Protoss op Blizzard wont stop nerfing zerg and buffing protoss

We need scourge more than ever right now Zerg is weak as fc1k and if u dont play perfectly u suck with zerg, in other hand with protoss u can comit hundred of mistakes and still win. Terran is a little bit strong in ZvT right now but at least terrans need skills and hability to play with not like protoss that is a broken ez race.


as a zerg fan - PvZ is zerg favored.


Nah matchups are mostly fine now, they should just figure out how to make PvZ late game more dynamic, as it stands it is a little sluggish.

Zerg win tournaments because it have the best pro players simple as that, the fact that zerg is still winning despise 100000000000000 eternal nerfs patches from blizzard its incredible. Lets be honest here, Blizzard dont care about balance they just want the community happy and doesnt matter if current protoss players community are noobs and lack of skills, Blizzard will buff them until they autowin any tournament so people can be happy again.

Blizzard doesnt care about balance Protoss is favorite right now and probably in 1 year or 2 when Blizzard decide to nerf toss and make them balanced again they will be the eternal losers they are x2

(I copy past my last comment)

Im m2 zerg and I say Protoss is OP and broken really friendly for kids of 10 years old to use

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Balance does not matter in M2, so I could not care less about your rank. Match ups are fine. move along.


So you want to exclude posters that do not agree with your BS and have all the field to yourself.
How convenient.

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? nah i want noobs who dont want to talk about balance leave the thread like that last moron everyone else can try to explain me how zerg is still Op and how protoss are not a broken race

A race that has the strongest economy and the fastest ability to remax should not have Fast-Flying 3 Supply units send to their death 12-14 Supply of enemy units.
A Zerg that trades 1:1 or more ith P/T is by definition imba.
Forget the BS-sophistry of BatZ and his ilk.
Zerg with DarkArchon technology is an aberration.


a wild adept appears

wow !!! where its the zerg economy ? jez

Zerg have no strong units in late we have no options and any battle we fight its always inefficient, as zerg we need to be perfect at macro we need to constant scout and we need to memorize all the protoss-terran build orders to know what is coming, as protoss for example u dont need to scout or to use your brain just drop any unit u want and it will work. In fact, as protoss u dont need to take a 3 expansion u can get into GM easily with pure cannon rush and 2 base all in LMAO

I think Zerg has the same issue that terran had years ago. maru winning everything but on the ladder getting beat up. but no one said anything becuase hey tournament wins. But terran has been heavily nerfed to nerf maru and a few others.

Well thats what is happening to zerg they are getting nerfed to nerf serral and a few otther. albeit zergs are having a little more than success than terrans had at the time. however, they have to nerf serral from winning all the time.

protoss on ther other hand are really really strong on the ladder. however they can’t win any significant tournament so they keep getting buff after buff. despite what is happening on the ladder. The are simply wrecking the ladder however, since toss top pro players are not as talented as other top pro players they are getting buffs. I think they are unwarranted… but we got to get toss that win. ladder be doomed.

And there lies the difference. zerg/terrans wasnt neccesarily dominating the ladder but was nerfed because of being top heavy.
Toss on the other hand is dominating the ladder yet are getting buffs because they can’t win anything. Toss may not be top heaviy but 99% of them are doing quite well.


*as someone who doesnt play but like zerg

Zerg isn’t weak. KoB was just a bad tournament for them, although it could be a small indication that maybe the new pool isn’t as bad as Terran whiners were saying last week.


So when 50 lings slip by a zealot in a 1x1 wall, it’s still easy win for Protoss. But when a Protoss kills half of Zerg’s economy, it’s not easy for Zergs to be like ‘drone printer go brrrrr’ man… Get out of here with this comedy


??? add 1 battery and u stop any rush/all in zerg can do moron without needing scout

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


guys snizy is clearly a troll.

not saying you’re wrong (my gut says you’re right) but I’m not sure it’s very accurate to say that ‘no one said anything’ lol I seem to remember quite a lot of ‘if you don’t play like maru terran sucks’ whine. And even people defending AAM saying that terran needs lategame splash. Or that proxy rax is the only way terran can get wins.

Unfortunately I don’t think there’s any way to check what you’re saying because blizzard doesn’t give ladder stats and no one will ever agree on a metric for pro balance. And with the korean scene collapsing at the end of 2016 and region lock skewing tournaments heavily… I’m not even sure there is a stat to measure pro balance anymore.

Not true, baneling bust and proxy hatch in your wall can still easily kill you. At least cripple you. Lings run by into main and wreck economy and possibly also production.

And those are just the early ones. Early Lair → Nydus Ling Queen Flood is extremely deadly in particular. You only need one gas and it looks like a normal macro build as if you are just going mineral heavy and macroing up. The only way to scout it is to try to get an adept into the main to see the lair. And even IF you succeed, its still going to be hard to hold especially since that adept probably died without doing much.

yup if u are d3 probably bane burst would work and vs proxy hatch just add 2 more batterys wow protoss is really hard to play :frowning: