Purchased stim-pak, but not gaining levels

Heyo. I purchased a 30 day stimpack and noticed that I’m no longer gaining any mastery levels. I’ve “leveled” somewhere around 3 to 5 times, but have been stuck at 195. Could I get a refund on the stimpack since it’s not working?


I am also stuck at 459 on the asian server even though i played like a gajillion games since the patch.

For the moment I advise you go on a different Server and try there to get all other commanders to lvl 15.
Oh and I discussed this before with BLizzard. You do not purchase the stim pack. It whas just a gift for buying Mengsk Commander and announcer together.

Stimpack is THE reason for buying the bundle; who gives a rat’s butt about the announcer honestly??? It’s not even on par with the others after trying it, sounds like a moron talking from a loudspeaker in some superstore… every day the stim gets wasted is a SCAM on top of a SCAM (since we’re losing both regular and bonus exp). Only a JERK who’s balls have been cut off and crushed would accept the “gift” description of the stim pack… I FREAKING PAID FOR IT, AND I’M GETTING RIPPED OFF!!! THIS is what’s happening because of INCOMPETENCE and STUPIDITY… COOP is THE main cash cow when it comes to starcraft 2, and they are stuffing themselves with f***ing turkey while thousands of people around the world are swearing their product off… nice way to handle the xmas shopping season AND your (NO LONGER) loyal customer base!!!


Dude. It’s just pointless experience.

Good luck with proving that. I am telling you only what I have been told that you did not bought the Stim Pack but got it only for free with Announcer and Commander so you not get scamed because you still have access to Mengsk as a Commander and as an Announcer. Btw there are people like me who buy the announcer for having a better CO-OP experience because it is except for Zagara Kerrigan, Abuthur and Stukov just a namesless normal but with announcer the commander talking.

Well if you have mastery 90+ on every server it is true. Beneath that you get sooner more power.

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You MAY have a point IF:

a) that was the only problem with the last patch (it’s not)

b) we’d be hearing something from blizz telling us how sorry they are for the bug(s), that it’s being addressed in a competetnt and professional manner, and that they’ll make up for it (meaning EXTRA stimpacks duration for all the affected)

c) if leveling was just a cosmetic factor to show off; IT’S NOT, getting mastery points 1-90 CHANGES your gaming experience TOTALLY, allowing to customize your commanders’ capabilities and playing on more difficult mutators ecc ecc

SO the ONLY thing that’s pointless is BALLESSLY defending the authors of this mess… they have NO excuses (especially for not answering to the community) and sure as hell they don’t need to be defended by random nerds!!!

Y’all got scammed hopefully they refund stimpacks. Even better, compensate everyone because many of us are suffering from a level block.

I like the announcer…but I’m hoping they give a free stimpack due to the delay.

I have an odd feeling everyone is going to have a big “oh!” moment when this is fixed and everyone jumps up some dozen levels, I know i will.

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You or Blizzard can call it whatever you guys would like. However, I’m guessing dollars to donuts, if it weren’t for the XP boosts, much fewer people would bother buying the Warchest and CO bundles.

EXACTLY. That’s EXACTLY the point. And maybe Mensk announcer is NOT so bad after all, but when you blunder sooo much and fix only half the problemS (capital S), and go on radio silence because of a freaking holiday (which is when people play THE MOST!!!), one starts to find flaws that normally would get a pass… Blizzard KNOWS at least 20% of warchests sell only because of coop stimpack, and when it comes to coop bundles, that % skyrockets to 100%… especially now that there are 18 commanders + other announcers, who cares about having one more??? The announcer is the REAL semi-worthless GIFT; new commander PLUS stimpack is the reason I pay for the bundle!!! Whoever doesn’t understand or pretends not to understand this is just an idiot…

People where originally pissed because they used the Stimpack as an excuse to let you pay even more for a bundle of Announcer and Commander as seperate. Originally the bundle whas CO+AN for 7,49€ instead of 9,98€ seperate.

Well, from my perspective, I don’t care about the announcers. For me, it’s like I’m paying $5 for the CO, and another $5 for the Stimpack.