Average win-rate per race for GM/Masters

You know what these numbers show you?

Best of 1, anonymous games,

That means that Protoss does better if they have an opportunity to cheese.

Its pretty obvious Protoss doesn’t hold out in real competitive tournaments where you have bo3, bo5 or bo7.

Sure Protoss can maybe grab a few wins. But in the end they are unreliable.

Counter this with Zerg, which at the high end is very reliable and becomes better with skill. And you immediately see Zerg overperforming in tournaments.

The Protoss race doesn’t work at the moment and blizzard has refused to repair it.

Gateway needs to have proper scaling, so that it cant be used in a timing, but doesn’t require tier 3 to keep up. Then tier 3 can be nerfed.

But whenever someone says, Protoss tier 3 is OP they don’t realize its because Protoss needs that edge over a zerg who can easily grab bases or a terran who has better mobility.

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It doesn’t matter the reason. Protoss is overpowered. Whatever the reason may be, may the Lord Blizzard nerf it into fairness.

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It’s not OP when it can’t be reliably used.

Just cause you can win with relative ease voidray spamming, cannon rushing or zergling rushing doesn’t make it an OP race.

That just shows a flaw in the design that needs to be resolved.


Difference of 2 games each 100 between P and Z, P is OP, Z is struggling, if only Z could win 2 games more every 100 games…

Where is the link to your source?


I am afraid they may be too limited to actually reference stuff and give source.
I have not seen opening post, but I suspect it is connected to my thread from a few days ago.

Interesting… I think I know why it wasnt linked. If you go to the site at this time (as opposed to that topic from 3 days ago) you get the following data:

h ttps://burnysc2.github.io/MMR-Ranges/
--------------------- P------T-----Z-----R
GrandMaster 59.3 59.5 60.1 63.4

Even worse for Korea:
GrandMaster 56.2 55.8 57.6 53.0
Admittedly Europe is not Zerg favored and therefore the only valid data:
GrandMaster 56.7 56.8 55.3 -

Look at my surprised face that the original post did not specify the source, the date, nor the server for which the data was coming from.


It is used reliably. That’s why Protoss has a reliably higher win-rate in the three highest ladder leagues in the game.

Like I mentioned, you completely ignore the fact that the ladder is a blind matchup and a best of 1 series.

Hence, you can use cheese more easily while if you tried that in a tournament, people would quickly catch on and after one game, your trick has run dry.

That’s the issue. You fail to give any arguments on it, but just repeat the same talking point.


Something that is symmetrical across the races and matchups has absolutely no relevance to balance, period.

So, I guess Batz is back, but the new target in his sights is Protoss, meaning he broke up with Goba.


hahahahah, this is some serious elementary school level bs

ah yes 57>57, so imba

loll, TvZ is the easiest match up in the game right now. Mech is the easiest win I’ve ever seen.

Do you have the games played by race? I’m curious what they are. I know Zerg populations dropped a lot this season but I think games played is even worse.


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The facts simply don’t support your theory. Win-rates and representation in GM/Masters show quite clearly that P > T > Z. Protoss is broken vs both Terran and Zerg, but Terran is slightly favored against zerg, too.

The ladder data is irrefutable. Protoss is hugely overpowered. In the pro scene, Protoss win the most tournaments and a Protoss places higher in total earnings than any Terran on Earth.

And, most of this happened before the recent buffs to Protoss (void ray, shield battery, etc), which haven’t been around long enough to affect tournaments. Get ready for tournaments to look exactly like Grandmaster league (45% protoss).

Of course it is, if that’s what your fragile little ego needs to tell itself, so that you can go on living after I decimated you 4 games in a row, have at it.

I’ve never seen your mmr over 4500 but I’m sure you beat much better Zergs because you play mech. Mech is the ultimate crutch for bad players.