Nerf skytoss - carriers and void rays ruin this game for me

Carriers must be nerfed for this game to be close to balanced at mid level . I mean masters and below.
Nerf void rays and you get even closer to a balanced game, at even lower levels (platinum and below).

But the carriers with the interceptors taking the agro, i mean, it’s so obvious, it’s stupidly overpowered, it’s not even funny.


Lol ever try do focus fire command instead a move and agro away your army? Plus you complain about dead unit for he s price and supply cost already l2p issue


If you know very well what they are going to do, shouldn’t you be able to stop it…? Everyone else slightly above your level can do it. It’s not hard at all by the way - 6 minute carrier rush that is


I see three problems with interceptors.
1 range is slighty too far.
Interceptors should cost minerals and be manually build.
And unit uprages shouldnt affect interceptors at all.
However carriers should have more health to compensate this “weakening”. About 150%.

Void rays shouldnt stack, void rays are too fast and toi cheap.

Phoenix should be stronger anti air than it currently is to be viable against late anti air unit. But it should be slighty slower to prevent early rushes and base abuse.

They do

Bring it on, not a big deal. In BW was like that.

Why not, on condition that Interceptors would be level 3/3/3 no matter of the level of Cyber and Shield Upgrades.
Read carefully the Raven’s post:

That will help you (and the numbskull that opened this whine-thread) beat Protossers higher than Silver.

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Skytoss came since ground protoss army not exist thx lurker bane walls or just ravager bile spam void ray? Corraptors witch viper parasit bomb or just infestor witch fungal can deal


If he want he can learn that even without my post

Here’s a fun story. My buddy and me wanted to introduce a mutual friend to the game, so we fired up a melee (using big game hunters mod) and gave him time to get his bearings in a RTS game. Explained some of the mechanics over Discord, settings, hotkeys and the like. It was literally his first game. We then gradually turned it into a free for all, once he got to read what each unit does, had all his production buildings down and such. Needless to say my buddy owned half the map, I owned the other half, while “the new guy” was sitting on one base and an expansion.

We fought a while amongst ourselves, took a jab at the newbro’s army who succesfully defended … so we sent something bigger. Which he had no trouble at all defending against. Proceeded to wipe my army, then wiped my buddy’s army, subsequently wiped my new army; then took on both simultanously no sweat. We had a good laugh when he F2 a-moved us both off the map.

He was Protoss, and it was the last melee we ever played. Deathballs are real. So far the only counter I’ve seen is “don’t let the Protoss get past 10 minutes”. Not whining about it; we usually stick to arcades or cooperative against A.I. but I understand the Protoss hate. I really do. It’s ridiculous to the tenth power. I have no idea how to counter that stuff (but I’m a BroodWar player so … hydralisk went up in price, mutalisks are nerfed into the ground, scourges are gone, defiler’s gone, and corruptors are half-as sed devourers without the weapon glue so how am I even supposed to deal with tempests and carriers??? There’s nothing in my toolbox as far as I can see LOL Half a devourer and a crooked hydralisk hahahaha yeah)


There is no need to nerf a part of the game just because you specifically have trouble with it.

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" I’m new to this game, I started playing what I thought was the campaign. It was pretty cool, I played with the Protoss race. I was winning everything, everything felt a bit to easy, but hey, it’s a campaign, that must be normal i thought. Suddently a GM badge appeared in my screen, and I realized, i’ve been playing ladder the whole time"

Yes many switched to AOE4. For me the only civilization game I kind of played was EE and I like to play such old games on a phone. So if I find a way to run it. No time to learn a new game but waiting for what Frostgiant brings

Right work on be better each game hard better say protoss op i leave lol


Playing against protoss is not just “getting better or gitgud”. You have to play perfectly in order to counter most protoss cheeses and all-ins. One mistake - you’re dead.

Here is real example from my game which really pissed me:

  • i lost to proxy void into tempest with tectonic stabilizer and despited having hidden expansion and pumping reactored vikings i still lost. I my protoss opponent had …40 apm compared to my 125. I was like WTF ???

  • another good example also from my game:
    i went mass BC, i managed to hide all my starports, fusion core etc. Protoss DIDN’T scout it so he didn’t know i was going BC, he had few stalkers, 1-2 archons and lot of chargelots. I still lost the game because of blink stalker warp-in + shield overcharge. Now imagine same situation in reverse - protoss goes mass carriers and terran doesn’t scout - it’s insta GG.

Meh apm never be measure who do more for the win since you don’t save Vikings til crit mass against tempest

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No need to nerf, just bring back infested terrans, were soooo fun to play with. I supose it was nice to watch aswell. It do not prevent protoss air but it just prevents mass air.

I am all for returning the Infested Terran if they also would return the full damage (1 HP for 1 energy) to Feedback.
Zerg would gain an extra way to fight Airtoss and in the same time Protoss would gain a reasonable way of countering that.

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I would put carrier speed on the same level as broodlord one.

The game isn’t balanced around mid level. Never has been. Best get used to that because Blizzard has this game in maintenence mode and no big changes will be coming ever again.

With Microsoft Gaming, the hope is back for balance patches and new maps.

I would also like a change where Infestors are actually usable. Theu do have potential with the current spells, but the problem is that they are too squishy. To fix this problem, their HP could be the only tweak they need. Just make them tanky with 350 HP. Or make them invincible/untargetable during Neuro. The Infestor in its current state is a joke (for players below masters).


Fixed that for ya
20 char

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