MULES are a joke

Terran Lose 50 SCVs and just spam MULES and get MORE INCOME than Protoss with 70+ probes. What a joke.


Cause low skill Terran need more help


that’s assuming terran has like 30 orbitals, but ok.

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They must have a lot of orbitals and banked a lot of energy

It’s part of the asymmetric core design of the game. Terran start fragile, required to invest upwards of two thousand minerals and 500 gas on unit production, not counting the economy costs. Then they reach their transition point and no longer have that production expense and can “oversaturate” their bases with mules, and their output is supercharged. This is why Terran strategy revolves around hammering their opponent at certain production capabilities; ie. 3 rax, 8 rax, etc.


3 Orbitals
timestamp: 27:46
22 workers + 7 MULEs out-mine a Protoss with 58 probes mineral wise.


Lol but don’t you know that blizzard has to fix the OP economy of protoss? I mean, they even admitted that’s how terrans “feel” so it must be true.



Those numbers don’t add up unless you are including workers that are not mining, oversaturating at 3 to a patch, or simply pulled off the line for some reason.

Mules typically mine at the rate of 3.5 workers. On far patches they can be equivalent to 3.94 workers because they lose less mining to travel time; and that puts Terran’s effective workers to a number between 46.5 and 50 if they were all on minerals. The extra 8-11.5 probes have to be doing something else that Terran’s SCVs are not.


The good ol late game scan the enemies base and spam mules to steal those minerals.

I’m sure you’re not interested in the facts but some people might be, so here is the math (taken from Team Liquid):

1 MULE mines 25 minerals per trip, 1 probe mines 5 minerals per trip. However, it takes a MULE 3.85 times longer to gather minerals than a probe. Which works to 6.49 minerals extra given the same time frame. About 1.5 minerals extra on average.

You state that MULEs will generate more income that 70+ probes. Lets see how many MULEs are needed to make that happen:

70 probes gather an average of 4285.40 minerals in a 60 second window, which is about the same life span as a MULE.

In order to gather 4285.40 per 60 seconds, you will need 19 MULEs.

Assuming all the Orbitals are at Full Energy, you will need 5 Orbital Commands to call down 19 MULEs at once.

Since only one MULE can mine from a mineral node at a time, you will need 19 unobstructed mineral patches to mine from.

As most bases have 8 mineral patches, you will need 3 full, available mineral lines to mine from in order to use the MULEs to their maximum efficiency.

The Terran must be on at least 5 mining bases, with 5 Orbital Command Centers with 200/200 energy each in order to generate the same amount of income as 70 probes (or SCVs or Drones).

70 probes at 50 minerals each equals a 3500 mineral investment.
5 Orbital Command Centers require an investment of 2750 minerals (assuming you don’t build any SCVs all game, and only use the original 12 to generate income).

After all the MULES have been called down, and mine for their 64 second life span, both players will have mined 4285 minerals, at which point the Terran income will drop to 0, and the Protoss will stay consistent.

So to sum up: MULES are really good.
But the scenario you have created is almost impossible to happen in game. It also doesn’t factor in things like scanner sweeps or chrono boost (or worker harass, or any other game elements).

Ramza, you need to stop posting your nonsensical whine posts every time you lose a game. MULEs are not the reason you are losing. GitGud.

Also: Replay-or-it-never-happened.


Yeah Mule never be reason in lose you wipe out 16 scv and bruh drop mule and comeback 1 mule=3scv


Post replay.
Oh wait… You can’t post a replay because you don’t even play the game given the absent game history… Nevermind.

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I mean, I trusted the game engine, that shows how much a player mine, or are you saying that is not to be trusted?

Oh no, first Terranicll calls me a liar and now you are calling me a liar?
Oh no, your opinion about me seems to be affecting me? What is this?
Eh, I’ll keep on posting facts.


You may not necessarily be a liar, but you do love all the attention you get from all your whining. In addition, all the claims you make have no evidence or real-world value. You should stop posting so much.


Terran OP. This is obvious.

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yes this seems legit, i can tell that you definitely play the game and have a DEEP understanding the the macro mechanics.

Shut up you stupid whineterran

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and definitively does not only watch lowko and doesnt even play and if he did play he would be in gold league.

Shut up… you stupid whineterran.

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