Not being able to tranfuse off creep has made bc

Yet every topic is nerfing everything but MMM even you want to return to hots meta.

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I wasn’t calling you that. I was making a point that low and mid tier players like you or I should not dictate or be dictating the balance of the game, and especially not someone who is playing at a bronze level.

We should absolutely be balancing for the pros, but that doesn’t mean we dont have QoL changes like the HT getting auto attacks, or the widow mine displaying which unit is being targeted to more easily counter-split against it,

I disagree, frankly. Personally, the fact that theyre no longer producing new content, such as skins, coop commanders or campaign dlc is what killed it, along with long periods of silence from the balance team, and being very, very late to the free to play party. The game is still getting new players even now, though not quickly, I still see new people all the time on reddit and the like. And frankly, most of them are the sort not to post in places like this. You’re free to believe what you like though.

I wasnt talking about 12 years ago. It was a fairly recent thing, I think the patch before skytoss became meta, maybe even the start of the skytoss era as well, but died off as players learned to counter it more effectively. I’m not in a position to go back and look right now as I’m out of the country, but we actually saw the build fairly recently in GSL if memory serves.

So do I, so what?

I never claimed its an autowin except in low MMR, please try to use your small brain and read the whole text. I see why you play terran.

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If you don’t think how the game plays for 99% of the player base matters, then I can’t help you see reason. This is why no one plays ladder, especially new players to the game. Ya’ll are toxic.

If people completed the AI training, they should be able to beat a 5 minute BC “rush” lol

People who don’t even do basic study of the units in the game, and the tech tree, should not be complaining.

Okay, the whole text, as requested…

No mention is made about “low MMR”. Neither did the previous post which you were responding to. And btw, no one watches low MMR games.

I assure you, everyone can see you are not only repeatedly lying, which is a fact, but you are are clueless about the game.

BTW - for the people in the thread who AREN’T compulsive liar clueless crybabies like CellarDoor,

Here’s what the pro scene actually thinks about zerg and terran balance. In actual reality. Not some forum crybaby’s imagination.

Quote from commentator Tasteless (longtime GSL commentator, and probably one of the most overall knowledgeable commentators of the overall big picture of the pro scene for many years.) Quote from 2022 GSL Season 2 Code S Ro 10 Week1 Group A - 48 hours ago.

“Now of course Maru here. Look, he’s been looking amazing. In great form here. Obviously, you, know, I think most of modern Starcraft 2 has been very very Zerg dominant. But you know I think if Maru wasn’t…if he didn’t exist in the lineup of players, Terran would look a lot more hopeless. We would have just have to make this into Warcraft 2 and just have zerg and protoss here.”

  • Tasteless, when commentating live, Maru vs HerO, June 26 2022
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Haha projecting much? Looks like I never used the word “autowin” even though you claimed I did. I have caught you in a lie twice in this thread but you are too stupid to even see it. What a moron. Is your mother a liar like you? Is that where you learned it from?

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Here, since you apparently can’t even read your own posts…

Sorry, but actually read the post where you claim I lied. I flat out did NOT say BC are never used in pro’s. Did not say that.
There was no lie. I said it is “probably the least used or ever seen unit at the pro level”. That’s a quote. Sorry, dude, :frowning: I personally have gone entire GSL’s without seeing one. Both of which are true. Get over it, and stop making a complete fool of yourself.

On the other hand, your claim that BC is an “auto win” is just plain unambiguously a lie. You are a constant liar. That’s now a proven fact.

Maybe you could, you know, just stop the constant crying while being childish, consistently wrong, and also lying?

BTW - for the non irrational zerg. Could we maybe get back on topic. Ignore CellarDoor, he derails every thread he is in with personal attacks and irrational crying.

So…I have posted a valid on topic objective observation from other people about how the pro scene pretty much universally considers Terran as underperforming, and Zerg dominating. OP, perhaps massive buffs for zerg are not what’s needed?

How can that be since Zerg has no time if attacks against Terran. Are best only soft counters Terran units.

If anyone thinks Terran under power is only bias.

Zerg gas heavy then Terran, Zerg units way weaker. Zerg is underpower by are tech tree,

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lets also not forget that almost half the terran army does spash damage. where as protos have two units and zerg has 3. thats not including caster of any race, just straight attack units. Also terran has freaking drugs man. Like seriously it would be nice for my zerg to take drugs. Another thing terran has, is every single unit they got can be repaired healed, much faster than any zerg unit in the game as well as all toss sheilds who have litterally no healing beyond the sheilds.

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And it’s not possible that your opinion is biased? Zerg player?

Facts and hard numbers: Zerg dominates the tournament scene with by far the most premier tournament wins. With protoss as second, and terran last.

2021 Premier tournaments win’s and 2nd place.

Zerg wins 10 2nd place 10
Protoss wins 7 2nd place 7
Terran wins 4 2nd place 4

2020 Premier tournaments win’s and 2nd place.

Zerg wins 11 2nd place 5
Protoss wins 3 2nd place 9
Terran wins 5 2nd place 5

2021 Premier tournaments win’s and 2nd place.

Zerg wins 11 2nd place 10
Protoss wins 2 2nd place 4
Terran wins 3 2nd place 3

And it’s been like that for many years.

Also they interview pros, and commentators make comments. Almost everyone on the pro scene says either zerg or toss is strongest. Very very very few pros say Terran is the strongest race. Haven’t for many years. I’m not telling you my opinion. I’m telling you the professional player’s opinions.

Zerg have:

Infestor (both), bane (ground, melee), ultralisk (ground, melee), mutalisk (semi-splash: ricochet - both), lurker (ground)

Protoss have:

High templar storm (both, DoT, friendly fire), archons (both, short range), disruptor (ground, friendly fire) colossus (ground)

Terran have:

Reaper grenade (ground, minimal damage, short range, friendly fire), ghost EMP (shields/energy only, both, friendly fire) siege tank (ground, friendly fire, minimum firing range), widow mine (both, friendly fire, short range, recharge time), helion (ground, low damage, short range), hellbat (ground, medium damage, extremely short range), thor (air, small radius, low-damage multi-attack that is drastically affected by armour), and Liberator (air, low-damage, multi attack drastically effected by armour), Raven AAM (no damage)

Terran definitely has a lot of AoE. But every single one comes with some sort of caveat - often multiple - and some of those don’t effect air, while others don’t effect ground, and one of those AOEs will actually not do ANY damage at all.

Perhaps surprisingly, protoss actually has the least AoE in the game, but their’s tends to be some of the strongest or most effective and synergistic AOE in the game as well.

Protoss shields recharge quickly on their own - 2 shields a second - after not taking damage for exactly 7 seconds.

Zerg have transfuse which heals 75 hp instantly and an additional 50 hp over a short period of time, as well as having rapid regeneration on mutalisks, which is 1.4 hp a second, and - as far as I am aware - will heal through damage being dealt. Though this is rarely an issue due to how fast things in sc2 deal damage.

Terran has to make medivacs specifically to heal bio, and has to spend money to repair mechanical units and buildings.

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lmao dude ok first off i said no casters, straight attack units only, i did forget the lurker so that makes four. protos litterally only have the archon. terran have siege tank, libs, thors, widow mines, helbats/hellions. Again im only going by the non castor straight attack, which if we went casters, then again terran still got way more. and yes one may deal no damage, but terran also has a freeking nuke which if dropped in the right place will annilate litterally your entire army, and thats any race, no matter how beefed up. Ive never seen a single unit of any race survive a dead on nuke. Hell there was a really good clip of one of the pros loosing an entire fleet of carriers in one the big matchs and it cost him the game.

Yes as i said toss sheilds recharge already stated that, but there health does not so you will still always be a damaged unit. Yes queens have transfuse, at 50 a pop and are really only good for other queens not a mass army. and as i stated zerg health does regen but not as fast as any medivac healing or worker repair, and i for one would gladly trade minerals for healing, and would be happy to build a freaking healing unit to such as medivac or even medics, yes i know there not on ladder, if you count them. Mutas only heal outside of battle meaning they dont heal when taking damage, and there is a delay before your healing kicks back( not sure if its a proximity thing or timed thing from the point of the last damage)

You completely miss the point I’m trying to make though.

Despite the amount of splash - protoss has archons and colossus, by the way - that terran technically has, you rarely actually see more than one or two forms from terran because every single one of their splash units has some sort of big caveat to using them. Tanks have a minimum firing range, and friendly fire. Widow mines don’t benefit from upgrades and are technically spell casters because their attacks do spell damage, and they also do friendly fire. Hellion splash is short range, low damage and limited due to the combination of being line-splash and short range. Hellbats splash damage is almost negligible because it’s a cone attack with 2 range, and its only job is to soak. Thors splash damage is a low damage multi attack that is drastically effected by armour upgrades because each point of armour is counted 4 times against its attack. Liberators have a short range AA attack that has the same issue as thors, though to a lesser extent.

Yes, they have a lot of splash. But every single one of theirs has huge caveats that have to be worked around. Also, then there is play differences you have to take into account between going bio and mech and battlemech as well.

wow big mad in this thread

So from a 2v2 angle I think transfuse off creep is a bit irrelevant, in that sense it was not bad they removed it. One of the arguments is true, repelling battlecruisers with queens is more difficult without transfuse off creep, however this is to say that you could not bother to spread creep tumors to extend the range of creep around your base areas. In 2v2 that is more often as you wont creep over to your allies areas because they wont be able to build. Battlecruisers are seen often enough in 2v2 as well, one player can defend/harass while the other techs into it, the battlecruisers are both a harass and lategame option so it is very potent in the right scenarios. However while trying to rush into battlecruisers you are vulnerable, so it is not really the most amazing or unbeatable strategy.

I like to build a lot of queens and bring them across the map if I ever felt like I was winning, usually while I am playing mutas, the queens are a good meatshield for my 2v2 partner and require a lot of focus from the enemies. With transfuse off creep, this was a very potent strategy as even on larger maps and against multiple players trying to deny creep you can have the benefit of transfuse. I think it is better now that you need creep to transfuse.


Very few people care about the pro scene, because the non-pro scene (which is 99.9% of the player base) was ignored in balancing, thus, there are very few people left to enjoy the pro scene.

Even a year later I am reeling from this queen nerf.

The last patch was very good. It actually helped the pro and casual scene (for instance carriers being targeted before interceptors when in range of a unit). These are the kind of changes that are needed to revive the game.

Yet this queen transfuse nerf from the previous patch still remains.

I can no longer punish dumb play and cheeses. I have to absorb and defend the cheese, and then proceed with standard macro play, as if nothing happened.

This gives the cheeser a “get out of jail free card” when their cheese fails against zerg. A

Assuming they aren’t brain dead and can spot and kill a nydus with a cyclone/banshee/immortal/stalkers, the ability to retaliate with an overabundance of queens was removed from the queens (an overabundance that you were forced to build).

This means you are free to launch a cheese against zerg at the Non-Pro level (which 99.99% of the player base and games played), because if its fails, there’s nohting erg can do to punish you.

Essentially it gives protoss a terran a two-sided coin.

Heads: You in.
Tails: Transition back to standard.

For zerg its:
Heads: You lose.
Tails: Transition back to standard.