Player's win-ratios across the leagues

I have found a cool source that shows win-ratios for players, not match-ups.

That’s curious, statistical Protoss player will win 1 more game than Terran across 200 games played. Tbh I was expecting a bit larger disproportion.
Also poor Zergs.

Let just appreciate for a moment, that leagues above Silver have always over 50% win-ratio, and people in Bronze 3 have 18% win-ratio. (EU)

A moment of silence for our brave Bronze warriors.
Thank you.

Any opinions on topic?
I think the disproportion comes from Higher League 3 vs Lower League 1 matches. I suspect they count only “account owner” for rank determining (what would give 2 results a game I guess)

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Protoss dominates all across the leagues

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It’s not exacly the same what Some People mean, because it is win ratio per player , not match ups.

It is true that Protoss players have better performance across the ladder (with an exception for Bronze 3 - Silver 2, Terran still easiest race to play, hardest to master) but with such stats, this source doesn’t show anything bad happening.

I wouldn’t really use argument of cross league (Diamond vs Platinum) as argument to anything important, though.

I don’t know now, but not long ago someone put the data from EU ladder and the race that had more mmr on average was Z followed by P and T last, once the mmr reached 4,5k every race had about the same average mmr.Looking at that graph only gives the idea that P is boosted in platinum, while Z has more mmr in diamond, which aligns with my idea that Z race is the best race to play in diamond.

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I like the fact that Korea only got Grandmasters. You either play good or don’t play at all mindset.

You think 4.7k is good?

Well it’s more than mine 2000 :smiley:

The matchmaker balances it out, but Protoss is so broken it apparently goes beyond the tolerances of the matchmaker. Thanks for sharing this. More proof that P>T>Z.