The forum sticky “FORUM GUIDELINES - PLEASE READ” has a link to the “code of conduct”. This link does not work, and instead redirects to the home page.
Hey Imposter, thank you for letting us know about that broken link! It has been fixed.
Hi Skelgarer,
Wanted to check a point about the guidelines of the general discussion, and saw that apparently the link to the code of conduct was broken again. And it seems that also applies to others categories, as well as the EU website. Using the opportunity of Imposter’s thread to mention that once again.
PS : can’t report it there since the guidelines threads are always locked.
The general discussion is managed by different teams. It would be best to report the link issue on the #general-discussion for the appropriate team to fix it up. Thanks for the report either way and I’ll see if anyone else can fix that there. Since this discussion has been inactive for some time, going to go ahead and close this thread.