Most Wanted Commanders

I haven’t voted and man, that is hard.
I’ll have to go with the UED theme, so DuGalle (or Morales since she is UED).

Curious as to your thinking regarding Tosh being a hero unit commander. Quite honestly, it makes more sense to me for him to NOT be on the field as a personal hero unit. We already have a covert specialist hero unit commander in Nova, and Tosh would be better distinguished by not being on the field and instead represented with his unique Spectres and spectre-themed units.

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I see him the most suited to be a hero unit from the possible (at least in my mind) Terran commanders. Warfield could be a marine, siege tank, Archangel or Gorgon-class battlecruiser for example but none of those sound padticularly interesting. Except the Archangel maybe. Same goes to Davis.

Valerian or Arcturus would also have to be a mech based unit, possibly battlecruisers.

And as to why I think the next is going to be Terran with a hero unit, well, there are only five Terran commanders and six-six from the other races. And so far all the races have three-three heroes except the Terrans.

I wouldn’t mind an original commander concept. I imagine the devs might have some unused assets laying around. I know Stukov’s bunkers originally were an animation for Kerrigan converting enemy bunkers in Zerg abominations for the campaign, but were scrapped.

If I can’t cast a vote for original concept, put my vote down for DeGulle.

I don’t think we will have Tosh, since there is not skinset for him and Blizzard still have 4 skinset to be use (Umojans, Golden Age, Tyrador and Cerberus)
Valerian make more sense to have the Umojans skin

My vote goes to Tosh.
I’ve been waiting for Tosh for 2 years now, and until he becomes a commander, I will not change my vote.
For me he is the obvious pick :

  • he has a clear theme (terrain psionic powers, terrazine, jorium, spectres) ;
  • he is one of the most wanted by the community ;
  • he is Terran (race that is supposed to happen).

This vote is for “The Most Wanted Commander”, here is mine.
The team have already decided who will become the next commander, so I can only hope that they choose him.

I am interest in how they gonna make the Overmind commander.
Edit: yes.

Is that a vote for Overmind?

I vote for Arcturus. He is one of the most interesting and no cliche characters. They can give him emperor’s guard units or he can be as Sons of Korhal leader again with his rebel army.

I mean, he turned pretty cliché in WoL and HotS.

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Yes, I agree, that’s the most problematic part of Starcraft 2. most of characters turned cliche. But still Arcturus has a very interesting story and background and without doubt he deserves to be on the list much more than stettman, hanson and many others.

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I agree, I’d love to see him and his ruthless strategic genius. His psi destroyer would be a great anti-hybrid weapon.


My vote goes to Prince Valerian. I was promised battlecruiser city! (By some random person in co-op chat.) With 5 different types of battlecruisers!

On that note I find it interesting how the only commander who can spam BCs is Raynor and there’s almost no point since his infantry can deathball so hard. While H&H have BCs, it’s almost impossible to spam them with the resource cost and cd. You’d think Swann’s mechanical army would have the terran’s (subjective) ultimate unit but nope.

On the flip side Fenix has gas and tech requirements removed from his structures so he can spam carriers much faster and easier than Raynor. While Karax has carriers his combat units costs are increased making it harder but nowhere near as bad as H&H.


Some nice Umojan action could go on with Valerian, not to mention Gorgons.


They could just ship General Warfield and Valerian together cuz they’re basically the same thing with Valerian just being slightly more high tech.

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I want Selendis.
Some commanders, such as Alarak, use infantry as their main troops and use their abilities to summon powerful spaceships or entire fleets. Me would like to Selendis in as a basic troops had a powerful fleet (very like would see new models big space ships, to example substitute for battlecruiser) and also called for very strong elite teams infantry (or teleported their recognized on the field battlefield). After all, she is the supreme commander of the Delaam Protectorate, and her executive functions are not limited to maneuvers with the Golden Armada. Undoubtedly fleet is the embodiment of her strategic qualities, but she also often acted as a zealot, commanding elite infantry units to solve local problems, and during the invasion on Aiur provided logistical and tactical support to all troops on the planet, effectively leading the invasion.
Only here is quite recently found in files game commentator Stone (this the specter of from Nova companies), and in a whole me seems, that Blizzard very strongly dislikes Selendis. So there is no hope for his imminent release.

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I don’t see what Stone getting announcer files has anything to do with Selendis, she also has an unfinished Co-op unit in the editor too (basically just the mothership from Safe Haven). The announcer files were added with Cradle likely to potentially make him a paid announcer in the future since they had him in the studio, they don’t have anything to do with him as a commander.

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I’ve always wanted Daggoth to be added. Old leader of the Tiamat Brood and the one with the Hunter Killers. He would be great


Stone me but I don’t know who Selendis is.

She’s the one where in WoL you had to choose to side with Terran (Ariel) to save the colonists or side with Protoss (Selendis) to wipe them out due to infestation.

She again appears in LotV fighting along side Artanis then obviously against while under Amon’s control.

I guess because she commands the Golden Armada with Artanis, people on the forum tend to associate her (and therefore her concepts) with similar theme, even though many commanders have proven to be bits and pieces of the canon lore.