Nathanias announcer is unavailable for purchase

Hello, I can’t find a way to purchase a Nathanias announcer in EU region.

I’ve created a post on reddit, and it seems NA players are unable to purchase it tough in-game shop.

Officail aannouncement is leading to essentially 404 page.

Is it still availabe for purchase?

dude those human announcers are the most annoying thing in the game, dont waste your money

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Doesn’t appear so on the website. It’s not available on any region.

On aside note, the link in the announcement doesn’t work because it uses the old Battlenet URL system, so it not working is to be expected. Any links that use the old system will 404.

There are a lot of items that aren’t available to purchase on the shop website or only available there in bundles.

If you go into the SC2 client and go to the Collection tab you can find most of these and purchase them from within the game.

I checked and Nathanias is still available to purchase through that tab. Others who can be purchased in-game but aren’t listed on the shop site are Vorazun, Pomf & Thud, Day[9], and Park.


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