Protoss is difficult

He LITERALLY shows you the game measuring his APM in his score screen in the video and you say he’s full of it? That’s… just… a hardcore level of denial.

He had 163 apm in his second last game. That is exactly what’s been argued…

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I know logic isn’t your strong suit but if you’re claiming Zergs are being promoted faster you’d have to show proof, but none exists. Winrates for Zerg are lower than other races.

Noobs play Terran because it’s the tutorial race. Just accept it, you’re not special and never have been.

And I have you blocked so I rarely see your replies.

Protoss is too difficult!!! Even A moving is too hard!!!


Imagine thinking that the race that can do things like this is the “LeSs MoBiLe RaCe”:

Reality check: Protoss is

AND more mobile.


B-b-b-but void rays can’t kite cause they have a beam attack! Or at least that’s what gold players on this forum would have you believe…


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What’s this?,GOMTV for ants?

Nice scout and reaction time btw.

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Bruh free hatch there

The margins are so small as to be entirely random.

What “noobs” are coming to this 11 year old game? Please tell me.

Never said I am, just that I play the hardest race and that I’M BETTER THAN YOU (which is why we have a standing record of 4-1).

Yeah, because you got your little feelings hurt after you thought you beat me (which, oddly, proved to you that Terran is easy) one time, taunted me months on end, then I proceeded to make you my girlfriend for the next 4 games (which, oddly, proved to you that Terran is easy) …

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You must trolling Babanoobyaga! Do you even play this game or you just throwing random trash on forums? Platium Toss has apm about 80+/-, and going 80% for sky, no matter what is on the map! But there are plenty HIGH GM in range of 150-200. And kingcobra, maxpax etc are in GM with low APM, because they are cheesy players, 90% of theyr game were only cheese, cuz Toss relying on cheesing or on BS

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…just add SoS in the middle and you are OK.

You need some education in statistics and probability, just because the average Plat APM is 80, that does not mean that there are not APM-abusers with 300APM and also players with 50APM.
Human longevity is as average 70-80 Years but that does not preclude people that live 125 Years and scores that do not live beyond the first year after birth…

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It’s literally the best you can do. You need all your queens to fight or you lose half your queens AND the hatchery. You have to position them in the middle between your third/main and you still can’t be in position for either scenario. I showed both scenarios because clowns like you say the zerg was out of position. The zerg was in position and that is literally the best a zerg can do in that scenario considering the Protoss can hit either the main or the third.

When the best you can do is lose a base or 5 overlords the game is imbalanced.

By the way, this game was off the back of a game where the Protoss lost all but 12 of his probes vs the zergs 24 drones. So this is actually an extremely usual game where the Protoss is massively behind at the start.

Protoss is absurdly broken.

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No, they just typically lose a lot more DPS than most other units while doing it based on how fast their attack actually is.

No, the “best” you can do would at least involve scouting further out with Zerglings, Creep Tumors, etc so that you know where the Void Rays are headed beforehand. If you actually do that then you will have more time to respond.

Those videos themselves also show that Zerg can hold off Void Rays with a significantly smaller (lower cost/supply) force; which is a fairly good advantage in its own right.

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As does literally any other unit provided you don’t kite properly… Voids can kite and are frequently doing so at the highest levels of play, end of story.

LUL, this dense GM-Zerg don’t get it.
A unit that fires continuously drops DPS to 0 when kites (for the duration of kite), whereas a unit that fires once in a second (take Stalker or any unit like Hydra/Roach) can kite for 0.99 sec without loss of DPS and then stop/hold and fire, retaining in the process all the native DPS.
Whereas Void loses that DPS during 0.99 sec.
Same thing is valid for all units with high-speed attack like Marines.

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Terranicll, i guess you have encountered a novel kind of moron in those forums.
Be patient and go on.

Void ray attack cooldown: 0.36 s

Marine attack cooldown: 0.61 (-0.203) s

The point apparently flew over your head:
Yes units with fast attacks can still kite provided they have very short attack delays (the delay between acquiring the target and firing when the unit is not on cooldown) and they don’t have problems accelerating between shots, but those units will still lose relatively more DPS than units with slower attacks (but equivalent attack delays) when they do so.

This is because even the slightest differences in time between when the attack comes off cooldown and when the unit actually stops and tries to attack will be amplified by the unit’s need to stop more frequently.

To use a simple example:

  • Unit A has an attack cooldown of 0.714 seconds.
  • Unit B has an attack cooldown of 0.41 seconds.
  • The player’s timing is off by at most 0.06 seconds, which is a very small margin of error.

If the player stops late:

  • Unit A will lose up to 7.75% of its DPS when the player is kiting with that unit: 0.06/(0.714 + .06) ~= 0.0775 = 7.75%.
  • Unit B will lose up to 12.766% of its DPS when the player is kiting with that unit. 0.06/(0.41 + 0.06) ~= 0.12766 = 12.766%.

If the player stops early:

  • Unit A will lose up to 8.4% of its movement to the early stops: 0.06 / 0.714 ~= 0.084 = 8.4%.
  • Unit B will lose up to 14.63% of its movement to the early stops: 0.06/.41 ~= 0.1463 = 14.63%.
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No I understand the point exactly, you claimed voids can’t kite, you are wrong as evidenced by playing and the imgur link in this thread.

No, you put that up as a strawman. No one actually made that claim in this thread.