Propagators mutation mod needs changed/balanced

There was the heroes one of course on void launch, I remember struggling with polarity previously, it’s not much fun when random queuing so I’ve simply started skipping that mutation since it’s frustrating having to rely so much on your ally being competent (and then often being disappointed).

I used to find void rifts super difficult because of the way they ramp up if not cleared fast, but I’ve become better at dealing with it now (multitasking, being more active on the map), it’s not exactly easy, but if I have a decent ally I can beat it fairly consistently.

Oh, that sounds annoying, and a bit boring that they are using propagators twice in the same ‘batch’, the devs sometimes have a bad habit of repeating mutators.
I think I beat the old speed freaks-propagators mutation with Vorazun spamming black holes, massing DTs until I could oneshot with Shadowfury, and a Raynor ally filling the map with spider mines.

btw. propagators actually can convert infested tank projectiles, but they don’t do it consistently so you will see them milling about, with some being converted and some infested exploding until the props gets ground down. Takes a while. Found that out in a wheel of Misfortune once. :slight_smile:


I think Propagators are neat.

Though if i had to suggest a Nerf.

I would make it if a Propagator steals a timed unit, it clones the timeout, keeping the remaining time, cloning that for future ones…

Though this is simply because I am in the camp that commanders should not be Completely nulled by a mutation.

I think the extra dev work to get that to work could be rather tricky and doesn’t seem worth it.

In the case of Stukov he actually has some really good counters to Propogators, you just need to be careful. For example, whenever a new one pops up make sure to redirect your troops (or just keep then directed to where your tanks are seiged) and move the Aleks if it’s nearby.

Upgraded diamondbacks are very effective vs props - on this map mainly for use during the day.

Are there actually any commanders who can’t counter props?

Stetmann is the commander who has the most problems against poops cause they can eat stetellites and he doesn’t have any unit that is particularly great against them, poops also shut down his strongest strategy (mass winfestor)

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Ouch, not used him for that mutator yet, but surely that’s not right! I could see microing hydras, but I want my stetfield for that and there may not be easy impassable terrain to put them on. I suppose it’s probably best to just micro Gary, but it’s ten hits to take one down.

Doh, had nearly forgotten about BCL. Two stetmato shots would take down a propagator, but the trick would be to do it before the BCL feeds the prop.

well, combine the propagators with permanent cloak and speed … and see what happens.
Aggressive recruitment malwarfare … dumb shait.
Their ability is completely broken, at least remove the hero units from being converted.

If heroes are immune, most commanders would be able to cheese it.

I mean, I know Zagara and Abathur technically ‘cheese it’ too. But 2 heroes beating the mutation easily is not the same as 9 (commanders with heroes) + Abathur.

Greetings, I would like to thank you for all the suggestions and I Would like to apologize to everyone for the exaggerated things I have said, I followed your suggestions and now i can beat propagators mutations on brutal now so thanks, and sorry again for the exaggerations i might have texted or offended someone



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2 year necro … classic stuff.

His is the kind of necro that is good. Someone coming back to thank others, even if it is after two years is a huge plus in my book.


Propagators is a great mutator. Every commander can deal with it, and it tests a player’s skills and map knowledge/awareness.

By itself, the mutator is pretty mild. However, when combined with other mutators (like speed freaks or moment of silence), props become a nightmare.

Props in interesting because it is one of the few times that a poor ally can be significantly worse than playing true solo. (Transmutation is another, but not nearly as severe)