Look. Do not respond to me. This is the last time I will interact with you, to tell you exactly that, that it is the last time I will interact with you. I have given you my reasons.
Just know that if I don’t answer you even once more it is simply that I will not subject myself to dealing with whatever crosses your mind. It has been proven enough to be pointless. I cannot block/ignore you with forum options so I will do so personally. I attempted to reason with you in the past and in other post have given you the reasons as to why I feel it was absolutely pointless.
To show you that your points lack logic in a variety of different points, I will adress them one by one for the last time.
-Have you even thought for a second that getting attack upgrades on the spire does basically the same thing as these upgrades but are less niche and offer more general utility? Why the hell would you want your attacks doing more bounces when you can get +1 on your mutas for those attacks to actually do damage? The units which would die to more bounces like marines already also die better to +1, ignoring the fact that we are assuming here that the best targets for this upgrade (masses of small units) already either have enough dps density to destroy mutas before they cna deal real damage like marines, already cannot shoot up like zealots or lings, of counter the units enough while the mutas would still benefit from a +1 instead of more bounces like thors or phoenixes. And the armor upgrade its pretty much the same as the +1 unless it is extremely powerful, in which case it would only serve to try to bolster the combat power of a unit not meant for direct combat while delaying the critical mass of mutas needed to oneshot masses of workers. It would only be good in the niche situation of needing to snipe certain buildings or units, in hich case the +1 does a similar job while being useful in more scenarios.
Your ling-bane into roach-ravager into lurker-viper wars are in many times not the norm. Look at serral games. There are nydus plays present, there are mutalisks, there are many variations of those compositions with different upgrades and timings. Mutas are viable enough on ZvZ to be used in the highest levels of play (both sucessfully and unsuccessfully, but the fact players keep going for them is still an indication of them being considered viable). There are units that are not made in the matchup, but those units are definitely not mutas. Mutas are quite popular for zerg players, other units would require attention first if you for some reason wanted every unit to be used equally in every matchup
“Buffing mutas directly might lead to an arms race of zerg buffs to stop 2 base muta and general muta rushes form taking over in ZvZ.” Notice the MIGHT. You cannot say that the statement is not true because it itself aknowledges the possibility that it is not true thanks to the MIGHT. I can understand that I am in no posession of the absolute truth unlike you, who always uses direct statements that never aknowledge that possibility.
Not true. A lot of games are not. You might want to use words like “some games” because the one making factually wrong statements is you.
Want another example?
Another example:
MIGHT be fair is how somebody whose arrogance is not over the roof would post that. Because you do not know if it is fair or not ot he exact impact of nerfing counters. Using your own words: “Not true, nerfing the counters will not leave them underpowered, it depends on how you nerf them”
And back to my statement of the arms race, there are surely ways ways to deal with that possibility while directly buffing mutas. But it is not an easy task like past events like HotS showed. But hell, because you are in the perfect posession of truth you know better.
Anyway. I think I have given enough reasons here and in other threads. I apologize for the strong language, I edited it out, was having a slightly bad day. I will now proceed to ignore you.