Most "Boring" Commander?

There are actually some genuine cheeses. It’s up to you what extra challenges you add to a mission to make it interesting for yourself. In the case of spider mines the idea is that you’re doing both at the same time, mining and building an army to clear. In that case the challenge is to play as Raynor but keep up with commanders like Zeratul or Dehaka.

I like this quote:

The term “Cheese” comes from the adjective “Cheesy”. The not-so-subtle innuendo there is that a victory via so-called “cheese” did not come from the players own skill, but was merely because the loser was unprepared for the “cheesy” tactics that lead to their loss.

What qualifies as “cheese” will undoubtedly vary from player to player, but generally the term refers to exploiting system mechanics in a way unanticipated by your opponent, or otherwise not balanced around.

Things like hiding command centres and then using topbars or supercloak, bugging out attack waves, etc. are all cheeses. Using cheeses against Amon is completely up to each person since sometimes you just want to complete a really hard brutation and don’t care how you do it.

Wasn’t there some sort of Raynor cheese where you just drop pod Marines or something behind enemy lines and kill all the objectives without moving out of you base? lol Not sure if they fixed that.

Global drops are something that Raynor does, so I wouldn’t consider that cheese, but there probably is a cheese that combines that with another commander.

you can use that to give vision of objectives for call downs that need it or the drakken laser for example

I suppose you could supply block yourself, queue units from lots of production buildings then let uncap by dropping the depots. could be useful to emergency kill some objectives like in the final launch wave in void launch or rifts to korhal or thrashing

I think that was mengsk where you could call down a bunker into void shards and the enemies couldn’t target it but I might be wrong.

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Raynor and Artanis could cheese lock and load by dropping Marines behind the locks and warping in Zealots after them.

Was fixed many years ago, though.

Zagara P1 would be my vote. F2-A-move. You just need to make sure you have enough Hatcheries to keep up with productions. This doesn’t fix EVERYTHING, as there are some enemy comps you need to place more attention to, but it’s otherwise a one-trick pony that gets the job done.

For that reason, it’s why she’s my go-to pick for many Brutations. The difficulty level can get really cranked up, so I just want something that’s easy to handle, but will still work. I don’t want to be playing 2 pianos at once, or juggling 2 sets of balls/objects at once with COs like Mengsk, as I’d be hard pressed to get them to a point where they’d be effective.

How was this fixed now? They added enemy forces there so you now need to fight to claim the lock?

If I’m thinking of the same issue, units in front of the lock wouldn’t aggro when you dropped units behind and just cleared the few defenders in vision range and then claimed the lock. Amon now has an aggro range around each lock. On other maps Amon will also more actively look to take out units providing vision for your units or Swann’s laser drill, though I forget the specifics.

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Braindead, overpowered commanders that ask very little of the player on a macro level. I find them quite boring.

I do play her occasionally, but I can see how Zagara could be considered boring. Her army is pretty one-note. P3 can be fun though.

Are we pretending that macro is hard for coop?

Fenix has entered the chat?

I dunno he does have interesting base gameplay with the suits and utility somewhat though his prestiges arent particularly interesting overall.

If we’re also talking boring Prestiges I guess Fenix would be considered one of the most boring. P1 just makes your suits become calldowns and creates control group issues for me (plus it makes you need to make observers), P2 makes you play like Tychus (admittedly the most interesting one for me but the execution is a bit tedious and sloppy), and I don’t even get what P3’s theme is really since Fenix isn’t a zerg commander and protoss units aren’t meant to be expendable. I just went back to vanilla Fenix after trying out all 3.

For me, the most boring commander is definitely Artanis.

Some commanders have variety of strategies and tactics to choose from depending on mission or enemy comp (e.g. Raynor, Vorazun, Karax).
Some other commanders use more or less the same build, but execute it with style (e.g. Alarak, Zagara, Swann).
There are also OP commanders which can solo the entire maps, yet require some skill and make it feel rewarding (e.g. Tychus P2, Mengsk P3, Kerrigan in general).

Now, as for Artanis, it’s all the same boring stuff:

  1. Expand, build a gate, a robo and a stargate, queue the upgrades.
  2. Drop the power-field, warp-in some guys, F2-A-click.
  3. Relocate, and repeat the previous step.

No feeling of strategy choice, no feeling of skill applied, no variety to use, no special effects — just mass a deathball and straight up kill everyone all the time.
Of course, there is P2 that makes him a bit more interesting… but still not interesting enough for me.

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tbh I find a combination of void ray Corsair and Dark archons to be more than sufficient to handle nearly any aerial threat without the need for top bar abilities though dropping a pylon or black hole certainly still helps.