Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Thats pretty easy.

I told you that there is a mere exposure effect. Meaning People with little to No knowledge will choose Something that they are Most familiar with. In this scenario its obviously terran.

Poof. Thats Proof. We have the mere exposure effect and we have terran being human, the campaign Race that is Most familiar to us

Not exactly hard to grasp

Again. Please come Up with any Metric that Supports your View. Because obviously the metrics Like apm and spm and activity all Show that those terrans belong where they belong. hence the Statement of ā€œmore Casual Players Pick terranā€ is true and also proven. This is a fact. Please come Up with anything that actually declines that. Next you gonna hit me with " its Just speculation and Not Proof that terran is the Most similiar Race to us". Lmao.

(Btw this doesnt mean ALL terrans are more Casual. Its Important to repeat this because you will misinterpret this for the 100th time)


I highly doubt that considering the only GM zerg player is Snake with 500 accounts. It seems to me youā€™re leaving your games against P on purpose to steal more MMR from snake.

Well for awhile ukko had 12 accounts in GM simultaneously. But he fell off the map as far as I am aware. Snake rarely has more than 3. Iā€™ve had as many as 5 in gm.

By the way, funny story time, some guy messages me saying heā€™s so dissapointed that slammer and bowlcut are the same person. He proceeds to compare bowlcut to someone who threatens to bomb an airport. Lmao. Apparently, if you say ā€œez pzā€ to this guy, he thinks about bombing airports. So I am sitting here wondering if heā€™s a troll or if I need to report him to the fbi. Legit got a screw loose. If someone tells you a video game is easy & your mind leaps to bombing things, you might want to gets some meds my dude. Of course I didnā€™t say that to him. I walked him through how needs to get over himself and let go of the past. Heā€™s legit got ptsd because bowlcut said sc2 was easy. The dudeā€™s living in another universe. I am like, my man, I had 160 viewers one time with bowlcut. Youā€™re the only one talking about bombing things. Chill out dude.

I knew that crazy people obsess over celebrities but never in a million years did I think it would happen to me. ā€œWhy donā€™t you stream more?ā€ Answer:

On one hand I got crazies telling me I am hardstuck 4600. Then I got crazies crying that I got too much mmr & shouldnā€™t be gm. Then another crazy compares me to Pee-Wee Herman, implying I am too nice but this new crazy, that I ran into today, says I am too rude. Itā€™s like, what on Earth. The crazies just canā€™t make up their minds. They are just living in La La Land.

Honestly I feel like David Kim. That dude was a lightning rod for every lunatic under the sun to just go ballistic and blame all the worldā€™s problems on him. He actually was a solid guy who did a really good job. The current balance counsel is proving just how good of a job he did. He was outstanding at it.

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Keep saying it without providing a single metric to back it up. Cool. ā€œBruh.ā€

Dude what do you not understand about the term metric? I asked you to ā€œprove it.ā€ Instead you ā€œsaidā€ it. Please learn the meanings of words.

The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop liking or disliking for things merely because they are familiar with them or because they are less skilled because Sentry says so.

OH! I get it now. My mistake. Terran isnā€™t the hardest race.

So i shall prove a obvious psychological effect to you ? Wow. You are Desperate in your Argumentation. I could Just say hey Look at Player preferences and See that terran is Most popular. And then concluding by Player distribution that indeed more Casual Players tend to choose terran.

You realize you can use the effect in nearly every occasion If you are introduced to Something ? Its pretty Clear. Which of the 3 races are you Most familiar with If you arent super deep into sc2. Well Well Well if that isnt terran i dont know nothing anymore. So, what Happens if you arent super deep into the game and Pick terran? Masters Player or silver Player? I guess without Stating a Metric or statistic or hard proof i am Not allowed to Make a guess?

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Always been my argument.

But Terran players donā€™t show any signs of being ā€œless deepā€ into SC2. They play more and for longer. Your metrics, not mine.

Donā€™t know why youā€™re fighting this so hard. People have been saying that Terran is the most difficult race sinceā€¦ when? 1999? Itā€™s not a new concept.

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Well, I gotta give credit where credit is due. State did say toss is favored & he did point out some mistakes that creator made. Granted, it was still soft langue (e.g. ā€œtoss is a little favored but thatā€™s a nice changeā€). The softness annoyed me, because I consider it a form of unrealism, but I can still recognize itā€™s a small compromise from him and he did it against his own biases so I have to give him brownie points for that as well. Gotta give the devil his due. I am moving him up on the realism score track.

I think itā€™s a good thing Arty retired because heā€™d have an anuerism watching protoss dominate SC2 (in addition to dominating SC1). Heā€™d start frothing at the mouth and fall over into a catatonic state. Theyā€™d have to call an ambulance, and heā€™d be the first person with a death certificate labelled ā€œdeath by protossā€. :rofl:

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Those terrans in silver surely do.

I dont know whats so hard to grasp. Sc2 is alien vs Predator vs Humans. Its catered to Humans. We are Humans. We get introduced to sc2 by human race. We rather Pick human at first. Meaning many Players in Bronze silver and gold are terran. Mmr gets dragged down.

This is logical. Dont know why anyone would conclude its because of terran is hard

*Whiny terrans whine since 1999

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Okay, but as far as sc1 goes, thereā€™s definitely some actual truth to it given that the ASL maps were changed specifically so Flash would be nerfed in BW, to try and prevent him from winning. This effectively screwed every Terran on a competitive level in BW. Granted, this was much later in Broodwarā€™s life, but it did happen nonetheless.

And casters and commentators and professional players from all 3 racesā€¦

A similar amount of pros say as much about Terran still to this day. I used to have an entire compilation of them lol. Itā€™s not a controversial opinion outside of a few forum ragers.

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Even this was the Case, the Keyword is ā€œcompetitiveā€. This does Not mean silver League terrans would be screwed.

Ah ok. They all say terran is the hardest because silver League Players cant get Out of silver ? Or maybe they say silver terrans are silver because its so hard ?

Do they?

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Silver terrans are screwed in the sense that they try to copy Clem and get punished for it when they should be copying Gumiho in homestory cup. Itā€™s actually not only silver leaguers but all of ladder.

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Thats the Metric i was looking for :smiley:

Good for gumiho but i was there and the whole crowd wanted a ger win finally. Sad for Showtime to lose Like that.

They donā€™t give any context, but neither did you. You never told me at what point Terran becomes the most difficult. So, letā€™s say itā€™s not Bronze. When is it that Terran becomes the most difficult?

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So you dont have any Metric you can refer to ?

Cool. Case closed.

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So, to be clear, you do admit Terran is the most difficult race, but not that itā€™s the most difficult race in Silver?

I have given you metricsā€¦ Do you not know what that is? the entire ladder is the metric (specifically MMR/game)ā€¦

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No, why ?

Its a distribution. And for mmr/Game please prove that the Game length is simliar :slight_smile:

Metricsā€¦Like Plural? So far you only give me the Players distribution. Knowing that the Race selection is heavily biased its Not a valid Point.

Try again.

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Eh, to be fair I genuinely think Showtime threw a couple games there. He had that won and Gumiho pulled it back. Was a good series though - frankly I wasnt expecting showtime to even make it that far given the names there - I fully expected a TvT finals. HM, Clem and Gumiho were the obvious potential winners.


Im a bit confused. Nothing in my post made it look like showtime had no chance or it was one sided or anything.

Its pretty sad for him to lose like that because he was winning pretty hard and looked very strong and the audience hyped him and he threw.

We all did.

I mean at first i was a bit disappointed because the roster wasnt looking hot but then it was pretty cool.

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