Nooooo you cant cheese every gaem!

Ladder GMs: Nooooo you cant cheese every gaem! That’s CHEATING!!!


What, you thought I’d play a straight up game when balance is this FUBAR’d? :ok_hand: :rofl:

Is your new alt called logoshot?

You switched to Terran?

Nope. I haven’t played at that MMR level in awhile because the way Zerg is forced to win in LotV is equivalent to dragging your face across asphalt. It takes a thousand times more effort for a zerg to beat a skytoss player than the reverse. The same is true for TvZ. What was once amazing Terran micro is now stimming backwards into tanks or using rapid-fire snipe. Whoopdeedoo.

My goal has been to get into GM with the most eccentric plays possible. I have that game where I beat “playa” using mass queen nydus for example. Recently, I have been trying to get swarm host plays to work vs bio terran players, and it’s so impossible it’s frankly insane. If I manage to get GM with this, Blizzard legitimately needs to send me a medal.

The irony of this is that my opponents call these plays “cheeses”. Like, no. That’s not how anything works. A cheese is actually good. These builds aren’t cheeses, you’re just bad. Winning with these builds breaks the laws of SC2, because it shouldn’t be possible to win like this.

Also, if I had to guess, this player is likely Caleberacous or Hunta. It’s hard to tell because one of the biggest predictors of who you are playing is their MMR value and Blizzard has definitely retuned the MMR algorithm. In fact, the MMR algorithm might be dynamic now. People who were once 5800 mmr are now 5300 for example. So that player might be someone substantially better than either of these two.

Come back to these forums after more than a year - same poster posting the same nonsens that he has been posting for more than ten years.

Good going Batz!

Objectively false. For example, I defended Protoss for a long time when Terrans were whining about TvP. Once it became clear that Protoss was, in fact, overpowered, I changed my opinion. I base my opinion on the facts, and those facts are determined from data mining masses of replays. As a computer scientist, I have a background in this very field. I have programmed game engines for RTS games. I have designed RTS games. I have made mods for RTS games. Just one of the RTS games I worked on had about 15k downloads. I am probably the most informed person on the planet when it comes to state of Starcraft 2. You’d be very hard pressed to find literally anyone on the entire planet who has data mined replays. You can probably count those people on one hand. A) Nobody cares to do it. B) The skillset to do it is extremely rare.

My technical knowledge of RTS games is so vast and precise that I was picking up on the fact that the design team for SC2 was doing “shadow balancing” where they adjust hidden settings for units behind the scenes. For example, the leash range on the broodlord. They bumped down the lock range of the brood but increased its leash range. For a period, the leash range on the broodlord was insane. They eventually got rid of that to help out the thor. Their theory was that the broods would take a hit from the thors by entering lock range then would move out of lock range to safety, so it would tip the scales towards the thors because they’d get at least one hit off during the battle where before they would get none. In reality this was a buff to the brood because you’d hit the thor farthest on the edge of the ball of thors. This would trigger the lock for all your broods, and then you were safe to move out to the leash range where they could safely fire the broodlings. So, one thor got one shot off as a result of this change.

There have been many such instances. Another one was there was a change in the steering algorithms for hellions to make it harder to surround them with lings. I’ve implemented boid steering algorithms enough times to be able to see and classify the behavior of units as they move (cohesion, adhesion, avoidance, etc). There was a definite change to the way hellions behaved that made them much more slippery when being surrounded by lings. I could go on and on. I’ll bet you never even noticed. Just compare WoL era games to current LotV games. Nothing substantial has changed in that time period with regards to hellion micro yet many more hellion surrounds happened back then.

Were? You mean they stopped doing that now?

It never has been and it never was in the last 5 years at the top GM-level.

As the most informed person on sc II you just suffer from the fact that all of the GM’s, the vast majority of the forum and about everyone with double or triple digit IQ disagrees with every bit of it. You can datamine those statistics from the reactions on your own posts.

You could have gotten more laughs if you started your posts with ‘my momma is so big that…’

I’m sure the song is better then your replays.

Kind regards

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Show me the survey or I block you this millisecond.

We just need to look at the flindingus reddit account. gemini also wasnt pleased about the things batzy posted…

That’s a line he never wanted to cross…

True. Hes the real og. i wouldnt mess with him.

You mean the one with 10k karma in the science subreddit and -10k karma from the whiny subreddits? Please, let us.

1.7k upvotes, 2 golds, a helpful award, a silver, and a helpful healthcare hero award. A similar post within the SC2 community would be obliterated in downvotes and receive hundreds of troll replies. The SC2 community is not very smart, which is how you know this video game is a very easy video game.

That wasnt the question at hand.

That was the question at hand. You wanted a survey. I think the sc2 reddit karma history tells the story :slight_smile:

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I think it’s hilarious that randos on a video game forum think they can go toe to toe with accomplished researchers merely because they can downvote someone. Lmao. Oh, so you found my comment history. Amazing.

Also wasnt the question at hand. you wanted proof of sc2 ppl disagreeing with you and we have it.

All that that is is proof of how incredibly pretentious I can personally be when I see people spreading misinformation and I decide to call them out on it. I absolutely eviscerate people’s beliefs and they generally don’t like that.

My personal favorite was the professor of mathematics from Chicago. Yep, I absolutely slaughtered him in that debate. His first mistake was to assume that “game theory” was referring to the field of mathematics called “game theory” when it quite obviously referred to the theory of games, e.g. how to design them, balance them, play them, etc. From the context it was a strange connection for him to make, and then digging into his post history it’s obvious he was an academic. He was constantly linking to one professor’s curriculum, had a style of speech similar to mine, so it wasn’t hard to connect the dots.

You try really hard to dodge how miserably you failed?

No one cares about your bla bla. Only that you failed is important. You asked for proof and i can give you the flindingus account :smiley: We have it right there.


Lmao. They care a lot. It must drive you mad not being able to downvote here. It’s interesting how much plebeians love the internet. I think it’s a power trip. They don’t have any significant power in society so they go online and exert their power with as much force and excess as they can muster.


No not really. Like literally no one agrees with you here and there are so many ppl here pointing out how completly wrong you are. Thats fine for me. I dont need downvotes.

Projecting much?

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In just the other thread I quoted 6 accomplished AI researchers who have published research almost verbatim to the opinions I post. But, I am to believe I am wrong because some randos on the internet can downvote? :ok_hand:

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