Proposal on improving particular Commander Prestiges

The experiment is still on going but here is what I got so far.


  • Kerrigan’s Fury and Chain effect are buffed in this video.
  • Kerrigan’s Immo wave can immobilize Structure (No damage)
Improved Prestige 1: Malevolent Matriach (Video Included)

While Kerrigan using Omega Worms, she gains +100% potent Malignant Creep and two super Queens or Broodmothers.
Two Broodmothers was inspired from ending cutscene in Waking the Ancient when two Queens accompanied Kerrigan to meet awakened Zurvan.
Broodmothers can spawn creep tumors and have lots of other abilites.
Splash Heal (Very useful for Mutalisks), Buffing Massive Units and Structures Only and ability to sacrifice all but 1 life to fully restore Kerrigan.
They also benefit from Kerrigan’s Upgrade such as Heroic Fortitude, Chain Reaction and Ability Efficiency.

I’ve already uploaded Kerrigan’s Broodmother Proposal videos and put an article in Blizzard Co-op Mission Forum.

But to put it in more elegant way, just simply make Queen more battle capable and do automatic transfusion, also have them be unaffected by Creep slow penalty (Although this makes them more like Abathur’s Swarm Queen).

Also Creeps should also affect air units at default.

Alternative Presitge 1: Ruler of the Sky (Video Included)

Malevolent Matriarch is IMO is underperforming, tedious to control and has ambiguous concept.
So instead of this I propose this prestige to have better air performance for Kerrigan.


  • Stronger Mutalisks - gains +30 carapace that leeches 30% of its attack, do +3 damage to armoured and has +1 range.
  • Stronger Broodlords - gains +3 range, (Rapid healing should be in the default)
  • Her Zergling gains air attack through leap (happens every 5 seconds)


  • Kerrigan loses Omega Wurm (as with Malevolent Matriach)
  • Loses Malignant Creep entirely
  • Hydralisks and Torrasques are disabled
  • Her Air units are +20% more expensive (Maybe +30%).

In conclusion although Kerrigan lacks the malignant creep and powerful ground units her Air Compositions become more stable and lesser risky.
Her air units are more expensive, but mass zerglings that now can leap into the air can buy enough time for them to enmass as well as staying as effective mineral meat shields throughout the entire game.

Alternative Prestige 2: One Woman Army (MY PERSONAL WISH)(Video Included)

In my opinion, Folly of Man Prestige is OK. Many heroes turn obsolete when they gather enough army but this prestige renders Kerrigan useful even if she leads massive army. Just have her attack some time then use her ability.
Just have 4~5 Torrasques with her to do the tanking and DON’T make Kerrigan leave the flock.

However I have alternative suggestion.


  • Advan: Attack Speed Ability Damage are enabled to benefits All of Kerrigan’s passives, upgradable (Except for Queen of Blades Talents and immobilization Aura). Her Fury stack now damages +50 to 3 air units (Psionic Shift to ground unit can deal damage extra damage to air units) (can be increased with Mastery 3.2), Her Assimilation Aura is replaced.
  • Disadvan: Her army cost and are increased by +50% as well as Supply + 50% (A Torrasque cost 450/300 and 9 Supplies) and all upgrade/research cost and research times are increased by +50%

With Prestige dictating the advantages and disadvantages, this prestige may become Viable.

While the One Woman Army is my personal favourite but Folly of Man isn’t bad when you are commanding an army and use careful control.
From my perspective all of these three prestige primarily focus on Army rather than Kerrigan herself.
Another question I have that One Woman Army prestige is strictly commands Master 2.2 & 3.2 to be effective and 2.1 & 3.1 are rendered useless in tandem, however it is interesting to see what kind of gameplay that true solo-Kerrigan can promote.


Improved Prestige 1: Heavy Weapon Specialist (Video Included)


  1. Drill can now benefit from Weapon Upgrade (Max. 50 to 65)(Actually this should be applied as default (As well as Karax)).
  2. Drill’s radius corresponds with Swann’s 3.2 Draken Laser Drill Mastery 1 to 1.45 radius
  3. Drill’s lock-on time is reduced by 100%. It can immediately fire onto the target. (Maybe roll it back 50%)

From what I understand the Drill is the main focus with this prestige. Unfortunately the lock time of Drill remains long.
With my proposal the drill becomes far more efficient extra range dealers.
Even against highly densed enemy waves the Drill with fine control can greatly aid supporting fire.
While I also increased its splash area (bit larger than Siege splash) but I think they will still be viable even when they are decreased.

Improved Prestige 2: Grease Monkey

While it does nicely as a defensive prestige, it lacks pushing power IMO.

I gave 2 additional advantages

  1. Given additional +25% build time (60% faster build on towers)
  2. +3 range on SCV build/repair
Improved Prestige 3: Payload Director (Video Included)

When reading the prestige benefit I realised that doubling the cooldown duration of top bar is a big blow for Swann despite how Hercules are improved.
The mobility improvement while big I question its necessity when mobility with Hercules isn’t an issue for Swann and its production cheap. IMO this was an unnecessary benefit.
The Top Bar abilities on the other hand are a great life saver for Swann and making it more tedious to use wasn’t a fair trade.

I decided to replace Hercules with improved Zeus Lander as a compensation (It costs triple the price and limited to 3).

Additional Advantage:

  1. Zeus Lander’s life is double that of Hercules (1200HP)
  2. They can attack Air/Ground (has minor splash)(They are very combat capable)
  3. Immune to stun or slow (or abduction)
  4. They can land on ground and provide additional fire support as well as a wall.
  5. They benefit from building upgrades

Additional Disadvantage:

  1. Zeus Lander costs triple that of Hercules Dropship and its production time is +50% longer.
  2. Only 3 can be made.

It is my hope that these Behemoths would provide additional safety in transport as well as more versatile combat support.


Spirit of Respite (New)


A simple improvement or QoL.
Vorazun’s Dark Pylon’s cloaking ability persists for 5 seconds after leaving.
Dark Pylon Mastery also increases its duration to 8 seconds.


Improved Prestige 2: Tactical Dispatcher


Nova’s Tactical Dispatcher prestige is actually not a bad prestige however it’s compensation is inadequate with the absence of Griffin Air Strike.

Improvement was made.
Additional advantages:

  1. Griffin doesn’t need vision to transport units
  2. Griffin creates powerful shockwave that disables enemy units/building for 5 seconds (2 seconds for heroes)

Additional disadvantages:

  1. Griffin no longer carry allies

In conclusion, when Nova’s forces gather in good amount of numbers the Improved Tactical Dispatch boasts very good synergy in mobility and attack.

Alternative Prestige: Agent X41822N

The work is incomplete but here is the gist of it.
I still haven’t played NCO yet but I’ve seen the gameplay and read to wiki for it to understand the basics.
I think it would be interesting to give Nova more versatility.

Advantage: Nova’s default abilities and passives are replaced by Equipments from NCO which has its own abilities and passives. They can be purchasable from Ghost Academy.
There are 4 Equipments Slots: Visor, Suit, Gadgets and Weapons, Nova can purchase all Equipments. Each Equipments have their own abilities/passives and once purchased Nova can use them immediately

Disadvantage: Nova is unable to use her abilities/passives/weapons (she cannot attack) when she first comes out unless she purchase equipments.
Equipments are costly and has 90 second cooldown for each purchase.

Nova’s role with the prestige may overlap with Tychus though.


Alternative Prestige 3: Shadow of Death (Video Provided)

The only good thing about this prestige is Mothership and nothing else.
I made an alternative adjustment.
Link: (Unit introduction)
Link: (Performance Demo)

This prestige is a massive disappointment for me. I’m not sure if the Devs are saving Death Fleet army for Jinara but I guess maybe “not” because why would they make a prestige for Alarak regarding Death Fleet?
This prestige is more of a army composition swap rather than giving advantage and disadvantage perse.

Advantage: Alarak can use the full might of the Death Fleet. Death Fleet Calldown is replaced with 10 Royal Destroyers (more powerful Destroyers).

Disadvantage: All of ground Mechanical units from Gateway/Warpgate and Robotic Facilities are disabled.

Added Unit.
Sky Talon
Ability: Soul Reap - Sky Talon have weaker health but stronger shield than Phoenix Counterparts. Their 40% attack restores their shield.

Eye of the Slayn
Ability: Gaze of Submission - 10 ranged beam which greatly slows down (50%) enemies. Targets one at a time.
Ability: Hallucination Zealots - Summon 3 Hallucination Votaries that are less durable.
Ability: Permenant Cloak

Ability: Destruction Beam (Deals +3 (+3 armour damage) (They cast spell damage)
Upgrade: Increased range and bounce range

Ability: Launch Shurikens that attacks units at melee. Shurikens can dodge 20% of the time and do minor splash 20 damage at death.


Improved Prestige 2: Plague Warden (Video Included)

Plague Warden buff seems to be a strange QoL rather than a prestige so improvement was necessary.

Stukov is a vengeful man, he is determined to return his enemies twice the suffering he has endured. Thus he invented highly lethal plague to unleash against his enemies.

Advantage: Stukov’s infested infantries and Broodlings carries very deadly plague which affects units and structures alike.
The plague lasts for 60 seconds and does 30% damage in total (the potency can upgraded by total of additional +9% with each compound upgrade). Aerial units Infested Banshee and Infested Liberator can deal Plagued damage.

  • Note: I am thinking of decreasing the spread area, Damage out put to maximum of 26% and have disease affected from same ground places (ground unit infect ground units only and Air units does the same)

Disadvantage: Due to the Vicious nature of the Plague all unit production/cooldown are slowed by 30%.
Stukov’s Infested lasts 30% shorter due to the disease and constantly taking 0.5 damage per second (yet to be shown in the video).

Han & Horner

Improved Prestige 3: Galactic Gunrunners (Video Included)

Compared to Mengsk’s Toxic emperor Galactic Gunrunner doesn’t provide much power and the cost is too high to be useful, except for specific situation.

Changed Advantage

  1. Striker Platform can be built without limit
  2. Cost remains the same 100/100
  3. Napalm Payload can be stacked by 5 times (500 in 10 sec)
  4. +50% travelling speed
  5. Strike Fighter take 60 seconds to re-train (takes 120 seconds to replenish)

Changed Disadvantage

  1. Mag Mines are disabled
  2. Calldown in the Fleet is disabled
  3. Space Station Reallocation is disabled


Improved Prestige 3: Herald of the Void (Video Included)

I have no complaint with this prestige but I wanted to take this opportunity to add an ultimate skill for Zeratul. It is called the Bladestorm.

Zeratul spins himself at incredible speed and deal wide range damage of 40 per second. This ability lasts for 7 seconds and has 180 second cooldown.

Most heroes have ultimate skill and Zeratul (with Super Gary) lacked one. Since this prestige is about whirlwind from Zeratul’s Master Warp Blades I figured that he could become the whirlwind himself and attack his enemies
(Unfortunately the animation is very poor).

Further work is still ongoing


For Nova they should give her stuff from campaign, like changed both of her load outs. Make one of her loadouts the one that can jump up cliffs like a reaper and make the other loadout the one with the swordgun.


This idea I can agree. This is my perception for Kerrigan’s prestiges.

(Default) 1. Queen of Blades - Extremely powerful and mobile Ground Dealer
(Prestige) 1. Malevolent Queen - Stronger creep (?)
(Prestige) 2. Folly of Man - Stronger hero Kerrigan (?)
(Prestige) 3. Desolate Queen - Extremely Supportive Queen and Ally as well much more versatility in Air.

So far concept of Prestige 1 is ambiguous and tedious to manage and Prestige 2 is seriously underpowered for Hero oriented Prestige (She still must have her army).

So taking your air suggestion,
Prestige 1 can focus on better Air Superiority for Kerrigan (Default is for Ground Superiority).
I’m sure you can write your idea at BEN’s thread (I have nothing right now).

For Prestige 2 my proposal of One Woman Army isn’t too bad as Kerrigan’s Hero solo concept and lessening the power of her army so she can be better highlighted. Personally I wish this change can be implemented.

Stetmann should just have the Infestor’s Roaches spells removed instead of the whole unit. The UMI-C ability lets you completely rejuvenate your big expensive late-game mecha zerg without a Stetzone, and there’s also the obvious benefits of keeping one or two Infestors to act as a battery for your/your ally’s hero unit.

I get that you’re supposed to be trading a targeted sustain for a more generalized sustain with attack increase, but this is going to be completely dependent on which unit gets the last hit. The balance team for ladder removed the original Adept upgrade that made them split their attacks on killing a unit because it was so difficult and unrewarding to force a specific unit to get the last hit on an enemy in a game as fast as StarCraft 2.

Although I guess it will make Super Gary an unstoppable killing machine (if he’s affected).

New Proposal updated = Kerrigan Prestige 1: Ruler of the Sky (Video Included)

I have to play Stettman to determine more accurate solution. Give me some time.

I was just thinking Cheeseburger, How about integrating your idea with Nova Prestige 2?

Additional Advantage: Nova’s Armoury provides all Nova weapons from Covert Ops and Tactical Lift can does not require vision?

Additional Disadvantage: Nova’s Units gain 50% Cooldown and +25% more cost

Still ongoing

Prestige 3 is seriously underpowered for Hero oriented Prestige (She still must have her army).

I don’t know what Kerri you’re playing but so far pretty much everyone who I’ve talked with thinks this prestige is pretty op and a straight upgrade from normal kerrigan.


I think it’s a really strong tradeoff. Normal kerrigan is insane at ground sniping and base hero mobility, but her weakness is air since she can’t target it. The new set basically trades off her mobility and two siege tank dash for a 1 siege tank radius aoe stun. A very good tradeoff more rounded out better overall for sure, but her first 2 prestieges are pretty meh.

The 2nd one seems like a squishy janky idea with too much downside for the minor upside.

While the 1st actually seems kinda interesting if you’re lazy, you can just set a creep dropping overlord to follow your army for the creep bonus to heal up while afk, But the type of people who are too lazy to build a nydus and hotkey it on Kerrigan are probably not the same type of people who will randomly spread creep throughout the map and macro 30 random creep tumors. Plus enemies shoot them as they come, so it’s kinda hard to get the bonus attacking a base unless without a stukov.

I’d put like a bonus slow creep spreading effect on it like stukov and maybe +100% the range of creep tumors spreading or something or set it with something like, if it’s meant to target casual kerrigans who don’t nydus and most likely don’t queen, give it something different like kerrigan no longer has Inject larva but spawns larva 33% faster and queens no longer get a movement debuff and are able to move off creep like Abathur’s queens to plant tumors with the overlords or something. Could be neat.

My bad I miswrote that, I was trying to talk about Folly of Man not Desolate Queen.
I think prestige 1, 2 Malevolent Queen and Folly of Man is underpowered (but 2 works Ok but not as well as I always hoped for Kerrigan) while Desolate Queen works Very well for Kerrigan as better Anti Air and resource supporter.

I think using overlrods as creep dropping is far more tedious than using Queen/Tumors to spread creep (unfortunately Overlords can’t spill creep while moving).

I’m not getting this can be more specific in this? I think I get the gist of it but I am not sure what you are implying.
I understand it as “people who are too lazy hotkeying important aspect of Kerrigan build don’t also randomly spawn creep tumors” but what are you getting at? If the people are too lazy for hotkey and don’t spread creep tumor, then what are they?
I am thinking of people who just rush forward without creep spread.

Overlords are too much bother and ineffective when you want to initiate battle. Queens are better but you still have to becareful of creep spread. Prestige 1 overall is extremely cumbersome and yields almost no synergy (For Hero solo, this may prove good but even that is questionable).

Are you referring to…

That was a typo. Of course prestige 3 is perfect.

From my standpoint the prestige 1 should be vastly improved upon (Giving far stronger Queens or broodmothers) or change it to entirely different Prestige (like improving kerrigan’s sky army).
Did you read my proposal and perused the video demos at the top?

You can right click shift assign 1-3 random overlord to follow a random Hydralisk / Overseer / Ultralisk or something and then just use em to set up ‘rest zones’ in dead times between waves healing up between waves with the passive regen. it’s really just hard to use the creep benefits offensively unless the Enemy is already zerg or you have a abathur spreading extra nest out. If you bother with Maligant creep, you can also use the queens and produce a couple to heal up damaged units 150 each like Kerrigan as well or shift follow same said overlords and use them as a ranged mineral dump if you want.

Even then i agree that the third prestiege for Ghost Kerrigan’s abilities and nydus worms is probably the best anti air + ground all rounder. Malignant creep mostly seems to just help heal hydralisks it seems for the most part or let you attack with queens. Not really that great though for all the extra effort vs just deploying a nydus and having permanant detecting meat walls.

Oh man, if you could have access to her full arsenal… That’d be fun as hell.

Prestige 4 - Queen of the Ascended

[+] Kerrigan gains all of her campaign abilities.

[-] Kerrigan doesn’t have disadvantages, only her enemies do.


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Developers: Sounds like bs… meh OK, we allowed the Unlimited after all.
Amon: That’s not fair…

Seriously, Well theoretically it is possible. Just replace all passives with active abilities and it is certainly possible… But I’m not sure how many would fit in. Passive abilities if they are Behavioral are applied even if it is not show in the command card.

Realistically speaking of, Amon lost because of his arrogance (and plot armour and plot swords)

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Kerrigan: Playing fair is for losers. That’s why you lost Amon.

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Improved Prestige Proposal + New Prestige Proposal added.

Plague Warden (Stukov) + Agent X41822N (Nova).

Stukov’s IB can infect Infested Cargo with Plague which infects ground enemies with 30% HP damage dealing plague.
IL’s virus can also spread plague.

Nova can equip many advanced equipments from NCO.
Each Equipment provide speical abilities/passive.

Video Included for Stukov.
Link: Starcraft 2 Improving Stukov Prestige: Plague Warden - YouTube

Improved Shadow of Death (Alarak) Updated.

Alarak’s ground mechanical units are replaced with Death Fleet units.
Robotics Facility and Robotics Bay are replaced by Stargate and Death Fleet Beacon.
Mothership can be made from Nexus.

Video Included.
Link: Starcraft 2 Improving Alarak Prestige: Shadow of Death (with Death Fleet) Part 1 - YouTube (Units)
Link: Starcraft 2 Improving Alarak Prestige: Shadow of Death (with Death Fleet) Part 2 - YouTube (Performance)

Improved Payload Director (Swann) updated.
Replaced Hercules Dropships with superior Zeus Lander for transportation and field combat.
Video Included.
Link: Starcraft 2 Improved Swann's Prestige 3: Payload Director - YouTube

Improved Tactical Dispatcher (Nova) update.

Improved the prestige to vastly increase mobility and stability of Tactical Airlift.

Video Included.
Link: Starcraft 2 Improved Nova's Prestige 2: Tactical Dispatcher - YouTube

Han & Horner’s improved Galactic Gunrunners prestige 2 update.

Improved the prestige to make Strike Fighter Platform more viable as well as centralizing them as primary Top bar ability.

Video Included.
Link: Starcraft 2 Improving Han Horner Prestige 3: Galactic Gunrunners - YouTube


Prestige Level 1: All Armor Suit damage increased by 100%, along with 50% reduced cooldown on all abilities and 100% increased shield, energy, and life restoration while in storage. However, all Armor suit cooldowns are increased by 700%, and each suit can only be sustained for 20 seconds at a time.

So I played this and even tried games after reaching level 15 with full maxed out mastery points in both offline suit regeneration and Fenix attack damage; it seems week either way. 20 seconds is too short, at least too short for suit clear an attack wave back at your base, or really be a significant part of your push. The Arbitar is much much less useful except for a quick recall / statis.

I think the duration needs to be buffed, and maybe the damage needs to be further buffed as well. It’s not just a different playstyle, it is outright weaker than standard. I feel the suit needs be strong enough / stay out long enough to the point where it can at least clear a mid game wave on freaking normal much less hard / brutal, right now it can’t.

I think this was supposed to mimic the deploy Fenix option in the campaign. But perhaps it is my imagination but it feels stronger in the campaign (not sure what the time duration/ damage is on it during the campaign) .

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Their ability damage are also doubled.

Considering all damages are doubled, I think it is worth it that players should micro Fenix as best as they can.

What I like about this prestige is that for me, when I get all my army Fenix becomes less important and becomes unnecessary to for him to stay in the field because he has to replenish his energy to be useful.
This prestige very swiftly recovers his energy to full.

Duration is 50% shorter than in campaign but considering All of fenix’s damage is double that of standard, it is totally worth it.

Personally All Fenix prestige is good the way they are, some of Fenix’s army composition won’t agree to some prestige but that’s just about it, you need to find particular matches for each prestiges to unlock their full power.