Propagators mutation mod needs changed/balanced

Greetings Starcraft 2 Support,

I have just learned that in this week mutation, there is a propagator mutation, which in my view it seems rather overpowered. Propagators instantly killing units and buildings including spawns massive and heroes and propagators themselves have lots of hp. Me currently I do not like this mutation, and neither does the majority of players as it gets far too complicated and loosing very easy. It is ok that I can take on Avengers mutation but propagators, I cannot handle at all. Me personally I would change that mutation where the propagators no longer instant kills structures and buildings and heroes and summons. If you could provide help regarding this I would appreciate it.

Yours sincerely,

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Learn 2 Micro

7 to go


If you think this is bad…you’re gonna have so much fun when the Malwarfare mutation rolls around.


Swann tanks deal with them really good, Nova sniping does well, Abthur with blinding clouds is amazing if you can manage to get them out, Raynor Vulture mines are spectacular, Alarak can deal with them easily as long as they arent too far away, Zagara banelings dont care about them, Karax Shadow Cannon two shots them, I mean really the more I think of it the more I see how they really arent even that hard to counter.


It is also melee, spawns in a predictable pattern and comes from enemy structures that can be destroyed to remove the prop spawn point.

Have a solid plan to deal with the propagators while doing the objective is important.


I can’t wait for the malware.


Another tip is that Propogators are marked on the minimap, and you can always track their positions. At least you’ll know when they’re due, and how many at a given time.

Was it this week, or THAT week where you can’t stop them from spawning since there will be unkillable spawn points? MIDEDIT, probably then, as they need to spawn from buildings as opposed to “thin air”.

(20 characters???)

“This week” refers to this week’s Mutation on DoN. IIRC, there’s are no indestructible enemy structures on this mission. However, I did realize that if you kill all of the Infested Structures, the mission ends anyways.

They should probably mark the Propagators spawn point ~5-10 seconds before it spawns so that clearing out a base is not suicide.


It sounds like you’ve got the difficulty set too high for your own skills. Try turning it down.


Definitely… I vary on whether I do mutations on Brutal (occasionally)-Hard (usually) or Normal (like this one). Gives me a feel for it and lets me know if I want to try a higher level or try different strategies at lower/same level (for fun)

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I can carry you if you want to add me, I’m already at two for two with random allies and using a random commander. Otherwise I’d recommend just using Swann and massing tanks on all entrances while you pray for your ally to clear the structures, I imagine that would be a good strategy for someone with low apm and having difficulty on this.

One video had Karax covering defense and going on “Prop duty”, while his Mengsk ally toke out most of the Structures via ESO, assisting with base defense during the night. The last few straggling Infested Structures had to be taken out with units.

Somebody gonna cry in Spanish when Aggressive Recruitment hits the fan :joy:


Ok, first of all, this week’s muta is not that hard, I’ve won it twice already, in as many tries, although I also have to give credit to my allies, which played very well. Mengsk’s bunkers + tanks kinda trivialize this, and I’m sure there are other strategies, but that’s another story.

That being said, I don’t see any players saying they don’t like propagators. Ofc, props are tricky and can be annoying, but they’re not exactly hard to deal with. They only become a problem when paired with other certain mutations, like speed freaks or barrier (or evasive maneuvers, but I don’t think there will ever be a mutations that pairs that).

So, the fact that you don’t like them, yeah, I’ll accept, but saying stuff like “majority of players don’t like it cause it gets too complicated”… certainly no. Don’t try to give the impression that you’re part and the voice of some big community of players, cause you’re not.

As a bonus feature, here are stuffs that can take care of propagators rather easy, for each commander:
Raynor - Siege Tanks, Banshees (either calldown or regular), Hyperion, Marines (though those require a bit of micro)
Kerrigan - Lurkers, maybe Hydralisks too
Artanis - Psi Storm, Reavers, Orbital Strikes, maybe Dragoons
Swann - Siege Tanks, Blaster Billis, probably Goliaths
Zagara - Banelings, Summoned Hydralisks
Vorazun - Void Rays, DTs if they use Shadow Strike only, not regular attacks; considering she has Black Hole and Time Stop, she should have no problem dealing with props
Karax - Cannons, Monoliths, Immortals, Spear of Adun
Abathur - Toxic Nests, Guardians, Ravagers, possibly other things too, he’s very versatile
Alarak - Structure Overcharge, Ascendants, Wrathwalkers
Dehaka - Impalers, Primal Guardians, Creeper Hosts, Glevig
Nova - Liberators, Siege Tanks, Ghosts, Nova
Stukov - he’s probably the one that has most difficulty dealing with propagators, but still, Infested Diamondbacks should work, and also Infested Siege Tanks, I don’t think the thrown infested is converted by the propagator, but then again, I never tried it, so can’t say for certain; also not sure if Queen’s Spawn Broodling ability works on props, probably not, but if it does, even better.
Fenix - gonna guess a bit here, but most likely Immortals and Collosi, especially Warbringer; also Solarite Dragoon suit
Han and Horner - Mag mines, Space Station, Precision Strikes, Battlecruisers with mini-yamato upgrade, possibly Widow Mines and Reapers too.
Tychus - Crooked Sam with stun upgrade for Demolition Charge works best, but Tychus with ultimate upgrade should do enough damage to kill them too
Zeratul - Stalkers, Immortals, Cannons (especially paired with Monoliths)
Stettman - I don’t play him too often, but if I were to guess, probably Banelings, Lurkers, and Super Gary
Mengsk - Bunkers, Siege Tanks, Nukes, Earthsplitter Ordnance


Based purely on the “fun” my son and I had playing with our own propigators during the days when Zeratul’s Shield Guards could reflect the takeover effect back and give us our own proppy, I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment… :wink:

Then, from earlier engagements against them and the lessons learned from controlling them:
500 hp is not a lot when they are being hit by even a steady enough stream of sustained fire, because of their melee only range and normally extremely slow speed.
They can be slowed down and/or stopped as well, giving that stream of sustained fire even more chances to kill the prop before it becomes an “issue”.
They do not have any chance of ever scoring “first strike” except when facing off against other propigators. This is why banelings / other suiciders are “useful melee units” against props - they go in, hit for damage, kill themselves so there’s nothing for the proppy to convert.

Am I wrong for thinking the very definition of “increased difficulty” is pretty much based 100% on “greater chance of losing”? And isn’t the entire purpose of mutations to be an “increased difficulty level”?

[quote=“Warfare-1975, post:1, topic:8584, full:true”]
change that mutation where the propagators no longer instant kills structures and buildings and heroes and summons.[/quote]

To me, the reason that Propigators are designed to eradicate any and everything on the map except “bullets” is so that there is no “cheese” strategy allowed. Imagine putting a “not affect buildings”. Static defense = wall, making Mengsk (bunker drop), Karax (insta-warp in), Most/All Terrans (land a few buildings right in the way) Zeratul (temporary via projections), especially potent “defenders” against props. “doesn’t affect calldowns”? Dehaka’s Primal Beasts ball, Apokalisk to name 2 suddenly become “walls” to stop them in their tracks, and Hyperion / Death Fleet, etc. become “immortal means of attempting to kill props.” Heroes? Half the commanders now have a “Free kill” on props.

And one question from me: Are you “mixing” the “difficulties” of having to run an unfamiliar build due to the mutation (Mech Stukov is “passable” here, Swarmy Stukov = Disaster in making without 100% pinpoint skill) into the actual “difficulty” that the propigators themselves place on the mission?

You know, this isn’t even the hardest mutation, have you played the “heroes from the storm” mutation? PAIN INCARNATE
By themselves is already very difficult, but then, it combos with avanger, fatal atraction, moment of silence, speed freaks, insiration. All of those makes the mission looks impossible. Can die even on normal difficulty.

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This week’s mutation is a lot easier than it sounds. It doesn’t involve insane micro or anything, just good strategy. It’s important to have a plan.

That being said, propagators can be very troublesome when coupled with OTHER mutators on other maps.

I think one of the other problems with Propogators is how badly your ally can hurt you.

This can also happen to a much lesser degree with things like Transmutation, but if your ally feeds the Propagators, then they can create an unwinnable snowball situation that you can’t stop.

However, that just requires a decent ally… which is true of others like polarity.