Protoss op Blizzard wont stop nerfing zerg and buffing protoss

Flattery will get me to nod my head in agreement when otherwise I wouldn’t.

If p have 2 sentry even ff can buy time but not solve bane bust needs unit who kill the banes

No, you dont get it. You arent necessarily even letting the proxy hatch finish. When the lings get there, cancel the hatch and the lings get in. Focus down the pylon and/or run and target workers. Keep flooding in lings until they die. It doesnt matter if you finish the hatch.

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Here is the simple truth. The Zerg got nerfed to oblivion thanks to pro players. The game depends a lot on pro matches to make the game interesting for viewers. The thing is that while making the game balanced for top 1% everyone under that category is heavily unfavored against the other two races because of the way the races are being played.(APM/EPM Importance for the different races) I lost 200 MMR with the latest Zerg nerfs as well.

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Any attempt to adapt like protoss? If old way not work change it

Protoss: Dominates Grandmaster for 2 years straight; zerg sees lowest GM representation EVER recorded.

Forum troll pretending to be a zerg player: ZeRg Is FaVoReD aGaInSt PrOtOsS

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retard alert lmao youre clearly very dumb