Propagators mutation mod needs changed/balanced

That is true. I lost on my first try this week because my Raynor ally got a bit too cocky near the end. I was Swann and I had amassed so many tanks that I had a small army of them just roaming the map.

The game was going extremely well but then my Raynor ally decided to stay out at night and placed his entire bio ball right on top of a cluster of structures in the last area. Obviously the propagators spawned there and starting eating his units but instead of running away he thought he could just stim and beat the propagators AND the infested. So yeah he basically sent a massive wave of propagators towards our base which easily overran my defenses. My next two attempts went very smoothly, even though one of them was with a somewhat inexperienced Raynor ally.

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you are right. I over exaggerated the part with “majority of players” I shouldn’t speak for majority of other players and I apologize for that part. Maybe propagators themselves maybe not as big of deal but as stated above, combining with other harder mutations, it can become difficult + the map which is the dead of night so. This week there is also avengers which mean every time when a nearby enemy ally dies other units grow stronger so imagine mixing infested and propagators on same battlefield. So this week mutation nonetheless its still hard especially the infested spawn in thousands. Once again I apologize for many parts of my comments being very exaggerated. In one part i still believe propagators needs little changing. That is my opinion that is. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. I really needed to hear from other people :slight_smile:

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It may sound hard on paper, but really the propagators will rarely get the avenger buff provided you have proper defence. The moment they appear on screen they should be blown to shreds by your long range units/static D. When they come in vision, you need to immediately focus fire them down. In the later stages of the game focus-firing isn’t even required as NOTHING will come even close to your defence line.

But I’m only talking about this week specifically.

I’ve played 2, or 3 Mutations with Props before. At the very least, NORMtation should be doable for most of us. You still need to keep on top of things and not get cocky because you can still lose, but the margins for error are much higher. HARDtation was still doable, but kicks it up several notches. And this is coming from someone who can do NORMtation just fine, struggled with HARDtation, while Brutation was definitely a reach (although these days, I have gotten better and now have ALL COs leveled up. No longer limited to just Swann and Karax).

Ok, now I think your problem is the fact that you’re actually scared of this mutation rather than not being skilled enough to win it.

As BlackSynn already mentioned, propagators rarely get buffed by avenger - you’ll get more infested marines and Aberrations buffed by it than propagators.

And while there are a lot of infested on the map, with each passing day you should get fewer of them because you destroy the infested structures. Non-muta DoN can easily be won before 4th night (with certain commanders even before 3rd night) so imagine by how much you can reduce the number of infested units coming at you during the night in these conditions. Granted, having the risk of getting propagators spawning near your army while destroying buildings will probably slow the process a bit, but it should still go pretty smoothly.

And as a recommendation, pick Mengsk or Nova, if you have them, and have your ally play Han and Horner (or vice-versa), using Precision Strikes to kill the buildings (or propagators, if necesary).
Mengsk’s tanks stunning effect helps a lot against the propagators and infested, and with upgraded troopers shooting them from bunkers, avenger becomes pretty much irrelevant.
As for Nova, you have a lot of swift options for dealing with propagators, most notably liberators, with their huge dmg - but long-range siege tanks that spawn mines aren’t bad either.
One last thing, if you’re unsure whether you can complete the mission or not, I’d say restart the game if you get chokers, especially on the first night. Avenged chokers have the potential to deal a lot of damage.

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Thanks for the tips Dasvik


I played with one ally who lost his army that way.
Still won the mission though, because I just had enough siege tanks to defend everything.

I also flew 1 hercules around to give vision for the drill and kill some of the buildings that way.

Can Props go after Strike Fighters?

no, it shouldnt as they go way too fast

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Yes they can if you don’t target the prop specifically, and the strike fighter flies over the prop on its path to another target.

Only infested, because Shock Divisions don’t stun heroic units (IIRC).

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Somewhat off topic, but I miss the glitch with Zeratul where you could gain control of a Prop. It was such hilarious fun.

IIRC, it should slow it none of the less.

Yes, and it’s a 1s slow every 5s. You’re better off researching Incapacitator Shells on Aegis Guard if you want to slow the props, because at least that one doesn’t have a cooldown period between slows.

Unless there is darkness mutator as well.

It does work on any unit. Even on heroes that spawn from Heroes from the storm mutator.

Corsair and viper are able to prevent propagators from attacking. Also, spider mines are very effective against them.

For me, this mutator had just the right difficulty. I didn’t win in my first try, but I didn’t have to repeat it 30-ish times like Heroes from the Storm with Moment of Silence or train mission with reviving trains and polarity (for those you could actually claim that they were too hard for majority of people).

For anyone struggling, just go for Swann and add around 8 tanks on each entry with towers. Watch the minimap and target-fire the propagators if necessary. When you are fully fortified, make a Hercules transport, load it full of tanks and support your partner with destroying buildings.


I second it and think that coming combination is just dumb, since you cannot suppress all buildings on Malwarfare.

Starcraft2Coop has a visual guide on how to destroy the most buildings with Swann’s drill calldowns for each use.

For this mutation, going full drill mastery and research + use calldowns ASAP will make the mission end faster and easier for everyone.

If I can ask all of you, which mutations did you find really difficult to cope with?
Me personally really difficult mutator I had was indeed heroes of the storm (btw I am very good at Heroes of the storm the MOBA Game) one hero at a time its good but multiple heroes at a time it can annihilate my entire army. Whats your view?

I don’t like them all that much, not because I can’t handle beat the mutator, but because it’s so unforgiving.
One mistake and suddenly everything in your base can get turned into goop.
I find that a tad more stressful than fun.

At least it’s not paired with speedfreaks this time around, that old mutation was such a pain.

Old? Well, maybe it was an old one also, but it’s a new one coming too, and it also has “we move unseen” :smiley: