Most "Boring" Commander?

There’s a thread about which commander is the weakest, might as well start a thread on which is the most “boring” (from P0 ~ P3). After all, we play co-ops for fun first and foremost, maybe?

I prefer commanders with 1) Variety of play styles and units combo (w/ or w/o prestige), 2) Ability to assist teammates outside of combat, 3) How through do I utilize every aspect of the commander (i.e. units, upgrades, etc), 4) Mechanical uniqueness, and lastly 5) Character and unit appearance/lore/appeal.

At the moment, I have no desire to play Raynor, Kerrigan, or Zagara. I confess I have short experience with them but I’ve also seen many as teammates, can’t say I’m intrigued.


I checked the full list of commanders to be sure, but no, as far as “boring” is concerned, I could not find better/worst.
Others have things that allow to push back the bordedom (even if it may take a prestige), so in the end, it’s Abathur.

Note that boring isn’t equal to bad, weak, or even “not fun” as it is comparatively to other commanders.

I don’t find any commander particularly boring, but some commanders are harder to play well which means more focus and less running around stomping Amon. Others like Zagara P1 are fun for a while, but a bit repetitive, so I usually use P3.

Kerri I actually find lot of fun. Try out P2 with lots of Kerri micro and plenty of Omegas. zap zap zap!

Probably Zagara for me. I don’t really like the idea of having a suicide army and her unit diversity is not so great. Her least boring prestige for me is P2 as it allows me to have staying presence, obviously P1 turns that suicide squad theme up to 11 and I find P3 to be trying too hard to be Kerrigan but not quite but it does have its uses like the mutation a couple of weeks back. Second one would probably Vorazun but only if I’m against sky-terran/toss because her AA is not that good unless you use calldowns.


Can you still mind control like 300 supply of enemy units? IIRC that was one of the fun Vora things to do.

Stukov … :sleeping:
He’s got style but damn he’s boring. I don’t own Tychus but he comes across as boring too.

Raynor’s my favourite – I enjoyed the WoL campaign and he reminds me of it. But I can see how he can be boring, and I would rather not have him as an ally.

Not with the gas prices nowadays!

yup you can still mind control things beyond your unit cap.

oh yeah. I find Stukov’s P1 boring (P2 is out of the question). probably because you’re trying to be a mech zerg but you still need to get infantry upgrades (when running siege tanks) to fully optimize your army and I think the cost reduction is still on the low side as I still burn through my bank quite fast. I do like his P3 as you can really feel you are commanding a zombie horde as you flood your enemy with a river of infested. As for Tychus, he’s exciting at first but when you find that most of the outlaws are niche except for the marauder, warhound, and reaper then it also gets boring running them over and over again but you can get away in standard brutal if you want to fool around with the other outlaws.

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I think these 2 meet most of your preferences. Raynor has scans and medics (which for me is a godsend when playing commanders without any way to heal like Fenix or Alarak). Kerrigan has creep that buffs ground units and (but only if your ally knows how to utilize it) can provide mobility for both of you with her Nydus worms. Raynor can run bio, bio/mech, sky-terran depending on prestige. Kerrigan can field a variety of units and with a proper matchup run even mass air. You can even get away with just running only her (with proper mastery that is). Sadly since they’re free commanders most of the inexperienced folk end up using them but they are very strong and rewarding once you properly play them.

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Stukov. Some characters have a ton of their economy automated which is boring (Nova, Zeratul, Tychus) but Stukov has his army completely automated which is much worse.

You can break this mold with his prestiges which I appreciate, but that requires leveling him twice to unlock which I don’t care to do just to play a CO who plays more similar to Raynor or Swann who I enjoy more.

I’ve never seen anyone runs Raynor P2, perhaps its worth a try.

As for Kerrigan… My primary dislike is towards the Queen herself. I don’t find her as intriguing as other hero units, but I should try some more I guess.

I do when I play him, there’s one or two other people that used to frequent the forums as well. It’s really best for bio-mech or Vulture-mech, since you get less mech overall.

For me, they’re all interesting from time to time, but with Zagara and Stukov I get bored playing them faster than the others.

I don’t really recommend P2 except for defense missions. The mech stim isn’t worth the cons for me. Better running P1 with bio + your choice of support mech (I usually run BCs) your bio is so tanky you get to save resources to buy mech units to shore up their weaknesses (e.g. vikings vs. air comp, siege tanks for zerg ground, etc.)

As for Kerri for me she’s more interesting and more impactful than Zagara (I mean take a look how broken P1 is despite not having Zagara) she can solo the early-mid game while you tech up your late game army. Just remember to find the most value with your assimilation aura and immobiliziation wave. And most importantly remember to spread creep/worms. Like in versus, Kerrigan should be preferably fighting on creep.

I should really learn how to use vultures but I hate using cheesy tactics in general.

Spider mines are not cheesy at all, they’re a core mechanic being used as intended.


Considering most CO’s can wipe entire waves with a single press of a button… I don’t think getting the macro up for sustained mine production and clearing toward spawn locations is very cheesy. Especially since most enemy waves still have a few flyers in them as well.

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Agreed, it’s one of the things that allows Raynor to stand apart from the other high offense COs, and gives him a niche compared to the more power crept COs.

Now, near the start of the mode, when the mines couldn’t be targeted, that was cheesy as all heck.

Stukov has some of the best mech imo
Tanks diamondbacks libs banshees

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Another big thing with automated refineries (for Z and N) is it saves them 9 to 12 supply of workers when fully saturated on gas.

Given how I’m not a fan of hunting for AF, I’m glad they provide all the benefits they do.

I call them cheesy because there’s no cheese in coop at all as you do what you have to do to ensure you win the mission and I respect that. It’s just that spawn camping with mines (admittedly as effective as they are) is boring to me as opposed to building a proper army and taking on the enemy waves with it. Same as how I don’t like to scourge snipe void shards (if I’m not about to lose that is), or going up that upper left raised area in RtK as Mengsk to build a forest of ESO’s and then clear the mission with minimum APM.