Patch 5.0.8 update?

Anyone know why starcraft suddenly got an update today?

To disappoint us all yet again…


Map pool update, nothing for us Coop plebs. But eh, least it means the servers aren’t going anywhere, yet.


A shame, consider how long SC1 lasted previously, I thought they would at least try to do the same with SC2.

When I saw an update, I had the reflex to go check Zagara in the map editor.
I wonder if her P3 is fixed (as in, she can get her frenzy on herself now).
I can’t tell if what I saw meant yes, or if it just meant “the caster must be a Zagara still alive”.

edit: Damn, played with Zagara P3, seems it really was the latter, some useless spell condition rather than a bugfix, so Zagara frenzy still is bugged :frowning:

I’ll assume that H&H are still bugged too.

See, there is no reason to believe their “no content but bug fixes are a thing” is really a thing. It’s not. Just enjoy any bugs or exploits and assume they are there forever.

The death bonus mastery?

Correct. That has no effect, as it was moved to P1.

Apparently by fixing bugs they meant fix more bugs to sc2, if rumblings about archon mode being gone from the versus menu is any indication.


it applies to units with the Summoned tag, which Zagara is not. An easy fix would be to make it apply to the Heroic tag instead

I wouldn’t be so sure. Anytime an update doesn’t break something is to me a victory :\

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That’s a low bar haha, but touché.

Didn’t they updated Diablo II after like… 4~5 years, or was it 7years?

The update killed all the Archon modes, options, filters, and statistics. This update assertively earned its position in the Loss column. Can you hear Blizzard laughing, as they flail their machete at our community? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I was talking strictly about Coop.
(although, coop may be headed there some day! :open_mouth: )

Eventually… I’m willing to bet Coop might stick to the bitter end though, since it’s still a source of revenue (if much smaller than it used to be).