Protoss is difficult

The best example was the attemp to changing the stalker, same damage, different rate of fire. With lower rate of fire they could move and do the full amount of damage, with current rate of fire they lose damage if they move the same distance. Lower rate of fire was seen as imbalanced by most of the playerbase.

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My post did not claim it was in this thread specifically :slight_smile:

Ok, so you took that post out of context.

It should be noted that thread was specifically focused on trying to directly kite Scourge with Void Rays with only a small speed difference between the two units; not trying to avoid slower Queens over a much longer distance with a much longer period of time to build up a lead.
It was also assumed in that post that Zerg would use Corruptor+Scourge mixes; where the Void Rays would get whittled down and destroyed during any attempt to kite.

Going back to the DPS point mentioned earlier:
The “kiting” Void Rays in the video (Imgur: The magic of the Internet) were typically attacking at around 1/3 of their potential DPS (only 1 attack per second in most cases).

Kiting itself reduces the Void Ray’s DPS by a minimum of 25% (assuming the Void Rays didn’t need extra time to accelerate back up to speed for some reason), since the attack point (delay) is triggered before every stop and increases the unit’s effective cooldown by 33.4%.

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Terrans whined in new oceans when blizzard actually made the stalker scary and not just a glass cannon for 1 week.

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Protoss is by far the easiest race in sc2, they designed protoss for noobs with low APM that can’t multi task, in WOL protoss use to take more skill, in WOL there was no silly units or MSC shield batteries, etc.

Protoss is the race that low skill normal players and pros choose, Terran is the race that the best high level skilled players play because it is the most difficult to play and zerg is somewhere in the middle.

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So You are a skilled high Level Player with Your 3k Terran and zerg?..oh my dear.

Worst thing is You might actually believe in what You are saying.

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Sure, after that last patch dozens of pros switched races. /s

Why do you say stuff like that after all this years, do you think we don’t know that many pros choose their races long back in the time and that selection was mostly unrelated to balance because patches were plentiful and balance volatile?, and not considering that for most of the years Z was the most popular race and most powerful amongst foreigners because it was the easier race, if you wanted to beat a KR player and played Z you had a way bigger chance to beat them.

On the other hand, saying that high skilled players choose to play T means that race is good as long as you are good, so losing with T is basically admitting that the gameplay level was not good enoug.


It’s a disgrace that the worm that spews such BS has that portrait…

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Thats indeed disgusting. This man stood up against this ugly thinking of zerg and Terran Players are always so Good and protoss is always so op. And this guy has his portrait. Absolutely disgusting.


Balance determines who enters tournaments. Idraling and Semper recently switched to Protoss then we have people like Trigger, Mcanning and Disk making the best runs of their careers. That’s just the NA scene, the same can be said for EU.

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Incontrol would have agreed, P OP, there is a reason the name is so close to :poop:

Cannon rushes are a free win, it’s just a strategical win rather than a tactical one, and most people are used to brainlessly spamming the same build order without giving it an ounce of thought, which is why cannon rushes are so powerful vs them. I have a near 100% win-rate vs printf and other NA cannon rushers, and I’ve beaten PartinG’s proxy cannon rush into proxy robo immortal, while going 3 hatch before pool.

3 hatch is actually a better counter than your standard hatch gas pool. You let the natural finish since the creep severely impedes his ability to build cannons. You pump slow lings and make 4 spines and a queen in your main the moment your spawning pool finishes. The moment the queen finishes you place a creep tumor. With the extra larva from 3 hatch, his inability to place cannons due to creep, it becomes quite simple to pump an unusual number of slow lings, surround his first immortal and then kill all his buildings using spines.

If that somehow doesn’t work you can always transfer drones to the third, take a fourth, and abandon the nat/main. All his cannons etc are in your natural so they really don’t help to siege the third.

Cannon rushes and proxy robo are a great example of how SC2 is a low IQ game that relies on mainly split second reactions, accurate clicking and the ability to multitask. Strategy is only a very minor element in the game (maybe 5% maximum). That’s how people with ZERO strategic understanding can’t defend very basic 1 base Protoss allins. They rely on winning longer games which emphasize multitasking and APM more than any other factor. Multitasking and APM are basically irrelevant in cannon rush scenarios. It’s all about decision making and most people suck at that so they think cannon rushes are OP.

Blizzard’s choice to change the focus of SC2 games from 1-3 base plays to 4-7 base plays basically destroyed the strategy of the game, since the sheer amount of stuff to manage causes an overwhelming emphasis on pure multitasking skills. SC2 is not an RTS game any longer. It’s maybe 5% strategy. It’s a multitasking and endurance game aka “EAM”.

Since SC2 is an EAM game and not a strategy game is why the forums are filled with so many utterly brainless troglodytes. If this game emphasized strategy these people would have quit it long ago instead it was the strategically oriented people who abandoned it back in 2015. So that’s why the SC2 community has a tremendous concentration of 80-100 iq people. It’s a game that doesn’t stress intelligence but rather APM spam and the low IQ people of planet Earth absolutely love that.

The reason SC2 popularity has plummeted is because it’s catered towards the low end of the bell curve, meaning the vast majority of people (of average or superior intelligence) think the game is too easy. When you design a game around 80iq individuals, you’re going to alienate 75-90% of your playerbase which is exactly what happened.

I used to be a 6k mmr Grandmaster in WoL and it took 4+ hours a day, memorization of every single build in the meta and how to scout it plus two or three counters to each build you might run into, and even then I felt like I knew nothing about the game and could barely maintain my rank.

Nowadays I can spam completely random build orders, after having not played for months, and get promoted into GM and even make it into the top 100. This game is dead, the talent is gone, and people crying about CANNON RUSHES OF ALL THINGS shows how brainless the SC2 population is. Cannon rushes have been around and figured out since 2010, people, and now you have ravagers and a dozen other tools to deal with them. Time to grow a flippin brian.

the Apetos fanboys do not understand one thing, we do exaggerate when saying that you can play blind toss, since they are of lower iq they take words too literally and are unable to think of the point… unless you explain it to them word by word like a child.

Yes it takes effort for toss to expand, upgrade and produce an upgraded army and to do it right.
But if Terran does the same right, somehow Terran is the losing one nearly all the time.
So with evenly skilled it is much harder for Terran even if both are doing the same level of macro.

The ability of toss to make cheap early build order wins is unmatched. Terran had few but they are now nerfed.

oooh, cooool! which one were you? I’m guessing that VTAvilo guy?

I agree. I think that protoss is probably the easiest race to learn, understand and grasp when you are new, but as people get more skilled, it does take some thought to understand what to do later. Full disclosure. I am silver in 1v1 and plat 2 in 4v4. Speaking mainly based on my experience fighting protoss builds as zerg.

yeahhh no. Protoss is by far the easiest race in the game and it should be nerfed hard. Zealots, storm and especially disruptors need to be nerfed.

Protoss absolutely HAVE to rely on cheese openings or else they just get DOMINATED late game. People who do not play protoss don’t realize how bad their units are which is why EVERY game at high levels involves skytoss.

Zerg Lurkers just tear through protoss like nothing, you seriously can’t even storm them from afar since Lurkers have a better range.

Terran just have to EMP the army and it’s over. Early widow mines in the worker line = GG.

Seriously stop saying Protoss is OP and learn to play against them. If you can counter their early cheese the game is over for them, they have absolutely NOTHING.


That’s inaccurate to say the least. Protoss have had the highest late game win-rates going back to at least 2018. They do this from a lower base count, access to fewer resources, and from lower supply counts. Protoss late game is bonkers overpowered, the statistics prove it beyond doubt.

woooww no response, such bm…

FYI I played random at that point in time. Hopefully that narrows it down. I didn’t see my name on the list. By the way, I am going to be following up my pro level Elo analysis with a ladder one. Using the match history of a player and their current rank, you can regress their individual matchup rankings. I will take a random sampling of players at each skill level, regressing their matchup rankings from their match history. From there I can regress ladder-wide performance trends for each race in each matchup. Playa and other ladder hero protoss are going to have an aneurysm.