Please add 21:9 resolution to Starcraft 2!

Hey there, i would like to suggest to the sc2 delevopers to add 21:9 resolutions to SC2, i am currently not playing SC2 duo to the lack of it, and it seems really silly that it does not exist, if it was added i would probably get back into playing SC2, since SC2 rulz!


They don’t re-add it because it gives a massive advantage to the 21:9 monitor users. They have more screen space to click on, can see more of the map in one go, etc.

I do think that 21:9 aspect ratio should be enabled for Arcade, Co-op and Campaign though since those are not competitive modes therefore there is no advantage you can gain by having superior hardware that results in monetary gain or whatever.


They already added it but the human eye is too low to watch the SC2 on the 21:9 resolution!

Ok stupid jokes aside.

Yeah, I play on 16:9 monitor but SC1 remastered officially support higher resolutions and I have feeling that my every dropship is literally visible because they are mostly almost instantly denied. I might be wrong because maybe they didn’t added the support for ranked games but I don’t know and I can’t check it for my self due to 16:9 monitor.

I also agree they could support 21:9 just for arcade games, campaign and CO-OP.

or try to set as fixed aspect ratio as 16:9 monitor so you’ll see what everybody see

I have played 16:9 for a long time, but its really annoying playing stuff that does not fit your screen resolution. It strikes me as kinda a silly argument talking about some advantage, im not sure if thats true considering its only the screen being around 1/4 wider, and no taller, i really dont see how that would make such a big difference, it doesn’t in other games as far as i can tell. It just seems very odd to deny a lot of ultrawide screen people from being able to play SC2, especally considering i have heard SC2 player numbers are dropping, and allowing 21:9 players back into the game might effect that. And also on another note, SC2 is like one of the only games that does not support 21:9, which seems wierd for a pretty popular game owned by a billion dollar company.


Since the dawn of gaming better hardware gave an advantage. I pay more money for better hardware… and my hardware is “nerfed” by this limitation. Limit the game to 10 fps as well, because having 300 fps is an advantage for sure. This is silly and stupid… I was very disappointed after upgrading my system and seeing SC doesn’t work on this resolution. I really don’t care about competitive modes and how much money they get from it… if they got money from it, let them buy a better monitor. I’m sure upgrading your hardware when it comes to other aspects helps as well.
So yea, please add 21:9


300 FPS is not an advantage in sc2. It can be an advantage in FPS games because it makes it easier to track projectiles and provides smoothness for precise aiming but pretty much only at the highest possible level of play does that decide the difference
In an RTS it makes unit movements look slightly smoother…but that’s about it.

Conversely, yes, having 10fps for a game designed around 2010 machines would be a disadvantage, but my shart work computer pulls 60fps on low so there’s really no modern hardware that won’t achieve what is still pretty much the standard. But no human being is doing 60 inputs per second, let alone 100, so FPS isn’t limiting your capacity to play and no one is struggling to run this game at 60fps unless they’re playing on a toaster.
Note, I’m only discussing 1v1 Versus, which is the competitive mode. Sufficiently large armies in Arcade can definitely slow almost any PC down substantially but that’s due to engine limitations, not hardware; it’s also non-competitive so it hardly counts.

An addition to field of view is a clear advantage because you have more visual real estate to work with which means you have to scroll less to see and do more; this actually affects the balance.

So no, frack you, I’m not getting a cruddy 21:9. I’m sticking with my real 4k. Stop making bad arguments.

Everything above 800x600 has been a travesty, god was it easy to program games back when aspect ratios weren’t crazy irrational numbers

Frack you too. And a better mouse with macros doesn’t give you an advantage? a better keyboard also doesn’t? don’t be absurd. Of course if you don’t have a 21:9 monitor you don’t care if they change anything or not. A change will benefit the rest of us, with a wider monitor and mindset. I don’t care about your competitive bullsheet, i just want to enjoy the visuals without having 1/4 of my monitor black. So stick to your narrow monitor and leave the arguments to us, you narrow minded prick.

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  1. Macros are against the rules. 1 input 1 action. If you use a macro you will be banned.
  2. If you want to enjoy “better visuals” then play a different game.

what are you talking about? It’s the same as starcraft 2. It has no ultra-wide. At least I couldn’t find any settings to make it ultrawide. Your dropships don’t go down because of that. You all talk about this bigger area problem, it gives no advantage… you could see a unit like 0.5 seconds faster because of the bigger area. You can’t manage any unit in that extra 200 pixels left and right… If you put it that way, it could also be a disadvantage because i have to move my mouse more to the left and to the right to move the screen a little bit. I doubt a competitive player would actually get better at the game because of this.

I was asking. Not telling. Thanks for letting me know it’s no ultra wide. I actually appreciate its 16:9 due to my old pc and screen.

They SOMETIMES do. You cant deny that.

It’s enough time to retreat your workers/army unless you are low league.

I don’t doubt

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ok, but look at it from a different perspective…If they will allow the 21:9 resolution, you can still get the 21:9 monitor, so you will be fine, you could still enjoy it in the future. If they don’t allow it, I cannot set the 21:9 resolution on my monitor and I can’t enjoy it in the future.
So you’re asking them not to crap on your time you invested in the game to be a better player because some players might get marginally better than you, but let them crap on my time invested working to get my monitor before i get to enjoy the game further?

If you opt to get a monitor with a resolution ratio that they don’t support that’s on you, not Blizzard. This game is from 2010, that you feel entitled to them updating an old game to support your hardware is the only real issue here.

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are you reading the title of the post? we are asking for some support for this exact specific issue: An update so it supports the 21:9 resolution.
It certainly wouldn’t be the first “old” game to do so… i won’t bother listing the games that do.
Are you just envious you don’t have a 21:9 monitor? what’s your problem after all?

You’re not just asking for support, you’re implying it’s ridiculous that it isn’t supported when it was never officially supported.

It doesn’t matter that other games support it. That’s a deflection. This game never officially did and now people are demanding that it does and often say that they’ll not only leave SC2 but refuse to support other Blizzard games because of it, which is an attempt to hostage your support for services that were never promised.

Naw, I tried 21:9 I disliked it. I decided to get a 55" 4k instead. As for my problem, this is a dead issue. They not only don’t support 21:9 but they actively coded SC2 to reject 3rd party software attempts to make it support 21:9 so their position is pretty clear: SC2 doesn’t, nor will it ever, support 21:9 because of the competitive advantage. I guess I just don’t like petulance.

so don’t get a 21:9 monitor and go on with your life and leave the petulant ones that ask for this petulant resolution (that is supported in petulant games like overwatch, heroes of the storm, world of warcraft etc.)… and go in your corner and fap it out.

The irony of your response conflated with my calling these ongoing requests petulant is palpable. I won’t get a 21:9 monitor, and I support other games supporting them so long as it doesn’t impact any competitive aspects. What I don’t support is people not being able to take a hint or accept reality for non-critical things. Until they do, I will be present on these requests educating y’all on why it isn’t supported, why it won’t be supported in the future, and why it’s unnecessary to bring it up every month.
:woman_shrugging: Be mad kid

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would you agree at least for a different resolution support in non-competitive game modes? I would retract the corner faping suggest if you would be fair in this matter…

I’ve never opposed that suggestion, it’s fine. If people wanna 21:9 their CoOp and Campaign sure. There’s a bit of an issue for Custom games because online tournies use custom games to host, so Custom lobbies would have to have a setting to explicitly ban 21:9 to keep the playing field even there.

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