[MM] Testing Karax Changes

What’s the difference here? Enemies will continue to attack that unit, instead of going after other units (that are vulnerable)?

Correct. Units that fire on that unit within those 3 seconds will apply all debuffs, if i recall right(so worse against propagators, but who goes mass mirages against propagators?), but will deal no damage(useful against scourges).

Perfect for making a couple for that purpose against swarmy. It’s genius.

Hmm, I’m not sure I like how it means the enemies won’t retarget though. The power of having a massive mirage fleet is the fact that the enemies will spend so much time cycling through the mirages that none of them die, this way I fear that 1 mirage will draw aggro from enough units that once the 3 seconds are up it will pop almost instantly.


Few changes to the Karax 2.0 mod for the Immortal:

  • Shadow Cannon is available without the upgrade.
  • Shadow Cannon upgrade is renamed to Improved Shadow Cannon which lets Immortals store one additional charge on the ability.

The goal is to have more strong and fun to use baseline, and useful but not strictly necessary upgrade.

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Immortals gonna clap renegade xel’naga cheeks with double shadow cannon, and there’s nothing amon can do to stop them

Lol, nice, nothing like the good feel of spams of shadow cannon (uh improved).

Having noticed all these changes to Karax, one part of him that does not quite stand out very much is Reclamation on the Energizer. Due to it effectively being locked to one reclaimed unit per Energizer, the ability does not synergize well with army strategies as you need to spend lots of gas on Energizers to steal any significant amount of enemy mech units.

Possible changes for this are:

  • Remove the cooldown on Reclamation. This would let small amounts of energizers contribute more significantly to fights and let them take advantage of their massive energy pools (tell me when you ever run out of energy on an Energizer anyway?)

  • Add offensive buffs to a reclaimed unit. Reclaimed units do not do much on their own, and again requires significant investment to steal enough units to get anything effective done. Adding buffs to reclaimed units would provide greater incentive to using the Energizer in a situation such as that.

I don’t know how well this would turn out, but ultimately something needs to be done. Reclamation is easily the weakest part of Karax 2.0’s kit as of right now since it simply… doesn’t stand out anymore, and it’s very clunky to use.

Hmmm… I’d make pylons also able to phase around. I’d hate to leave pylons scattered around the map :frowning:.

Also, the thing I’ve always hated about Karax (and love about Swann) is that all of his defenses are one target only (boring), and mostly regular old every-protoss-has-the-same-cannons with number tweaks (range upgrade, attack speed upgrade, and such) that Swann also has. His monoliths are also HUGE, and I don’t like that, it makes them clumsy to put around. It would be fun if Karax’s cannons had a “shrapnel” cone AOE just like Mengsk’s marauders :laughing:

combat chrono boost does help mitigate the single-target nature of his static defense by dramatically increasing the fire rate of the target.

as for letting pylons phase around… that’s literally the energizer’s job, to be a portable field. setting up a pylon means it can’t move but you have a bigger power field to work with, while energizers are more mobile at the cost of a smaller power field.

That’s Karax design. You have strong single target static defences that synergize with Spear of Adun’s area-of-effects: Orbital Strike, Solar Lance, and Purifier Beam.

And no one is prohibiting to add few colossi to the defensive line too.

Well, they would still be as static as static defenses are with this phasing tech. We have an army that has the job of being a portable attack force and static defense being able to be used as an “attacking force” by phasing it forward won’t take an army’s job anytime soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Repositioning them doesn’t make them “mobile”, as the phasing ability takes time and has a cooldown, while Energizers still reign supreme in that regard.

I just want to rearrange pylons instead of the tried and true but not very conceptually coherent method of destroying the pylon and building another one!

Yeah, I guess. But I’m just saying that it’s very boring even in defense maps :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish certain units had a “set up as static defense” setting similar to hold position, but they would be considered “buildings” and not selectable by dragging around or F2 (double click would select all of the “defending” units on screen). Maybe they could enter this mode by right-clicking hold position (autocast sparks would then appear on the button).

Army control bugs me a lot when leaving some dudes behind as defense, to be honest.

Whenever I try to get cheap and skip out their energy upgrade, they run out real fast. Maybe I’m just overaggressive though.

I think that was one of the better things they did, tweaking it just right.

I wish more of the researches are like that, where you can see a noticeable difference.

So what if–hear me out-- you DIDNT use F2 and used steal control groups. Come on man, you’re just ASKING for someone to say “get gud”

There’s another thread discussing the viability of Graviton on Hybrids. Can we test this in a future update?

I don’t believe it’ll be that game breaking and would be rather fun.

Improved Shadow Cannons has an issue in that casting shadow cannon interrupts the last one, meaning you don’t get the full damage on a target.

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is it possible to replace Mirage’s Graviton Beam ability to stun or slow (hero/hybrid) Any Air units? (Like Dragonhawk Rider’s Aerial Shackle)
(Mirage can attack during Aerial Shackle, Shackle is maintained from 8 range, when moved outside shackle is cancelled).

The enemy ground units can be mopped by Sentinels and SOA anyways and this ability can give Mirage more efficient Air superiority.

Is Mana Flare useful? I never tried using them.

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Thank you. It’s fixed now.