My 1000 ascension star is different, why?

I am ascension level 1000 for SC2 co-op. I notice my symbol is different than other 1000 level players. Can you tell me why? My Star seems to be sitting in a “Chair”?

(htt ps:// remove space and copy/paste

Maybe it’s different if you maxed out every commander level or not.

It’s silly, but the star looks different if it’s the left or right player that’s level 1000


Other full ascension players have asked why mine was different.

And your commander is always on the left, so you see your star differently then the other player.

That’s interesting. Could you ask them to take a screenshot?

Screenshots always show up black, for some reason, in sc2. For me at least.

It depends on the race you pick…

It might depend on whether you have the game in full screen mode or windowed full screen.
Are you trying to paste to paint, or are you looking at the folder where SC2 automatically saves a screenshot every time you hit Print Screen?
The latter shouldn’t show up as black.

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Not from you, from one of your friends playing with you. I’d like to see how they see your star.

Mine always looks like this for me:

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Amazingly I can’t find a single picture of the person on the right with the star. But yup, that’s the normal one for the left side.

Here you go, check at 15.26:

Good find! Yup that’s the one.

The one on the right is closer to the old look for the ascension star, when they changed the design of the loading screen (where there’s just the CO and not their background units) they changed the star on the left but not the right.

[quote=“Warhead-2900, post:12, topic:8291”]

I did not know there was a sc ss folder. Ill look.
Thank you

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I am wondering too. What’s the difference between them. One is a star inside a circle, the other is a star fits in 3 triangles.

Could it be achievement related? Do you have them all?

I have the same star as you do, and I have all the achievements in Co-op. Other players with the star in the circle don’t have all the achievements, but I can’t tell if you need all commanders, or mutation bounties and other stuff.

I got all achievements during the free period, I didn’t lose any after the free period, but I still have the weird star

Did you guys get your star before or after the Brutal+ patch?

Stars will always look like this:
A larger one for you, and smaller in a circle for your co-player. Your co-player sees that the same: his star is a larger one and yours is smaller in a circle. It has always been this way and it is not achievement-related in any way.