Nooooo you cant cheese every gaem!

Thats cool and all but the Things you quoted doesnt Match what you are saying. So again, No one Cares.

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There it is – the blatant lie – the admittance that you are wrong / that you have nothing to offer this conversation.


Give me a quote where they say that apm is synonym with Skill. That its actually the Same. Please give me the Link where they state 300 apm will Always Equate gm :slight_smile:

You have No Power Here. Same with the baneling discussion. You lost hard and you know it.

I think it’s interesting how you’ve moved your goalpost so far that if you can find literally any quote which doesn’t appear in the research, literally word-for-word, then all quotes don’t appear in the research / the general arguments aren’t the same. From the very start of the thread I said better plays have higher APM because they don’t have to spend time thinking about the right answers. That’s exactly the arguments made by those researchers.

The standards you hold are so insane that they are proof that a reasonable person would disagree with you. You know you are wrong: that’s why you have to invent absurd standards.

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Yeah thats correct. But i Recall you saying some stupid stuff Like apm=Skill. Which is obviously nonsense.

But high skill=high apm (or Something Like high skill Expression) is pretty obvious.

Lmao. Only a forum troll could say “A=B” is wrong then say “B=A” is right. What a complete disaster.

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Dude…really ? How Low can you Go. I actually separated the 2 cases. So they havent the Same meaning.

How dare that guy be right and use argumentation to prove it. What a low blow, man. You can’t just, like, win arguments. That’s uncalled for!

The way you play the game is by inputting actions into the game. Of course various metrics about game actions will be strongly causally linked to skill. That’s a no brainer. You’d have to be literally insane to deny that playing the game is causal with winning the game. It’s such a fundamentally absurd premise that you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the person you are talking to is lying to your face if they say anything else. It’s like saying water isn’t wet.

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But you havent proven anything. You havent won the Argument. I simply Said there is a difference. A very skilled Player will have high apm but high apm doesnt make you a skilled Player. Hope you understand it now.

An unskilled player can’t have consistently high APM, and the researchers that I quoted proved that. The correlation is a two way street. You can’t have it only one way. That’s not how correlations work. If there is a correlation between high skill and high apm, it’s synonymous to saying bad players don’t have high apm. This mystical “low apm high skill” player doesn’t exist.

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Its correlation Not causation. Glad you Admit that. Meaning an unskilled Person can have 200 apm but be below the League where its the average apm. Like idk Masters and he would be d2.

Please prove how an unskilled Player cant click 1 and 2 Button within 1 second for 60 Seconds. That would be 120 apm alone. Not really difficult to do :smiley:

Just to have 1 counterproof that busts your whole argumentation:

idk who these players are i just looked at hero unit tab at replaystats.

we see a 3296 mmr zerg with 310 apm on average in a match that lasted 28 minutes while he won vs a terran with 3348 mmr (higher) with 212 apm (lower) while your average mmr table which you showed said they should rather be gm level players. kinda weird no? i bet your next argument will be that these players are elazer and heromarine in disguise :stuck_out_tongue:

debunked. myth busted.


Please see:

20 chars

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And thats Proof for unskilled Players cant have Higher apm ? Well i dont know Buddy.

This still doesnt conclude serrals 200 actions = my 200 actions.

Please See Definition of causation:

noun: causation

  1. the action of causing something.

“the postulated role of nitrate in the causation of cancer”

  • the relationship between cause and effect; causality.

plural noun: causations

“a strong association is not a proof of causation”

Meaning merely counting actions in apm dont cause anything. Not a single Thing. You can Set Control group 1 and 2 and Spam 1 and 2. These are actions. But they are Not causing Skill. They dont make me better at the Game. And i strongly Point to a strong association is Not a Proof of causation. My dear im afraid you got that all wrong…

The Problem is Actions can cause Something but they dont have to. Correlation is Not causation. Back to school Buddy.

Haha posts

and then continues exactly the nonsence he has been spewing for more than 10 years on these forums!

if it wasn’t for Protoss imbalance. That or EU Diamond = NA GM

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Nah it’s just a forum troll flaunting his inability to understand a player’s average APM across all games vs average APM after a single game. I’ve explained it so many times that there is no possible way he misunderstood – it’s obvious he’s doing it deliberately. I just blocked him and he doesn’t exist as far as I am concerned. I forgot how literally insane these people are. Like, this place needs medication for real. I suspect a mental health clinic somewhere, that houses long term patients, has a computer room. I don’t mean that in a joking manner. I quite literally believe it. It’s the only explanation at this point. I hope they get their schizophrenia treated and get feeling better. But, I am not wasting any more time talking to them.


There is a metal music video for every occasion.

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I understood that perfectly. But the problem is batzy is too salty to admit that its not causation but correlation. There is no doubt that apm is a form of skill expression but saying they are synonym is a pretty dumb thing to do. Saying low level players cant dish out 200-300 apm is just rubbish. Ofc they can but that wont help them at all. They cant dish out that many useful actions tho. Thats true. But thats a whole other debate.

I actually lolled at that comment. Its a good one.

The person you linked switched to Protoss himself. The evidence is undeniable.

No. He is a protoss but offraced with zerg. Which is pretty funny because he had so much apm. LOL