Proposal: Include bonus XP gain from playing random commander

This subject was brought up several times, the response was…

“Random Commander Selection should not be set as an incentive for players to use such feature to gain more EXP.”

I would agree but since the “Prestige system” is introduced and have players to play 54 times at least, I say it would be fair to implement such option
(If you get a wrong commander/long map, you can simply apologise and quit).

I know there are some people who already gained full prestige on certain commander (some got all of prestiges!) but considering the majority of players has little prestiges and there are lots of beginners who wants to get prestiges, for their sakes maybe implementing bonus XP on random character selections as an option may not be a bad idea.


Anything to add more exp gain is always welcome.


I disagree, it would be a bad idea…(with an exception*)


  1. There is no need to incentivize Random Commander. Random map helps matchmaking, so it is good for that to be incentivized, but random commander doesn’t help matchmaking.

  2. Join and drop is bad, exp bonus for Random incentivizes it (both map and commander do this but random map has some benefit-see 1)

  3. Especially now (with Prestige), but also with players who have unpurchased commanders , commanders can play drastically differently due to different levels (as well as different “commanders”). This makes 2 much worse.

*The exception would be if you could customize your commander (Prestige +Mastery…with Mastery available for releveling Commanders) once you knew the map/mutations/partner.


I don’t really see the point. Most commanders take a little time to learn and it seems better to focus on a couple like 2-3 that you like and learn them well. People complain about lvl 1 raynors and karaxes enough as is, plus the random not having a “use unlocked or lvl 15 commanders only” button. you think lvl 1 karaxes and raynors is bad, try lvl 1 zagaras wait until people start seeing and lvl 1 karaxes and raynors who’ve NEVER even played the commander before but 1 times in 20. It’d probably be way worse and would need a toggle button for a random lvl 15 commander or random any commander to work imo. I think just the variety of gameplay is enough imo. It’s fine as is without a xp boost or purchase check.

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I guess it’s grinding mostly about prestige level.
I figured giving extra EXP with random commander selection would provide some remedy.

Adding to this, random doesn’t exempt commanders you have unpurchased and locked at 5. So it’s a bit of an unnecessary punishment for people who don’t have them all unlocked.

Random was added as a long standing player request, but as it’s been mentioned here random maps is what they really want to incentivize, not necessarily the commanders.

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If they want to speed up releveling, they should give extra exp for

-having Prestige levels (while 1-15)
-using your most recently acquired prestige for that commander (while 1-15) …although the second it would help to choose your prestige and have them give benefits from level 1

(otherwise making releveling more fun is more important than making it faster.

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Yeah I also disagree with this one, considering how many people might not have bought all the commanders or play them all, this would just flood the games with terrible partners expecting a full carry for extra XP.

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Do you mean not using the default P0 or another prestige when leveling one of the P1-P3 prestiges?

The latter part of your statement completely negates the issues with the first part, and the point before it.

Wrt the first part:

Bear in mind many CO’s Prestiges don’t activate at all until they reach a certain level; while others are useless while leveling and only good once high/max mastery.

Karax P1 would be very bad to level with. If you’re trying to play army Karax with some static def and random maps, P1 is quite bad. You don’t get the repair beam until level 7. Level 7 doesn’t take long…except your army wouldn’t get any repair or unity barrier in P1 (Unity Barrier is a lvl 15 upgrade). Even if you want to canon-push, that’s only after lvl 11 when you get insta-pylons etc. Fenix P2 network admin(?; I don’t play Fenix) only activates at level 15. So only the disadvantage applies the entire time you level that CO; and none of the advantage. It would be pretty self-gimping (read: stupid) for someone to level Fenix P2 while using P2 (or they’re unaware). Or like Vorazun who gets Time Stop (for P3), Dark Pylon Recall and Emergency Recall (for P1) only after lvl 10, 11 & 13 respectively. Ironically, only her worst one (P2) is active from lvl 1 onwards :rofl:

The way the current prestige leveling works, I strongly disagree with giving a bonus for using the current prestige. If the bonus for leveling with the active/new prestige on Normal greatly outweighed Random+Hard bonus, then maybe it’s worth doing. I want the already-tiresome process of leveling to be as painless as possible.

Exactly. In that case, it would negate my comment above…as well as many many many people’s complaints about re-leveling, including my own.

Side note: Karax P2 is an absolute joy even while leveling up (coincidentally, it applies from lvl 1 onwards). Looking forward to using it at max mastery. Karrier has arrived!

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Hmm, well as long as prestige levelling system is improved to more acceptable spectrum it will be golden.

Right now, grinding prestiges are such a bother and excessive expenditure of your time.

Prestige grinding is really not the goal. It’s just playing the game. You don’t have to prestige. Just play what’s fun. It’s been like a month, you aren’t expected to have maxed out every character again already.

I really don’t understand this attitude. If you do the dozens of hours required over a month or over 24 months, it’s still a broken, un-fun task to unlock a handful of prestiges you actually want locked behind ones you don’t and ones that don’t even work until level 11 sometimes.

The system is so clearly screaming out to be changed I just cant understand the “just play for 60 hours something that’s horrible and be happy about it” mentality.


Because some people think the thing they enjoy or “isn’t that hard” (as if level of difficulty has anything to do with it) for them should be that way for everyone. These are the people who probably felt accomplishment when they raised their herbalism level 1 point in WoW after picking 15 flowers.

Even without an XP bonus, I wish this is something they’d rectify. I actually want to play random, but no thanks to the, like, 20% chance I’ll get a level 1 character that’s going to get XP capped in 3 games.

The fact that you can get a Random Commander that you don’t own is kind of silly so IMO that’s a moot argument and something that should be fixed. It should at least only happen if the Commander is not level 5 yet. There should also be a minimum required number of Commanders in possession before Random Commander is unlocked.

I do want to see SOME bonus for Random Commander though. EXP does make the most sense. And honestly it might give incentive for people who only play the same way every time to branch out some. I love playing Random Commander, but being able to play every Commander efficiently on every map against every enemy comp does feel like it should be rewarded vs. playing the same Commanders every time. It just feels right and obvious to me. People who only play a few Commanders need WAY less EXP overall than someone who plays all or most of them, so they don’t need Random Commander anyway.

At the very least perhaps a very small starting mineral and gas bonus, but not enough to turn Random Commander into a meta.