Nooooo you cant cheese every gaem!

Well probably half the Protoss I face against are Terran or Zergs who switched races. I played MightyKiwi the other day and I was in a serious mood and just trounced his Zerg play. His Zerg is about 5700 mmr. Then he switches to toss and I lose. Lmao. Blizzard has thrown any semblance of balance out the window. Sure, they should try to give Protoss a shot at winning tournaments but you don’t do that at the cost of screwing up balance for 99.99% of players. You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. The people who play the game are way more important than some 20 year old apm spammers who call themselves “professionals”. Seriously. Balance doesn’t matter much at that level anyway since it’s 99% decided by who clicks slightly faster and that person is usually Serral.

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