Mengsk Masteries

Set 1
Laborer and Trooper Imperial Support Gain - 1% per point
Royal guard Support gain - 1%

Set 2
Terrible Damage - Top bar abilities gain damage, 1% per point
Royal Guard cost reduction - .667% per point

Set 3
Initial Starting Imperial Mandate - 2% per point (it actually gives 2 mandate points per percent, so 60 points at start at 30/30.)
Royal Guard Experience Gain rate - .5% per point


Any info on Mandate mechanics?

If you do not have enough mandate, you get kicked out of office. So you have to hold an election every 120 sec. Its pretty damn cool.

This looks like masteries done right. You can spec heavily into elite units, or into the calldowns, giving you different play style options.


Nothing as specific as mandate per supply, but basically every unit you have generates mandate.
And his Imperial Witnesses speed up the process when they hover over your units they’re in indoctrination mode.
Basically, always have a Witness hovering over your supply lines.

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I did that last night, never got more mandate.

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Yeah I was doing a test, the numbers said 0 (other player had dropped if that bugged it)

Sorry for stiupid question but does your coop works? We cannot play coop as one of the partners is alwais kisked and the other gets some texture problems. Any idea?

I’ve heard this works:

(Patch 4.11.0 co-op is full of bugs - #100 by Tangor-21102):

You gain a certain amount of Mandate over time which allows you to get calldowns and on later levels improve said calldowns based on your Mandate level. Your Watchers or whatever they are called don’t give you more Mandate because you aren’t level 5 yet. That having been said, it’s still owrth it to move one over your mineral line because you get 20% extra speed out of them.

Either this is incorrect, or this only is a 2% Royal Guard cost reduction.
If it’s a 2%, holy crap. This is without a doubt the WORST Mastery I’ve seen ever.


Pretty sure the 0 is supposed to be before the decimal point (someone posted a screenshot in another thread, let me see if I can find it).

20% mining speed or movement speed? movement speed is irrelevant once saturated.

When you get to lvl 5, your elite units will generate additional mandate, and your troopers/workers will generate a bunch but only when they are near a deployed blimp.

Meanwhile I’m here on full masteries generating 100 Mandate/30sec wondering what everyone here is going on about. Thug life.

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And why would that be?

Workers get to the mineral lines faster, but mining speed itself stays the same. There’s not much net gain, but functions similarly to Stetmann’s drones in a speed field.

You might be able to avoid having a worker or two on the line, depending on the math for a 20% move speed boost. But that would be counter productive to Mandate generation.

There is some gain, though whether it’s enough to make a difference, everybody has to judge for themselves. It was nice with my Tychus when my Mengsk ally put his Propaganda Blimp over my mineral line.

Per a rather fantastic post CtG made talking about blue Stetzone and if it were worthwhile to spread to your partner:

This would be assuming a 50% movement speed buff, so Mengsk would give about half that theoretically.

Personally I don’t think it’s worth it for the minerals, but each to their own. Easy Mandate generation has an argument to be made though.