassing the probes so you’ll get 1 or if you are lucky 2 probe kills and that’s it.
Genius is the second account of MaxPax where he is doing troll-builds with sub 100APM in order to win a bet.
The bet is that it is possible in less than 10 minutes to bring down people high in APM and low on IQ doing stupid builds that normally fail on Platinum.
Best part about that build is, is that it is allin without being allin! Such genius, cunning, and skill!
We already get daily Terran Whine threads though…
Masters level Terran players might realize that they can’t afford to just leave units in a location to intercept a drop that might or might not be coming.
Look, your race is DOMINATING right now and it’s not because 15 of your top players all started playing better all at once…
I know you and Batz would love to imagine that every win you get microing Zealots (yeah, I’ve actuslly heard you two use THAT moronic phrase) is somehow a function of uour amazing skill, but that’s not reality.
Sounds like you’ve been carried by terran for a very long time and are finally waking up to what true sc2 is. Sure, PvT is Protoss favored but that should make it your favorite matchup since SC2 is all about being a challenging problem to solve. Besides, balance doesn’t cause your issues - balance maybe favors protoss by 50 mmr - so if you are losing to protoss 800 mmr lower than you then that’s a problem with you.
I mean, ZvP is 43% in Code S meanwhile here I am in grandmaster:
Maxpax is a GM in EU server. His cheeses are impossible to stop if you don’t see it coming.
Defending when counterattacking is a very common strategy in high level play. You didn’t scouted his WP coming nor having a raven and vikings to stop prism/oracle that is your failing strategy, not the imbalance of those units that killed your economy.
If you are matched with this “one build wonder”, can’t you just build your 2nd CC in your main and float it?
Blizzard updates/changes aspects if each race from time to time to keep the meta shifting and fresh. This is a great thing they do for us that comes with the unfortunate consequences of things sometimes not being well balanced and abuse happens.
Some of the same people complaining would be happy to abuse something available and call it just fine. The fact is with a shifting meta your going to have period from time to time something goes out of wack.
That’s why popular card games has cards restricted or banned. They tried something new and it broke.
Do you want to be remembered as the person kicking, screaming and stomping for change like a little kid?
The problem isn’t the few that stated how they felt and backed off. The people that ruined the TVP talk were the constant whiners. I play Zerg bro and I hate the TvP topic. That’s how much it’s spammed.
Cheese playing is the equivalent to a certain degree to bluffing in poker (when both players have the same amount on many on the table and in the Bank and in movable/imovable assets). Now i hope you won’t tell me that bluffing is wrong…
Those russian players are simply smart (and much smarter than their opponents) and that’s why deserve to win.
It’s such a poetic justice to remind terrans (that gloated when we lost the MSC) that they should use actual units and supply to defend.
Those people richly deserve to have dragged their faces to the same slime they threw at Protoss!
I’m enjoing it so much…
Except they are not OP, they are very lethal all-ins but when countered those builds/attacks are extremely suicidal against a decent counter build (response) that are very different to common meta openings. It is just that defending these cheese are close to impossible if you don’t scout it coming.
If you scv scout you will immediately spot that he has no gate in his base before you build the cc. It is why terrans scv scout these days.
If you don’t scv scout a 14 proxy 3 gate is going to kill you anyway.
Well, if the opponent defended a dt rush with minimal losses the protoss is pretty much dead as he will be far behind. 550 gas for 4dt is 2~3 minutes of tech. You can also hit the opponent with 5 minute battlecruiser it is essentially the same thing.
Every cheese are this. The cheeses will only work against unprepared opponent who were not aware of its existence or respond poorly to it.
Wow, maybe i disagree in 95% of Starcraft with this guy, but when it’s about Politics and Geopolitics we are on the same page…
Making CC on main means loosing quite a lot of mining time and one scv worth of cc production.
That delays your 2 base push. In modern TvP you HAVE to deal critical damage with it, so every second counts.
And its not the only build of course. For example you can be going for 4 hellion drop while your Protoss opponent blindly making a Stargate… that hard counters your hellion drop play.
Or you could be going for 3 Rax timing push, while your opponent is going for quick Chargelot-only 3 Nexus build that hard counters your build.
The thing is you can’t adjust your build on the scouting information because when you as a Terran commit to the build you don’t have a chance to scout what Protoss will do yet. And since you have to deal a lot of damage with this your attack - or you will loose instantly - you have to commit 100% to this attack.
This I believe is what makes TvP so frustrating to play: you can make not a single mistake and still loose the game because it just happened by bad luck that your opponent plays something that totally counters your play.
Are you kidding, it is not problem with warprism design. Was warprism problem in hots. Before you starting saying range is broken. Yes it’s kinda op, lifting dts from distance and let terran waste scans. It is to op, if terran doesn’t open raven, it is pretty strong. But main problem is economy, he is able to afford extra 30 chargelots, because he will have faster natural than terran and than fully saturated third, when terrans just finished, this is main issue. Anyone else is less issue, people are saying storms are op, or zealots. True zealot buff is pretty strong, but it wouldn’t be such an issue, if protoss didn’t get extra 30 chargelots thanks to third nexus. What these monkey devs need to address is protoss economy. You shouldn’t start with free chronoboost per nexus. Also mule needs to be reverted how it was. Now if mule die with minerals you lose even more and you also need mule right patches, because you f2ck upo your mineral line since less min per pathces. While zerg and protoss macro mechanic got easier, protoss would lose some economy due to multitasking and human error, 25 energy chrono is harder to execute, also protoss had to manually transford their gates, so it is even easier to multitask now… They will eventually fix it maybe, PROBLEM IT WILL BE 2020/2021, so it doesn’t matter, by than, they will create more balance isssues than fix as always. I say let RANDOM GM PLAYER BALANCE THE GAME
I just saw what MarineLord and HeroMarine wrote each other during wcs challenger group B
Ah ah ah ah ah ah