Please add 21:9 resolution to Starcraft 2!

  1. It is an advantage at the highest level, fog of war doesn’t affect the reality of having to scroll less.
  2. 16:9 resolutions make up for ~82% of users per steam surveys (the only source of reliable data we have for this). 4:3 makes up less than a single percent. No one uses it anymore. 16:9 does have an advantage over it, but all 5 people playing SC2 on 4:3 aren’t important to Blizzard, same with the 200 playing on UW.
  3. Blizzard actively added code to prevent 3rd party tools from activating UW in SC2, not only will they never support it but they actively refuse to support it. It will never happen.
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You’re bad at this game. Stop trying pin it on imaginary advantages. It’s a skill based game. The reason you lose is a lack of skill. They could add 21:9 and it wouldn’t change anything. You would still lose with an ultrawide monitor because you’re bad. Your opponents with ultrawides would still win because they are better than you, not because of FOV. The common denominator in all these losses is your skill or lack thereof. You were bad, you are bad, you will always be bad. Get over it.

I don’t care that it won’t impact me personally; I care about the people it will impact. Not my fault you’re too selfish to see past yourself.

They don’t even need to give us more vision, they could put black bars on the side.
Because its not supported everything is stretched to sheet on my screen, all we want is no stretching.