Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Okay, fine. So, then which faction is the most difficult and which is the least? If the difficulty varies at different skill levels, which levels favor which factions and why?

Simple. Which stats are important? Is GM representation a stat we should just throw away? What about Major/Minor Tournaments?

Now you begin to use your head. This question is not easy to answer, right? I was telling you this 2 years ago, but im glad you are catching up.

Its not as easy as “hey look average mmr is lowest for terran, this means terran is the hardest!”

To assess which race is harder at what level and why we would need a lot of studying. Its pretty much impossible to analyse this with our means. Hence i was annoying you with paragraphs over paragraphs of explanations why this or that has which flaws. For you to realize maybe…just maybe the real world isnt as easy as you might think.

No ofc not. Its important to know and its an indicator of the state of the game. You can see in the activity stat that obviously protoss is the most represented in gm but also they do play much much much more than the other 2 races. Mainly this is because of gm ladder being dead. It got killed in 2020 in void ray patch when pros started to neglect ladder.

All i was saying to you was gm representation obviously doesnt matter for pro level balance as we cannot see direct links between a race being strong and gm representation being high.

Yeah. These are also pretty important. What does it tell you that the best player of all time (serral) has 1 esl open cup win? From the participation of a certain race we can conclude that 1 race is not playing small cups at all.

The problem is that sc2 is a game that is semi alive. We have to analyse the data but also why are the things as they are. As demonstrated its very important to note, that a tournament is not won by the best players in the scene. rather by the best players that are actually participating. For example its also noteworthy what miro is saying. Maxpax doesnt compete offline. It doesnt mean that protoss would suddenly win a fair share of tournies but it wouldnt look as dark as its looking right now.

Thats the reason you dont see me crying day and night about balance because all in all its a fair game for 99.99% of the players (bottom 50% mmr and top 50% mmr supporting this ) but only gm is looking poorly. Either because of easier sub-pro mechanics for protoss, or because ladder is dead or because many zerg players dont have fun anymore and quit or because they rather practise in custom games or a mix of all the effects mentioned and some effects more. and the other thing is top pro doesnt look too hot. either its because maxpax not competing or protoss being too weak/fragile on top pro level or because protoss players are just worse or a mix of those effects and some effects more.

So now that i have given you a detailed explanation you owe me a detailed explanation on how im wrong. i called you out like 3 times now. You still didnt state any argument or counter argument.

For example this. This doesnt make any sense at all and got also pointed out by others.

All metrics contradict my point but support yours? Which metric? That silver players are less active than golds? Meaning the distribution of players and races makes sense by their level of activity meaning its indeed correct that 50% of silver is terran because they actually deserve to be there. Or that they have less apm/spm than their gold/plat and higher counterparts? Or how the mmr difference vanishes once you look at top 50% and bottom 50% which means that the mmr difference was only due to terrans being overwhelmingly in lower leagues, but not because of unfairness. because obviously you cannot say that because of the mmr difference that is due to low level play being overwhelmingly terran flooded the master player should have like 300 mmr more. That there are too many terrans in low level play has nothing to do with players above 50%. And again…this is real world and no lab experiment meaning we dont have equal income. why would we expect equal outcome if we can see that the race selection is this biased? or i also forgot that point. does unequal race selection also favor your point? and how does it contradict mine?

Which metric does support your view now and which contradicts mine? Because…again… the activity is even between all races. You cannot use your 1% acticity difference to somehow inflate it to the point that every terran is missing 300 mmr :smiley:

See this is the issue, I try to have a normal conversation with you and you just can’t do it. See, I try to pretend you aren’t giving up 20 IQ points and 60k in salary talking to me, but you can’t do it, so why should I bother?’

Yes, yes. It’s just so insanely subjective that we can’t ever determine it. It’s not like a metric like MMR/game is as close as we have. You literally stated that MRR/game is a useless metric. (and yes, I know you going to lie and say you never said that, also, but we both know you did.)

You rather Argue about Something a Long Time ago that might have Said or Not or once again was taken Out of context than adressing my Points now?


I called you Out 4 Times now.

You didnt. Thats why i act that way. You dodged 4 Times

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No, I was trying to engage you with civility. You immediately became belligerent. You’re right. I didn’t always read your entire doctoral thesis on the topic. If you didn’t post numbers, I could skim past, because I can tell when you’re not going to post metrics, so why bother?

Exactly this. Terran players are roughly equal in all measurable aspects. Whether it’s experience level, activity level, anything you try to measure. I have never once tried to argue that Terran players deserve, MORE MMR on average, than the other two. Terran players are not superior in any significant way. But they are not inferior. Yet they still have less MMR.

Yes and this i have explained to you many Times.

Yes terrans do Not do worse in those metrics but you dont have in mind that there are 35% terrans and 26% zergs. This is a huge difference. Meaning in this Metric there is a huge difference. And this Metric has nearly 1:1 Impact on Low Level Play since the Players that terran has more are nearly The Same amount of Players that are more in Low leagues. But still they are as active as their p and z counterparts meaning they deserve to be where they are.

The issue is simple to understand. Terran Has less mmr because of the Players in Low League. It would be wrong to assume that every Race should have exactly the same AVG mmr If the Race selection is this biased.

But again you Said they Support your View but contradict mine. Which isnt the Case Here.

You are distracting. You throw all Kinds of Bad words around If someone dodges you 1 time. Calling Others Girls and whatnot. But Here you are dodging my Points a fifth time.

You still did Not explain in Detail which metrics contradict my Argumentation and which metrics are supporting your Argument. Since your Argument is actually Just “terrans dont have any deviating Metric but have less mmr” which is only half true.

And btw which is a terrible lie because you often said terrans are more active and achieve less. Now you retracted to there is no difference in any metric but they achieve less. The correct statement is “There is no difference and achieve the same; terran is just more popular in low leagues”. Since the lower avg mmr is due to terran being more popular in low leagues and those players belong there because of those metrics and top 50% and bottom 50% is even we can conclude that terrans are achieving the same and the mmr difference is due to low leaguers.

TLDR: just look at the last paragraph.

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Back seating is a lot less obnoxious than brown nosing. Lost to livibee while doing mass hydra vs her muta ling bane. Splitting hydras & drones like I was born to play terran. After game “Why are mutas so bad?” in the chat and “Yeah pro players don’t go for mutas because they ARE kinda bad” from the streamer. Complete inversion of reality /facepalm. :person_facepalming:

I have always been upfront that the increased activity is (nearly) negligible.

Some of it is, but you’ve no idea if the level of “casualness” is more prevalent among Terran players (proportionally) or not. You assume that it is, but you’ve no metrics used to define said casualness, first you used player longevity (Terran favored), then player activity (oscillates between even and Terran favored). All you have is a cluster. A cluster that would just as easily be defined as difficulty having various “breakpoints” where by certain skill levels are more heavily affected.

But we have those metrics. Activity, spm. apm. They all indicate that those terran players belong where they are. Those terrans in silver league are there because they belong there. Meaning they are indeed more casual. Those players i mean, not EVERYONE that picked terran. Its up to you to show that they dont belong there. If you are like top 80% then you are indeed casual. I think nearly everyone would agree. People who are casual play less. People in silver play less. It all matches.

It is up to you to somehow argue that unequal income (terran getting picked at a muuuuuch higher rate arguably because terran being tutorial/campaign race, humanlike race and most straight forward race or whatever reason people thought when they started the game and say “hey i want to play this terran race”) still needs to follow equal outcome. Because funny enough partly we have equal outcome. Equal outcome in the sense that the top 50% is more or less even between p,t and z.

Also again, you havent stated any argument why all those metrics contradict ME but support YOU. This is the sixth time i call you out on that.

Also no you didnt. I still remember the weird formula you gave me saying every terran needed to have at least 40% more mmr. Flat out. Because you said something about activity where you purposefully inflated the activity then you used avg mmr and then you used your seniority argument, for whatever reason and concluded every terran needs to have 40% more mmr.

Only because you now retracted to the point that you dont think you have any metric that would flat out show that terran is sooooo terribly disadvanted by the mean mean mean balance council and david kim and whatnot doesnt mean you werent convinced you were onto something before. The only thing i retracted in those 2 years is terran casuals being less active. when i first saw the statistic i agreed that terrans are not less active as a whole but as we see those terrans in silver league are still way way less active than those players in gold/plat which is still part of my argument. My first argument was something like: terran players might have more casuals who play less and arent as familiar. Which is actually true if you only look at bottom 50% ofc ^^

The only one who gets wrecked by protoss is you. You are the biggest zerg whiner in existence. 80 % of all protoss complaining threads are created by you. You suck vs toss and that is it. Face the reality, kid. Now that toss has been slightly buffed you have to put some extra work to beat them.


That’s a straight up lie. If someone is willing to lie straight to your face over something as incontrovertibly true as this then that person is severely morally & ethically challenged. In real life, I wouldn’t come within 100ft of you. Merely being in your presence would be too much damage to my reputation.

I’m only asking you to address your own weakness - being bad vs protoss.

Do you know that hatred is a sign of weakness ? When you don’t understand something - you hate it or fear it. I already told you what to do. There are better zergs than you above 5k MMR. Maybe you should contact them and ask for advice ? Instead of crying on this forum like a little girl try to improve okay ? Come back and thank me later.

It’s crazy that the only reason why people like me and adventurer don’t play Protoss is that we don’t want to ruin the game for others, and you can say this. Truly different understanding of the game.

Dude knows for a fact I play impossible strategies for the entertainment value. They easily delete 1000 mmr from your ranking, which he knows. He still pretends I am <5k and should seek help from my 5k+ superiors. This is what I am talking about man. You couldn’t tell the truth if your life depended on it. I wouldn’t come within 100ft of you in real life. I wouldn’t want anyone potentially thinking we’re associated because that would obliterate my reputation.

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Look abs, I know you are going to come back and say, “Then why did Zerg win the most premiers?” This is my official answer. Who knows, who cares. I know what feels OP to me.

You don’t need to worry, batzy. Just found out that I would be 7k MMR if I didn’t play Terran. My advice would be to include more roach based play for those EZ wins. You’re welcome.

I avoid roaches like the plague specifically because they are too strong. Strong is boring because you simply dominate your opponents. After 10 games the ladder takes 15 minutes to find a match. If I am going to abuse roaches for free wins then i might as well just play protoss at that point.

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Just be glad you’re not playing on EU. Every game lasts 30 minutes. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

h ttps://

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The most honorable composition is pure ling muta into ultra. Maybe lurker. At least then it can be copied in BW.
I guess infestor and viper is cool as well.

Sc2 spammers have no concept of adventure. I’ve free climed fiery furnace twice. No rope. No spotter. Thirty feet in the air, nothing between you & death except your sweaty hands gripping slick sandstone. A buddy of mine had the skin torn off the palm pf his hands because the guy belaying him didn’t know what he was doing. He had to grab the rope with his hands as he fell to slow his descent. The rope peeled the flesh off his hands and fingers. I’ve had bad accidents too but nothing that severe. Still mine were so gorey that I couldn’t post a photo here without being banned. The time I played pig & hebposted it to his channel there was a big disruptor shot that he landed. I would show you what my hands looked like when that happenrd. It would legit get me banned lol.

I found a pic about a week after. So it’s not as bad.

Can’t risk your life if you can’t even risk some mmr for crying out loud. They just sit at home, spamming the same builds on repeat like robots, not a single adventure bone their body. Hydras? You can’t make hydras! You will lose MMR!

Look at how incredibly boring it is to play only the strong strats:

It’s just a free win. A total waste of time. This guy is a “gm” and I guarantee he’s never seen this build. During the talent peak of HotS, these builds were very common. There were dozens of variants and players knew the perfect way to execute every one & their counters. Right now an ape could bang a keyboard on the wall and get 5k, lmao.

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