Protoss have been babied by overpowered defensive mechanics

I can actually beat protoss as terran how does it feel im better at terran then you. Feels bad. I dont need to B*tch about wanting warp prism nerfed

Yes, and it is even more complicated than that. Warp-in dynamics is currently balanced and functions as balancer of other aspects of the game.
At 10-20 supply level the races behave quite differently than 150 Supply deathballs.
One whineterran whined that he had to dedicate 10 Supply to the defense of his base (equivalent of 3 Carrier DPS and comparable with 5 Zealots or 3 Stalkers or 1.5 Carriers on the Protoss-side). Zergs have Creep that gives speed-bonus to all ground. So, protos that is generally the least mobile race (mobility is the speed of the slower unit) was compensated partly with the Warp-in dynamics.
Just like pure-Mech that is even less mobile than a typical protoss army (having immense DPS, HP, Range but absolutely the slower mobility due to Siege/Unsiege slow animation)…

Now, touching onto those delicate balances the MoronTeam is moving like a Bull in a China-Shop. They hurry to try to “fix” some imaginary problems and in the proces create several real ones.
Just looking the attention that the WP has gained to zerg players youll will notice trends in the way they are fighting it.
People (Pro’s) are dedicating 3 Ravagers that detach from the main army and one-shoting the WP in emitter mode in one triple-bile more and more.

MoronTeam could have increased by 0.5 sec the animation of Mode-Switch (causing Prism to take 1 more second to transform), could have made Prism in Emitter-Mode vulnerable to ground instead of only air.
But no, they had to touch the fundamentals of which i am afraid they have only an obscure idea of how SC2 works.
I’m afaraid that the core of BW/SC2 creators is gone and this second or third generation of hirelings has not even understood of how their own game works…
Somebody on the Caster Community (Artosis?) said that if this atrocity will pass this is even greate than the removal of the MSC.
But the irony was that MSC was removed and was compensated with SB, Stalker/Collo change, Recall change and other buffs…
What we have here? A Carrier/Infestor minuscule change that does not change in the least the late-game PvZ and a 80% buff of EMP combined with a buff of Steem timing…
If the MoronTeam was so concerned about the Steem-snipe they could have buffed the HP-pool of the structure instead of creating more problems for P and Z.
It is a farse, get the popcorn an watch the show of how they embarrass themselves…

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still there is the FACT that even 11 sec warpins still save the time it takes units protoss makes to cross the map from toss base to enemy, also the prism speed upgrade re-eneables the faster warpins so that tech isn’t lost completly, it is hidden behind a paywall,

not to mention that toss up until the 4 minute mark has 1 or 2 more probes than zerg due to nerfed inject, which is the second inject making drones to keep up in a hgp against a gateway expand build when neither player disruptss the other that is, so getting that robobay and the upgrade isn’t that far out of the questioso there is a choice for toss to make if he prefers faster warpins via prism or focus on 3rd and get that upgrade afterwards, also adding more robos to utilize the established tech for colossi or disruptors


Sorry, but id does not work like that. For years in early-mid game pushes are supported by the WP and the loss of the unit usually spells disaster for the Protoss push (retreat or get-destroyed).
A certain ability is not only important to have somewhere in the mid-game, but when you have it.
You know how time will be needed now to warp-morph Archons for an Archon-Drop? Even with the 4 sec warp Pro-Players are bringing Oracles to babysitt the warp-morph process…
Now think about that with the 11 sec warp…
A lot of people here naively think that having upgraded the WP in mid-game everything is OK.
To those guys i tell: How about you begin the game with 2 Drones/SCV and by the 5 minute i will give you for free 10 free Drones/SCV?
No harm done…

as if the warpprism is totally removed from the game alltogether and can only be made when robobay is on the field … did i mention the forward gateway yet? or the poor mans version, just a forward pylon? i mean you save some gas that way since you don’t have to invest into a robofacility

and yeah that was never done in sc2 at all right?

sure making those dt at home in fast warpinzone and make archons there is out of the question since you have to use the warpprism because it has the name in it

sure warpgate pushes will be weaker due to higher warpin time but that also afffects pvp and strengthens the defenders advantage which the current wp warpintime simply negates to much in early game

and those oracles are useless afterwards, the can’t do anything after protecting the archons right?

okay juggling archons from warpprism and microing oracles aganst antiair at the same time is out of the question for mere mortals and i doubt most pros can make that happen relyable often, but while the archons binds the attention the oracles will gather energy and be as an alternative to kill some workers and force more antiair which binds more economy into defensive stuff, opening some other venues of attack

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Now you have your curiosity satiated. I told ya that Trisomy 21 (that you know better than me having a formal medical education) is hopeless…
If the patient would link his mug-shot in his profile the Diagnostics of Dr. Goba would be more precise…

You have it wrong.

Protoss starts out stronger than Terran in the early game. Terran only gains an advantage after a certain number of Factory /Starport units are out, or after Stimpacks are completed. The problem here is that people tend to split the game into (early-game, mid-game, and late-game) when there are actually a lot more stages than that; and the early-game for TvP is arguably split into at least 2 phases (the first favors Protoss, the second slightly favors Terran, and then Protoss is usually favored again).

StartCraft has always been that way, since early SC1. It is because both Barracks and Factory units need a critical mass to trade against Protoss, and because Stimpacks makes up an insane difference in Bio’s strength (50% extra strength/33% of total strength in SC2, 100% extra strength/50% of total strength in SC1).

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Stalker don’t need Blink to trade against Bio. Period.

Barracks and Factory units do not out-trade Stalkers until Stimpacks are done, or the Factory units hit critical mass.

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Concussive Shell Marauders.

Wut? Protoss has always had early game map control in tvp because stalkers out kite marines.


Edit: Actually the roomba cyclone and pre-nerf Mag-field accelarator cyclone had interrupted that interaction for several years. After the cyclone change protoss rediscovered what without a strong early game cyclone they could bully terran in the early game with stalkers again.


You Terran noobs should learn counters before you start b***hing about Protoss.

Stalker counter is THE MARAUDER, not a Marine.

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nah marine should counter everything, from templar to ultralisk u noob op protoss

Probably we are noobs but you don’t understand the game for sure.
HTF do we get a marauder in time for the cyber before nexus stalker pressure without renouncing at the nat at 20 supplies?


Are sure about that?

Pylon 18s
Gateway 46s
cyber 36s
Stalker/Adept 30s | boosted Stalker/Adept: 15.3s

Standard build time: 130 / Chrono build time: 115.3

Supply Depot 21s
Barracks 46s
Tech Lab 18s
Marauder 21s

Marauder build time 106s

As you see even excluding travel time, Marauder is 9.3s faster than Stalker.


Only if Terran go Reaper before Lab, Marauder will be 22,7s slower than the FIRST Stalker. O to give you perspective on medium maps it takes Stalker around 15s to get to your base.

Problem with your theorethical counter is: If anything but stalker comes out of that gate? Terran dies. Marauders are trash when dealing with anything Protoss thats not Collosi or Stalker.


Yeah, Terran opens tanks every game to deal with Stalkers because Marauders are so good at preventing harass…


And you didn’t put the seconds needed to put down the natural, second supply depot, refinery, factory, all things you want to get out before the add on of the rax. Because you know, it’s not like you get the marauder, you win the game; no you need to follow your build order because you have a plan in mind.
It’s incredible how people in this forum do not understand a f$%^ of what they say.


I should warn you that one is a notorious troll. He does this all the time and then when you finally pin him down he throws a fit. Frankly he is everything wrong with this community. Hyper biased spouting false information while somehow being condescending.


Name one gateway unit that Marauder doesn’t counter or kill. O but exclude Zealot.

Zealot is a counter to Marauder but needs to start before or after Core starts to be relevant. Those it’s easy to scout and counter it.