Protoss have been babied by overpowered defensive mechanics

Protoss players are whining heavily about the prism nerf and perhaps it is too heavy handed.

I just dont know if i can take people seriously who are so spoiled for defensive mechanics though.

Fastest anti air flyer capable of catching any medivac or prism.

Blink stalkers - capable of jumping to snipe drops.

Observers hands down one of the best vision tools in the game regarding drops.

Oracle - revelation no brainer.

Feedback - instant denial of drops.

4 second warp ins if youre out of position.

And if all else fails and you were completely out of position ? Recall.

Is the prism nerf too much? Maybe.
Just consider this when protoss tell you to build a missle turret or leave units in your main to stop prisms lol.

They have 10 get out of jail free cards regarding drops themselves.


Dont forget about Canons+Batteries. No air no ground harrass possible and healing in rate of 50,4 shield per second :joy: must be joke


This response doesnt enter their brain unless its mutalisks and theyve been caught with their pants down with no pheonix or stargates.

Otherwise they make 5 pheonix and trade super cost efficiently with one of the hardest unit counters in the game.

If protoss didnt have their racial advantages to deal with drops they would lose their minds lol


Anyway, protoss wouldn’t need such dedicated defensive mechanics if terran and zerg didn’t have such ridiculous offensive power. Our units simply cannot trade blows with terran units, or keep up with zerg units, until our higher tech units come out, but to get to that point we need to survive. Thus, the shield battery.


I beg to differ. Your tier 3 literally runs over anything Terran. Protoss splash needs toned down, then gateway can be given some love.


Beg all you want. PvT has always, ALWAYS been a game of “lets survive whatever absurd early game nonsense the terran has this month until our actually combat capable units come online.” except in very recent months. You want to talk about being babied? This is the first time in years that terran hasn’t automatically been handed map control in the early game, and you guys have absolutely no clue what to do.


Did you not read what data Blizzard gathered from the pros in the community update? Direct combat strength of Protoss is very strong. When you have a lategame vs Terran as good as Protosses you have to have bad early game units.that is just the way it is. You cant be a godat all stages, even blizzard stated that in their design philosophy.


I did, in fact. Shockingly enough, that’s not actually what they said.

In other words, the concern is that terrans feel they have to win before protoss get to their end game tech. Plot twist, terran has the advantage early game! Blizzard even says as much. “While tank timing-pushes feel strong”

And since terran players struggle to understand this concept, im going to spell it out for you explicitly. Every game has an early game. Not every game has a late game. So terran is STILL the one in control of the outcome of the matchup, whether it be ending the game or screwing up enough to let protoss get to their turn.


So if I have the advantage early game, why are stalkers parading through my natural?


Because youre bad? If youre actually looking for help, post some replays and get some other terrans to tell you what youre doing wrong. “stalkers in my natural” could mean anything from an off-meta build you didn’t expect to “I forgot protoss can leave their base before they finish a tech tree and didn’t prepare.”


This is why Protoss is getting nerfed. You guys are in denial about your own races advantages. Thankfully Blizzard makes the decisions. If it were up to you, buffed gateway units + insane lategame splash would be your every game recipie.


Actually Terrans have been on the defensive in the early game for three years, so what are you talking about? Terran power spikes when stim is done until Protoss get splash.


Blizzard: “Terran has strong early game power”

Bacon: “Im losing to early game protoss offense.”

It seems unlikely to me that the disconnect here is the fault of protoss.

That is in the early game, unless you start arbitrarily declaring the early game to mean “before any tech at all comes online.” I know LoV has compressed the timeline somewhat, but it isn’t THAT compressed.


I got no idea what he is talking about. The Protoss koolaid is strong in him.


Please explain what Terrans have to do against early gateway pressure. I hope we are considering macro games and not Terran 1 base all ins here.


Usually the early game for Terrans in TvP is until stim is done. Before you can’t go out and have map control.


Im not going to debate hypotheticals with you. If you have an actual scenario you want to talk about, post some replays and we can examine what happened, but “early gateway pressure” is not a helpful descriptor.

Like I said, arbitrarily defining the early game to be “before I get my most basic researchs online” is just serving to cause confusion. Nobody else measures early versus late game like that.


Gateway tech is on the field.

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If stalkers and adepts canceling my natural is offmeta you really need to start actually playing the game, and watching the pros.


How would buffed gateway units even work, seen that idea always floating around but never a solid outline of what was wanted besides killing power against zerg and terran tier one units without aoe support.

Quite a lot of Gsl PvTs start with a stalker contain into a early third.