Protoss being too strong and easier killed this game

Have you ever tried using disruptors? They are not easy to use, and they can be very risky as well. If you don’t land those shots, chances are you are dead.

There is some skill in positioning and timing, but that’s also true for the enemy as well. The positioning and timing aspects are reciprocal in other words. The amount of micro and multitasking is not reciprocal. The opponent has to split and stutter step like crazy for what amounts to a single click from the Protoss. Furthermore, the risk and reward are not balanced. The Protoss can kill a glob of ghosts for the risk of one cheap disruptor. If the disruptor misses you still gain advantages in terms of zoning and forcing micro and attention requirements onto the opponent.

Also when you can back up into shield batteries it’s not very likely that a missed disruptor shot costs the game. If your presence in a game is predicated on landing a perfect disruptor shot, you are very far behind and the disruptor isn’t to blame in that scenario. A more typical scenario in a normal macro game is that the Protoss has 8 or 12 disruptors and can throw them out willy-nilly.

Let me guess, you cheesed the ENTIRE way to the top. Play the game without cheese and see how far you get.

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You realize how BAD you are when you don’t even have a profile for people to view? Means that you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad at the game you have to hide yourself.

Learn to play the game. I don’t have a problem playing as Terran at ALL against Protoss.

Also I could give 2 sh*ts about being past diamond 2 cause I refuse to play mirror match games on any race.

6k mmr. 3 minutes 55 seconds. PvZ winrates favor Protoss 61% to 39%.


It takes way more than one click to shoot a disruptor shot, you first need to get it into the correct position, this takes multiple clicks, and while you are not controlling your other units. You also first need to select the disruptor, because having it on the same control group as your army will cause them to walk right in and get destroyed.
So that’s either a key press or a ctrl click, moving which is at least a few on average, fire, retreat, another to get it to follow the unit it originally was again, and then select your army again. So on average 7, but a lot of the time its more than less.
Its not like storm where you tell it where to cast, and once its in range it fires, the disruptor could be at the other side of the map and it will still fire, and with the HT having an attack you can have it on the same control group as your army.
Dodging is move back, 1 click, and possibly split, which require 1 click and drag, and then move. So 1 click minimum, 3 clicks on average?
It requires way more control to use a disruptor than to dodge its shots.

Shield batteries aren’t even that great, if they back in to it, you don’t have to chase. Terran has mobile drop ship shield batteries, sure they don’t heal as fast, but they aren’t static and since they are air they can stack, and they can heal the full health of the unit instead of just shields. Zerg heals on creep, or certain units heal while burrowed. The reason protoss has shield batteries is because their units are kind of weak (for the cost), and are horrible for defense. Terran has siege tanks, liberators, that can all be healed to full health with an SCV. The ability to make walls that can retract, mules that allow terran to out eco protoss even if protoss has more bases. Terran literally has the best defensive capabilities.

Its like everyone wants protoss to have nothing, every race is different, but have similar mechanics to achieve the same thing while fitting the theme of the race. Protoss being a futuristic alien race has warp gates, zerg have nydus worms, and terran has teleporting BCs. Shield battery, medivac, self healing.

I don’t think you complained about warp gate, but someone did, my question is why do they complain about the ability to warp in 10 zealots, while ignoring the fact zerg can move a whole army through a worm?

You should post the replay at drop . sc / upload.

Most of the time when I beat someone with a lot higher APM, I see in the replay they click 10 times to move a unit that could be done with 1 click. Not saying you are doing this, but there is APM that is efficient, and APM that is wasteful, and you can’t judge IMBA on APM alone.

This quote fits appropriately:
“I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him.” ~ Former U.S. President

Please clearly and concisely explain how cheesing is not properly playing the game. Did Blizzard say it isn’t? Do GMs not do it? Do tournament players and winners not participate in it? God you’re such a little weasel. All you’re doing is using arbitrary guidelines to try to rationalize your incredibly poor track record.

Learn to play the game.

Yet in your next paragraph, you admit to refusing mirror matches. You’re such a pathetic tool. How about instead of ducking out like a coward and making constant excuses, you learn to play the game?

I don’t have a problem playing as Terran at ALL against Protoss.

How are you not ashamed to be bragging about this? You’re not even close to playing on a high competitive level. Mr. Diamond 2.

Also I could give 2 sh*ts about being past diamond 2 cause I refuse to play mirror match games on any race.

This is your true self for all to see. You’re a hypocrite of the worst kind. You keep telling others “learn how to play”, yet you REFUSE to participate in mirror matches which is a huge component of the game. You argue in incredibly bad faith, and even with all the games you’ve played you have absolutely nothing to show for it. Run along now. The adults are talking.

Please provide replays of yourself as Protoss at anything higher than D3. If not please S.T.F.U. and GTFO.

What does this have to do with learning to play the game IN ANY WAY? So I don’t care for mirror matches yet I must learn to play the game? Can you even comprehend what you just said?

So getting to D2 as Terran (a race I don’t play) and saying how easy it is to beat Protoss is not playing on a competitive level? Then please provide replays of yourself as Protoss against Zerg or Terran at a master level, if not please S.T.F.U and GTFO.

Again what in the F*(&& does this have to do with learning to play the game? Can I play mirror matches, YES! Do I care to play mirror matches, NO!

Please explain how this has ANYTHING to do with learning to play the game and provide replays of yourself!

The sad sad thing is that you won’t provide a damn thing because you have NO games at all under your profile, you just come on here to belittle people cause you’re a troll.

LittleRain posted this in another forum.


This is what happens when you use carefully allotted supplies and only use 1 example. The fact that Terran barely wins without any AoE needed from Protoss is proof. First time I tried 10 zealots against 18 marines I was left with 7 high HP zealots. The dude also didn’t use any upgrades on the Protoss side, no charge, no glaves, no thermal lance. With thermal lance 3 colossus beat his example by a large margin, he has 4. The best part is when he takes 3 seconds to lift an individual marine, this guy screams PPP.


I wouldn’t even care if it took skill to micro the zealots to get a good outcome. But, the F2+aclick meme is very much the reality of current Protoss: there is near-zero skill & effort to attain a result that should be reserved only for high skill and high effort players found in GM league. Protoss evolved from cannon rushes to a-clicking zealots – truly a legendary story arc for the ages.

The worst part is when they screech about balance as if it favors terran and zerg. What on Earth are these people smoking. You know these people aren’t high skill/effort because their spending skill is absolute garbage. Do you know how much money Zest was floating in the finals of premier tournaments? Don’t look it up, it will only make you depressed. A-clicking zealots is apparently super multitasking intensive (didn’t you get the memo?).

I literally have a clip of a Protoss player dying to my mutalisks. The high pitched REEEE echoes in his microphone. My man, you went across the map with immortal zealot sentry when it was obvious from my unit comp (roach ling) that I was banking for mutas. Yet here you are in M1 with so little game knowledge / situation awareness that you can’t see the obvious signs and/or send out a scouting hallucinated phoenix. Connect the dots, please.

Protoss is just MMR welfare at this point. MMR is half-off with the Protoss coupon. Hopefully the new patch changes things up because having every game against a M1 protoss feel like you are playing a Code S protoss is just ridiculous.

You are right I didn’t use charge, because it is a joke.
I did however use glaves.
Also, more than half the time colossus beat the marines without lance, I had to do it multiple times to get the marines to win, because you know, its a joke.

The reason protoss have to use zealots is because stalkers have sheet DPS.
I could agree to a zealot nerf if the stalker got a buff.

I think they should try changing stalkers attack to 2, since it fires 2 projectiles, but half the damage per attack. This could work perfectly, or it could be too OP. Early game would be unaffected, but mid and late would be as upgrades would scale more.
For zealots they could make charge a non auto-cast ability, and that would probably be more than enough.

have you ever seen what happens if the protoss shades into the marine ball? The adepts win by a landslide, if they have +1 it’s even more extreme.

"This video is not to be taken seriously.
This does not conform to reality, real games MAY have different results.
Real games have micro, strategy, spells, compositions, positioning, economy, and more.
Starcraft is not as simple as the video portrays, "

I actually did not. And I lost every single PVP. Every. Single. One.

Meaning I did more with your race than you ever did, despite losing the same MMR in mirror match ups… And I did it in 15 games.

I call complete HORSESH** on this.

There are times when I que and get Protoss 9 times in a row which will cause my MMR to drop significantly so saying that you lost every game and still made it that high in 15 games is BULLSH**.

You’re a Terran player so you are biased. Your argument should be against Zerg who are OP as F***.

One way or another, I got M2 in 15 games. And THAT I can prove. I don’t personally hold the opinion that anyone’s not allowed to post on the Forums because of their MMR, but if you’re planning to tell everyone their trash while you’re at, what? 3400? That’s just beyond pathetic, man.

I got 1k MMR over what you accomplished in your life in 15 games??? Come on, man. You lose any and all credibility with that.

Oh I read that wrong, thought you were clowning on me at first. (thought you were a terran player :wink: )