Mengsk Masteries

I take whatever, whenever. He wants to put a Blimp over me I welcome it, even if I have to listen to propaganda.

Yeah, not like I would tell anyone off for doing it for me.

All that said, because of some quirks with Vespene it might actually be far more worthwhile there. Can’t recall any tests for a speed increase there though.

It’s not worth it because by the time you get starport out to make witnesses, your mineral lines would have been long saturated because Mengsk produces workers faster and cheaper than comms that aren’t Zagara and most other commanders would have been saturated too (granted that they expand and saturate ASAP).

Boosting the speed of workers in a saturated mineral line gives zero resource gain, because the speed at which they extract the resource is the same - so you simply get more workers waiting for their turn to get the resource because they return to the minerals faster.

So once your ally is saturated, putting a witness over your ally’s mineral line is a waste of your resources at zero gain because ally’s units don’t generate mandate.


Mengsk is too refined to be a thug. He’s a man with a mustache. You know, like Uncle Adolf and that Stalin dude running civilized European countries.

Dissent can only slow our progress!!!

That extra Imperial Mandate at the start of a game is amazing. You can just call down two supply bunkers and get 12 extra workers as soon as the game starts. It’s no contest between the marginally faster exp gain and 12 worker boost.

That is gonna create a misunderstanding. Only units that have the skill that affected by Imperial Wits ability can generate Mandate points and they also have to be under Imperial Wits ability to generate the Mandate points.

CC-trained units will generate Mandate when under the effect of a witness, while Royal Guards produce Mandate just by existing. Promoting them gives additional Mandate, as well.

Interesting. Still it might be better to rush two balloons to hower them over main and expo asap, which gives huge boost right from the start, as mandate from royal guards pay off later. So laborer imperial support gain mastery looks better. Maybe not, lets explore…

Yeah, i just pick enough for two bunker drops and either start clearing rocks from the get go or immediately saturate main, and with the group construction skill i’m getting some insane expa setup times out of it, id say faster than zeratul

The masteries let me feel like he is just a human Karax with a Terran Zergling equivalent that whas inspired by Zagara.

Because it doesn’t matter how fast your workers can get to the mineral field if that worker has to wait in line behind the last guy before they can start mining.

You’re about a day late with that but thanks.
@RickRumble can you help me out with some basic logic if you has the time?

Nah, id say he’s more of an Raynor/HH hybrid, with the massive mass of multiple flavors infantry alongside the costlier better units, with a pinch of swann on the side, that with spontanious bunkering and wacky speed teching with group building

I think he’s more of a Zagara-H&H mix.

What kind of logic, “if/then” or “elementary dear Watson”? Cause it’s been a long time since I’ve played with “if/then”.

Oh pretty simple. Or not, who knows. My brain isn’t functioning at its highest because it’s very early but let us see.
If Stetmann’s blue fields give 50% speed which only ends up giving so much benefit for a fully saturated outpost (because as others pointed out the workers just chill around the mineral patches, waiting) could the 20% speed give the same benefits (as it gives movement speed but because it’s less it also “reduces” the time the workers are having a party at the patch). Could less be more? Probably not.

I’m preeeeetty sure he was referring to his own playstyle as a thug tactic, not Mengsk. At least that’s how the meme goes.

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A fully saturated base at 21/21 will gain 0 benefit at all from any kind of speed boost. With 21 workers, every mineral patch is always being mined. Having workers move faster is just “hurry up and wait” because each patch can only be mined by one worker at a time.

One could argue the speed boost actually decreases efficiency because of worker bouncing but it’s pretty unnoticeable.

Ahh gotcha.

Yeah you’re right, you’ll pretty much get the same amount back. You’d get only a tiny amount more if the speed boost was 5 times normal speed versus no speed boost to be fair though.

The biggest impact may potentially be pulling some workers actually, because the more impactful change from a speed boost would be how fast you hit that full saturation point. Though a 20% boost may just make it theoretically half a worker less or something useless.

Although, come to think of it, because he’s a cheater Raynor would see a marked improvement of minerals gained. Cause his Mules give him two separate saturation levels on the same patches technically. Not that he needs it…